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  • Oracle EBS INV创建保留

    CREATE or REPPLACE PROCEDURE CreateReservation AS 
            -- Common Declarations
            l_api_version       NUMBER      := 1.0; 
            l_init_msg_list     VARCHAR2(2) := FND_API.G_TRUE; 
            x_return_status     VARCHAR2(2);
            x_msg_count     NUMBER      := 0;
            x_msg_data     VARCHAR2(255);
            -- WHO columns
            l_user_id          NUMBER := -1;
            l_resp_id          NUMBER := -1;
            l_application_id  NUMBER := -1;
            l_row_cnt       NUMBER := 1;
            l_user_name    VARCHAR2(30) := 'MFG';
            l_resp_name    VARCHAR2(50) := 'Manufacturing and Distribution Manager';   
            -- API specific declarations
            l_rsv_rec                   INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.MTL_RESERVATION_REC_TYPE;
            l_serial_number             INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.SERIAL_NUMBER_TBL_TYPE;  
            x_serial_number             INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.SERIAL_NUMBER_TBL_TYPE;        
            l_partial_reservation_flag  VARCHAR2(2) := FND_API.G_FALSE; 
            l_force_reservation_flag    VARCHAR2(2) := FND_API.G_FALSE; 
            l_validation_flag           VARCHAR2(2) := FND_API.G_TRUE;  
            l_partial_reservation_exists BOOLEAN := FALSE;        
            x_quantity_reserved         NUMBER := 0;
            x_reservation_id            NUMBER := 0;
            l_primary_reservation_qty   NUMBER := 2;   -- total qty 
            l_subinventory_code         VARCHAR2(40) := NULL;  -- will create a hard reservation
            -- Load required data into cursor, the present cursor will load serial numbers for given item
            CURSOR c_items IS
            SELECT msi.organization_id, msi.inventory_item_id, msi.segment1, msi.primary_uom_code
            FROM mtl_system_items_b msi, mtl_parameters mp
            WHERE msi.organization_id = mp.organization_id 
            AND msi.segment1 = 'SU_TEST_STS3'
            AND mp.organization_code = 'M1';
            -- Load required serial numbers to be reserved
            CURSOR c_serials IS
            SELECT msn.inventory_item_id, msn.serial_number
            FROM mtl_system_items_b msi, mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_parameters mp
            WHERE msi.organization_id = mp.organization_id 
            AND msi.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
            AND msi.inventory_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id
            AND msi.segment1 = 'SU_TEST_STS3'
            AND mp.organization_code = 'M1'
            AND msi.serial_number_control_code not in (1, 6)  -- item is not serial controlled / controlled at sales order issue 
            AND msn.serial_number BETWEEN 'S1' AND 'S2';   -- can leave this NULL if item is not serial controlled
            -- Get the user_id
            SELECT user_id
            INTO l_user_id
            FROM fnd_user
            WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
            -- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
            SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
            INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
            FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
            WHERE responsibility_name = l_resp_name;
            FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); 
            dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
            -- Initialize Serials to be reserved (if Item is serial controlled)
              FOR ser IN c_serials LOOP
                l_serial_number(l_row_cnt).inventory_item_id := ser.inventory_item_id;
                l_serial_number(l_row_cnt).serial_number     := ser.serial_number;
                l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
              END LOOP;
              dbms_output.put_line('Item not serial controlled / serials not provided');
            -- Initialize Reservations Record
            FOR itm IN c_items LOOP
                  -- Initialize the variables
                  l_rsv_rec.organization_id          :=   itm.organization_id;
                  l_rsv_rec.inventory_item_id          :=   itm.inventory_item_id;
                  l_rsv_rec.requirement_date           :=   sysdate + 3;
                  l_rsv_rec.demand_source_type_id        :=   INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.G_SOURCE_TYPE_INV;
                  l_rsv_rec.supply_source_type_id         :=   INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.G_SOURCE_TYPE_INV;
                  l_rsv_rec.demand_source_name            :=   'INV_RSV_'||itm.segment1;
                  l_rsv_rec.primary_reservation_quantity  :=   l_primary_reservation_qty; 
                  l_rsv_rec.primary_uom_code              :=   itm.primary_uom_code;
                  l_rsv_rec.subinventory_code             :=   l_subinventory_code; 
                  l_rsv_rec.demand_source_header_id       :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.demand_source_line_id         :=   NULL ;         
                  l_rsv_rec.reservation_uom_code          :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.reservation_quantity          :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.supply_source_header_id       :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.supply_source_line_id         :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.supply_source_name            :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.supply_source_line_detail     :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.lot_number                    :=   NULL ;  -- optional 'EXPLOT200' ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.serial_number                 :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.ship_ready_flag               :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute15                   :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute14                   :=   NULL ;        
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute13                   :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute12                   :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute11                   :=   NULL ;  
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute10                   :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute9                    :=   NULL ;      
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute8                    :=   NULL ;  
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute7                    :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute6                    :=   NULL ;  
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute5                    :=   NULL ;       
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute4                    :=   NULL ;   
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute3                    :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute2                    :=   NULL ;   
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute1                    :=   NULL ;   
                  l_rsv_rec.attribute_category            :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.lpn_id                        :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.pick_slip_number              :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.lot_number_id                 :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.locator_id                    :=   NULL ;
                  l_rsv_rec.subinventory_id               :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.revision                      :=   NULL ; 
                  l_rsv_rec.external_source_line_id       :=   NULL ;      
                  l_rsv_rec.external_source_code          :=   NULL ;      
                  l_rsv_rec.autodetail_group_id           :=   NULL ;     
                  l_rsv_rec.reservation_uom_id            :=   NULL ;     
                  l_rsv_rec.primary_uom_id                :=   NULL ;    
                  l_rsv_rec.demand_source_delivery        :=   NULL ;  
                  -- call API to create reservation
                 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Calling INV_RESERVATION_PUB.Create_Reservation API');        
                          P_API_VERSION_NUMBER   => l_api_version   
                        , P_INIT_MSG_LST         => l_init_msg_list 
                        , P_RSV_REC       => l_rsv_rec      
                        , P_SERIAL_NUMBER     => l_serial_number            
                        , P_PARTIAL_RESERVATION_FLAG => l_partial_reservation_flag 
                        , P_FORCE_RESERVATION_FLAG   => l_force_reservation_flag   
                        , P_PARTIAL_RSV_EXISTS           => l_partial_reservation_exists 
                        , P_VALIDATION_FLAG             => l_validation_flag      
                        , X_SERIAL_NUMBER             => x_serial_number              
                        , X_RETURN_STATUS             => x_return_status
                        , X_MSG_COUNT                 => x_msg_count    
                        , X_MSG_DATA                 => x_msg_data               
                        , X_QUANTITY_RESERVED           => x_quantity_reserved
                        , X_RESERVATION_ID             => x_reservation_id);      
                 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||x_return_status);
                 IF (x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message :'||x_msg_data);
                 END IF;
                 IF (x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
                     DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Reservation ID :'||x_reservation_id||' Quantity Reserved:'||x_quantity_reserved);
                     FOR srl IN 1..x_serial_number.COUNT LOOP
                        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Serial Reserved:'||x_serial_number(srl).serial_number);
                    END LOOP;
                 END IF;
            END LOOP;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');
    END CreateReservation;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jenrry/p/10020862.html
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