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  • winston日志管理1


    There are two different ways to use winston: directly via the default logger, or by instantiating your own Logger. The former is merely intended to be a convenient shared logger to use throughout your application if you so choose.



    Logging levels in winston conform to the severity ordering specified by RFC5424severity of all levels is assumed to be numerically ascending from most important to least important.

    winston中的日志记录级别符合RFC 5424规定的严重性顺序:所有级别的严重性被假定为从最重要到最不重要的数字上升。(数字越小,级别越高)


    The default logger is accessible through the winston module directly. Any method that you could call on an instance of a logger is available on the default logger:

      默认日志记录器可通过winston模块直接访问。 您可以在logger实例上调用的任何方法都可在默认记录器上使用:

    var winston require('winston')  与    var winston = require('winston');  var logger = new winston.Logger(); winston的方法在logger上都可以使用.

          var winston = require('winston');

      winston.log('info', 'Hello distributed log files!');
      winston.info('Hello again distributed logs');
      winston.level = 'debug';
      winston.log('debug', 'Now my debug messages are written to console!');


    var winston = require('winston');
    var logger = new winston.Logger();
    logger.log('info', 'Hello distributed log files!');
    logger.info('Hello again distributed logs');

    By default, only the Console transport is set on the default logger. You can add or remove transports via the add() and remove() methods:

     默认情况下,仅在默认logger设置控制台传输。传输使用console和文件. 您可以通过add()和remove()方法添加或删除传输:


    https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/blob/master/docs/transports.md  是transports的文档地址.

    winston.add(winston.transports.File, { filename: 'somefile.log' });    //这里是将日志信息放到somefile.log文件中

    winston.remove(winston.transports.Console); //这个只是将日志信息打印出来


    If you would prefer to manage the object lifetime of loggers you are free to instantiate them yourself:



    var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
        transports: [
          new (winston.transports.Console)(),               //console.log
          new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: 'somefile.log' })      //写日志文件

    You can work with this logger in the same way that you work with the default logger:

      // Logging
      logger.log('info', 'Hello distributed log files!');
      logger.info('Hello again distributed logs');
      // Adding / Removing Transports
      //   (Yes It's chainable)
    2.第二种实例化的方法 logger .add(winston.transports.File) //自由实例化他们的第二个方法,使用logger对象 .remove(winston.transports.Console);
    You can also wholesale reconfigure a winston.Logger instance using the configure method:
    var logger = new winston.Logger({
        level: 'info',
        transports: [
          new (winston.transports.Console)(),
          new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: 'somefile.log' })
      // Replaces the previous transports with those in the
      // new configuration wholesale.
        level: 'verbose',
        transports: [
          new (require('winston-daily-rotate-file'))(opts)

    Logging with Metadata  元数据

    In addition to logging string messages, winston will also optionally log additional JSON metadata objects. Adding metadata is simple:

    除了记录字符串消息之外,winston还将可选地记录附加的JSON元数据对象。 添加元数据很简单:还能记录对象的形式

    winston.log('info', 'Test Log Message', { anything: 'This is metadata' });

    这些对象的存储方式因传输而异(以最好地支持所提供的存储机制)。 以下是每个传输处理元数据的快速摘要:
    1. Console: Logged via util.inspect(meta)
    2. File: Logged via util.inspect(meta)

    Multiple transports of the same type  同一类型的多个transports

    可以使用相同类型的多个传输,例如 winston.transports.File通过在构建传输时传递自定义名称。


    var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
      transports: [
        new (winston.transports.File)({
          name: 'info-file',
          filename: 'filelog-info.log',
          level: 'info'
        new (winston.transports.File)({
          name: 'error-file',
          filename: 'filelog-error.log',
          level: 'error'

    If you later want to remove one of these transports you can do so by using the string name. e.g.:


    In this example one could also remove by passing in the instance of the Transport itself. e.g. this is equivalent to the string example above;这只是另外一种remove file的方法

    var infoFile = logger.transports[0];

    Profiling 分析

    In addition to logging messages and metadata, winston also has a simple profiling mechanism implemented for any logger:


      // Start profile of 'test'
      // Remark: Consider using Date.now() with async operations
      setTimeout(function () {
        // Stop profile of 'test'. Logging will now take place:
        //   "17 Jan 21:00:00 - info: test duration=1000ms"
      }, 1000);

    String interpolation 字符串插值

    The log method provides the same string interpolation methods like util.format.字符串的拼接

    logger.log('info', 'test message %s', 'my string');
    // info: test message my string
    logger.log('info', 'test message %d', 123);
    // info: test message 123
    logger.log('info', 'test message %j', {number: 123}, {});
    // info: test message {"number":123}
    // meta = {}
    logger.log('info', 'test message %s, %s', 'first', 'second', {number: 123});
    // info: test message first, second
    // meta = {number: 123}
    logger.log('info', 'test message', 'first', 'second', {number: 123});
    // info: test message first second
    // meta = {number: 123}
    logger.log('info', 'test message %s, %s', 'first', 'second', {number: 123}, function(){});
    // info: test message first, second
    // meta = {number: 123}
    // callback = function(){}
    logger.log('info', 'test message', 'first', 'second', {number: 123}, function(){});
    // info: test message first second
    // meta = {number: 123}
    // callback = function(){}

    Querying Logs 日志查询


    Winston supports querying of logs with Loggly-like options. See Loggly Search API. Specifically: FileCouchdb,RedisLogglyNssocket, and Http.

    var options = {
        from: new Date - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
        until: new Date,
        limit: 10,
        start: 0,
        order: 'desc',
        fields: ['message']
      // Find items logged between today and yesterday.
      winston.query(options, function (err, results) {
        if (err) {
          throw err;

    Streaming Logs 创建数据流日志

    Streaming allows you to stream your logs back from your chosen transport.

      // Start at the end.
      winston.stream({ start: -1 }).on('log', function(log) {
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jay--zhang/p/5978190.html
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