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  • 40行代码爬取金庸所有武侠小说



     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     2 import urllib.request  
     3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
     5 #get book's chapter
     6 def get_chapter(url):
     7     html = urllib.request.urlopen(url)  
     8     content = html.read().decode('utf8')
     9     html.close()
    10     soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
    11     title = soup.find('h1').text    #chapter title
    12     text = soup.find('div', id='htmlContent')    #chapter content
    13     #processing the content to get nice style
    14     content = text.get_text('
    ', '
    15     content = content.replace('  ', '
    16     return title, '    '+content
    18 def main():
    19     books = ['射雕英雄传','天龙八部','鹿鼎记','神雕侠侣','笑傲江湖','碧血剑','倚天屠龙记',
    20              '飞狐外传','书剑恩仇录','连城诀','侠客行','越女剑','鸳鸯刀','白马啸西风',
    21              '雪山飞狐']
    22     order = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,14,15,13,9]  #order of books to scrapy
    23     #list to store each book's scrapying range
    24     page_range = [1,43,94,145,185,225,248,289,309,329,341,362,363,364,375,385]
    26     for i,book in enumerate(books):
    27         for num in range(page_range[i],page_range[i+1]):
    28             url = "http://jinyong.zuopinj.com/%s/%s.html"%(order[i],num)
    29             try:
    30                 title, chapter = get_chapter(url)
    31                 with open('E://%s.txt'%book, 'a', encoding='gb18030') as f:
    32                     print(book+':'+title+'-->写入成功!')
    33                     f.write(title+'
    34                     f.write(chapter+'
    35             except Exception as e:
    36                 print(e) 
    37     print('全部写入完毕!')
    39 main()


    上面的运行结果“HTTP Error 404: Not Found”是因为这个网页不存在,并不影响书本内容的完整性。我们可以去E盘查看文件是否下载成功:

    ·  15本书都下载完毕了!整个过程才用了不到10分钟!爬虫的力量真是伟大啊~~

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jclian91/p/8058636.html
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