SELECT fb.book_type_code, fth.ASSET_NUMBER, fdh.units_assigned, fdh.assigned_to, pf.FULL_NAME, fl.segment3 location_name FROM FA_ADDITIONS_V fth, fa_distribution_history fdh, gl_code_combinations gcc, fa_books fb, per_people_f pf, FA_LOCATIONS fl WHERE fth.ASSET_ID = fdh.asset_id and fth.ASSET_ID = fb.asset_id and fdh.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id and (gcc.segment2 = '0' or gcc.segment9 = '0') and fdh.assigned_to = pf.PERSON_ID(+) and fdh.location_id = fl.location_id(+) and not exists (select null from FA_RETIREMENTS_V fr where fth.ASSET_ID = fr.ASSET_ID) and nvl(fdh.date_ineffective, sysdate) >= sysdate order by fth.ASSET_NUMBER; select * from FA_LOCATIONS