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  • 在Windows中安装Memcached










    安装memcached < 1.4.5:

      1. 将下载的文件解压到任意目录。

      2. 1.4.5之前版本的memcached会被安装成一个服务,以administrator打开控制台,运行下面的命令:

    c:memcachedmemcached.exe -d install

    * 注意将路径c:memcachedmemcached.exe替换成你本地的安装路径。

      3. 然后使用下面的命令启动或停止memcached服务:

    c:memcachedmemcached.exe -d start
    c:memcachedmemcached.exe -d stop

      4. 通过注册表键值来修改memcached的配置项。在运行中输入regedit.exe,然后导航到"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesmemcached"。修改其中的键值。例如你想增加memcached所使用的最大内存限制,可以修改ImagePath的值:

    "c:memcachedmemcached.exe" -d runservice -m 512

    * 除了参数'-m 512'之外,你还可以使用其它的参数。通过“c:memcachedmemcached.exe -h”可以查看所有能使用的参数。

      5. 如果要卸载memcached服务,可以使用下面的命令:

    c:memcachedmemcached.exe -d uninstall

     安装memcached >= 1.4.5

      1. 将下载的文件解压到任意目录。

      2. 1.4.5之后版本的memcached不能作为Windows服务来运行,必须使用Windows计划任务来运行它。要将memcached配置成当Windows启动时自动运行,在命令行运行下面的命令:

    schtasks /create /sc onstart /tn memcached /tr "'c:memcachedmemcached.exe' -m 512"

    * 注意将路径c:memcachedmemcached.exe替换成你本地的安装路径。

    ** 除了参数'-m 512'之外,你还可以使用其它的参数。通过“c:memcachedmemcached.exe -h”可以查看所有能使用的参数。

      3. 通过下面的命令将memcached从Windows计划任务中移除:

    schtasks /delete /tn memcached



      1. 查看你本地的PHP扩展包目录里是否有php_memcache.dll这个文件,如果没有,从https://pecl.php.net/package/memcache下载(选择windows dll文件),然后复制到PHP扩展包目录里。

      2. 在php.ini中添加下面的代码以启用memcache扩展包:


      3. 创建下面的php示例代码进行测试:

    $memcache = new Memcache;
    $memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ("Could not connect");
    $version = $memcache->getVersion();
    echo "Server's version: ".$version."<br/>
    $tmp_object = new stdClass;
    $tmp_object->str_attr = 'test';
    $tmp_object->int_attr = 123;
    $memcache->set('key', $tmp_object, false, 10) or die ("Failed to save data at the server");
    echo "Store data in the cache (data will expire in 10 seconds)<br/>
    $get_result = $memcache->get('key');
    echo "Data from the cache:<br/>



      1. 执行下面的命令进行memcached客户端的安装。第一个适用于Python 2.x,第二个适用于Python 3.x。

    pip install python-memcached
    pip install python3-memcached

      2. 创建下面的python示例代码进行测试:

    import memcache
    mc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0)
    mc.set("some_key", "Some value")
    value = mc.get("some_key")
    mc.set("another_key", 3)
    mc.set("key", "1")   # note that the key used for incr/decr must be a string.



    var Memcached = require( 'memcached' );
    // connect to our memcached server on host, port 11211
    var memcached = new Memcached( "" );
    memcached.set( "hello", 1, 10000, function( err, result ){
        if( err ) console.error( err );
        console.dir( result );
        memcached.end(); // as we are 100% certain we are not going to use the connection again, we are going to end it
    memcached.get( "hello", function( err, result ){
        if( err ) console.error( err );
        console.dir( result );
        memcached.end(); // as we are 100% certain we are not going to use the connection again, we are going to end it




    telnet 11211

    * ip地址后面的数字为memcached运行的端口号

    ** 在Windows 10中telnet组件默认并没有添加,可通过Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off来添加。


    pid 32u Process id of this server process
    uptime 32u Number of secs since the server started
    time 32u current UNIX time according to the server
    version string Version string of this server
    pointer_size 32 Default size of pointers on the host OS (generally 32 or 64)
    rusage_user 32u.32u Accumulated user time for this process (seconds:microseconds)
    rusage_system 32u.32u Accumulated system time for this process (seconds:microseconds)
    curr_items 32u Current number of items stored
    total_items 32u Total number of items stored since the server started
    bytes 64u Current number of bytes used to store items
    curr_connections 32u Number of open connections
    total_connections 32u Total number of connections opened since the server started running
    connection_structures 32u Number of connection structures allocated by the server
    reserved_fds 32u Number of misc fds used internally
    cmd_get 64u Cumulative number of retrieval reqs
    cmd_set 64u Cumulative number of storage reqs
    cmd_flush 64u Cumulative number of flush reqs
    cmd_touch 64u Cumulative number of touch reqs
    get_hits 64u Number of keys that have been requested and found present
    get_misses 64u Number of items that have been requested and not found
    delete_misses 64u Number of deletions reqs for missing keys
    delete_hits 64u Number of deletion reqs resulting in an item being removed.
    incr_misses 64u Number of incr reqs against missing keys.
    incr_hits 64u Number of successful incr reqs.
    decr_misses 64u Number of decr reqs against missing keys.
    decr_hits 64u Number of successful decr reqs.
    cas_misses 64u Number of CAS reqs against missing keys.
    cas_hits 64u Number of successful CAS reqs.
    cas_badval 64u Number of CAS reqs for which a key was found, but the CAS value did not match.
    touch_hits 64u Numer of keys that have been touched with a new expiration time
    touch_misses 64u Numer of items that have been touched and not found
    auth_cmds 64u Number of authentication commands handled, success or failure.
    auth_errors 64u Number of failed authentications.
    evictions 64u Number of valid items removed from cache to free memory for new items
    reclaimed 64u Number of times an entry was stored using memory from an expired entry
    bytes_read 64u Total number of bytes read by this server from network
    bytes_written 64u Total number of bytes sent by this server to network
    limit_maxbytes 32u Number of bytes this server is allowed to use for storage.
    threads 32u Number of worker threads requested. (see doc/threads.txt)
    conn_yields 64u Number of times any connection yielded to another due to hitting the -R limit.
    hash_power_level 32u Current size multiplier for hash table
    hash_bytes 64u Bytes currently used by hash tables
    hash_is_expanding bool Indicates if the hash table is being grown to a new size
    expired_unfetched 64u Items pulled from LRU that were never touched by get/incr/append/etc before expiring
    evicted_unfetched 64u Items evicted from LRU that were never touched by get/incr/append/etc.
    slab_reassign_running bool If a slab page is being moved
    slabs_moved 64u Total slab pages moved
    crawler_reclaimed 64u Total items freed by LRU Crawler
    lrutail_reflocked 64u Times LRU tail was found with active ref. Items moved to head to avoid OOM errors.



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jaxu/p/5196811.html
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