7-4 比萨配料 :编写一个循环,提示用户输入一系列的比萨配料,并在用户输入'quit' 时结束循环。每当用户输入一种配料后,都打印一条消息,说我们会在比萨 中添加这种配料。
prompt = " Please enter your choice of pizza ingredients: " prompt += ' Enter "quit" to end the program. ' ingredients = [] active = True while active: message = input(prompt) if message == 'quit': active = False else: print("We will add the " + message.title() + " to your pizza.") ingredients.append(message.title()) print(ingredients) 运行结果如下: Please enter your choice of pizza ingredients: Enter "quit" to end the program. pepper We will add the Pepper to your pizza. Please enter your choice of pizza ingredients: Enter "quit" to end the program. pepperoni We will add the Pepperoni to your pizza. Please enter your choice of pizza ingredients: Enter "quit" to end the program. quit ['Pepper', 'Pepperoni']