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  • Oracle EBS OPM 查询现有量

    --created by jenrry
      p_inventory_item_id NUMBER := 231652; --NOT NULL
      p_organization_id   NUMBER :=  104; --NOT NULL
      p_subinventory      VARCHAR2(30) := 'JSK01';
      p_locator_id        NUMBER := NULL;
      p_lot_number        VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
      p_qty_type          VARCHAR2(30) := 'QOH';
      p_onhand_source     NUMBER := 3;
      l_quantity NUMBER;
      -- reutnr msg parameter
      l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
      l_msg_count     NUMBER;
      l_msg_data      VARCHAR2(2000);
      -- return quantity parameter
      l_qty_on_hand               NUMBER;
      l_qty_res_on_hand           NUMBER;
      l_qty_res                   NUMBER;
      l_qty_sug                   NUMBER;
      l_qty_att                   NUMBER;
      l_qty_available_to_reserve  NUMBER;
      l_sqty_on_hand              NUMBER;
      l_sqty_res_on_hand          NUMBER;
      l_sqty_res                  NUMBER;
      l_sqty_sug                  NUMBER;
      l_sqty_att                  NUMBER;
      l_sqty_available_to_reserve NUMBER;
      l_revision_control         mtl_system_items_b.revision_qty_control_code%TYPE;
      l_lot_control_type         mtl_system_items_b.lot_control_code%TYPE;
      l_item_serial_control_code mtl_system_items_b.serial_number_control_code%TYPE;
      --contorl parameter
      l_is_revision_control BOOLEAN;
      l_is_lot_control      BOOLEAN;
      l_is_serial_control   BOOLEAN;
      -- get attribute of the item
      SELECT msi.revision_qty_control_code, msi.lot_control_code, msi.serial_number_control_code
        INTO l_revision_control, l_lot_control_type, l_item_serial_control_code
        FROM mtl_system_items_b msi
       WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND msi.organization_id = p_organization_id;
      IF l_revision_control = 2 THEN
        l_is_revision_control := TRUE;
        l_is_revision_control := FALSE;
      END IF;
      IF l_lot_control_type <> 1 AND p_lot_number IS NOT NULL THEN
        l_is_lot_control := TRUE;
        l_is_lot_control := FALSE;
      END IF;
      IF l_item_serial_control_code = 2 THEN
        l_is_serial_control := TRUE;
        l_is_serial_control := FALSE;
      END IF; 
      inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(p_api_version_number      => 1.0,
                                             p_init_msg_lst            => fnd_api.g_false,
                                             x_return_status           => l_return_status,
                                             x_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
                                             x_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
                                             p_organization_id         => p_organization_id,
                                             p_inventory_item_id       => p_inventory_item_id,
                                             p_tree_mode               => 3,
                                             p_is_revision_control     => l_is_revision_control,
                                             p_is_lot_control          => l_is_lot_control,
                                             p_is_serial_control       => l_is_serial_control,
                                             p_grade_code              => NULL,
                                             p_demand_source_type_id   => -1,
                                             p_demand_source_header_id => -1,
                                             p_demand_source_line_id   => -1,
                                             p_demand_source_name      => NULL,
                                             p_revision                => NULL,
                                             p_lot_number              => p_lot_number,
                                             p_subinventory_code       => p_subinventory,
                                             p_locator_id              => p_locator_id,
                                             p_onhand_source           => p_onhand_source,
                                             x_qoh                     => l_qty_on_hand,
                                             x_rqoh                    => l_qty_res_on_hand,
                                             x_qr                      => l_qty_res,
                                             x_qs                      => l_qty_sug,
                                             x_att                     => l_qty_att,
                                             x_atr                     => l_qty_available_to_reserve,
                                             x_sqoh                    => l_sqty_on_hand,
                                             x_srqoh                   => l_sqty_res_on_hand,
                                             x_sqr                     => l_sqty_res,
                                             x_sqs                     => l_sqty_sug,
                                             x_satt                    => l_sqty_att,
                                             x_satr                    => l_sqty_available_to_reserve);
      IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
        IF p_qty_type = 'QOH' THEN
          l_quantity := l_qty_on_hand;
        ELSIF p_qty_type = 'ATT' THEN
          l_quantity := l_qty_att;
        ELSIF p_qty_type = 'QR' THEN
          l_quantity := l_qty_res;
        ELSIF p_qty_type = 'ATR' THEN
          l_quantity := l_qty_available_to_reserve;
          l_quantity := l_qty_att;
        END IF; --IF p_qty_type = 'QOH' THEN
        l_quantity := NULL;
      END IF;
      dbms_output.put_line('现有量l_qty_on_hand=' || l_qty_on_hand);
      dbms_output.put_line('保留现有量l_qty_res_on_hand=' || l_qty_res_on_hand);
      dbms_output.put_line('保留量l_qty_res=' || l_qty_res);
      dbms_output.put_line('分配量l_qty_sug=' || l_qty_sug);
      dbms_output.put_line('可处理l_qty_att=' || l_qty_att);
      dbms_output.put_line('可保留l_qty_available_to_reserve=' || l_qty_available_to_reserve);
        dbms_output.put_line('出错' || SQLERRM);
    --    RETURN NULL;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jenrry/p/10021114.html
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