select b.user_name UserID, b.description User_Name, f.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME RESPONSIBILITY from FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS a, FND_USER b, FND_RESPONSIBILITY c, FND_APPLICATION_TL d, FND_MENUS e, FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL f where a.USER_ID = b.USER_ID and a.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = c.RESPONSIBILITY_ID and c.APPLICATION_ID = a.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID and c.APPLICATION_ID = d.APPLICATION_ID and c.MENU_ID = e.MENU_ID and d.LANGUAGE = 'ZHS' and a.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = f.RESPONSIBILITY_ID and f.APPLICATION_ID = a.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID and f.LANGUAGE = 'ZHS' and (a.end_date is null or a.end_date > sysdate) and (b.end_date is null or b.end_date > sysdate) and b.user_name = '55'