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  • PG primary 和 slave 互换


    • 1.standby端,在$PGDATA/recovery里加上recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'
    Allow standby recovery to switch to a new timeline automatically (Heikki Linnakangas)
    Now standby servers scan the archive directory for new timelines periodically
    什么是new timeline?后面就会看到
    • 2.关掉primary
    pg_ctl stop -D $PGDATA -m fast
    2018-11-27 17:23:01.059 CST,,,1624,,5bfcd2a7.658,1,,2018-11-27 13:14:15 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"shutting down",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:23:01.443 CST,,,1624,,5bfcd2a7.658,2,,2018-11-27 13:14:15 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"database system is shut down",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:23:01.672 CST,"repl","",3204,"",5bfd0cf5.c84,1,"",2018-11-27 17:23:01 CST,,0,FATAL,57P03,"the database system is shutting down",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:23:02.839 CST,"role1","pdb1",3205,"",5bfd0cf6.c85,1,"",2018-11-27 17:23:02 CST,,0,FATAL,57P03,"the database system is shutting down",,,,,,,,,""
    • 3.在standby端promote
    pg_ctl promote -D $PGDATA
    2018-11-27 17:25:02.448 CST,,,1940,,5bfd0d6e.794,1,,2018-11-27 17:25:02 CST,,0,FATAL,XX000,"could not connect to the primary server: could not connect to server: Connection refused
            Is the server running on host """" and accepting
            TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.792 CST,,,31753,,5bfd0874.7c09,7,,2018-11-27 17:03:48 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"received promote request",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.792 CST,,,31753,,5bfd0874.7c09,8,,2018-11-27 17:03:48 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"redo done at 0/19000028",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.792 CST,,,31753,,5bfd0874.7c09,9,,2018-11-27 17:03:48 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"last completed transaction was at log time 2018-11-27 17:06:58.916715+08",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.794 CST,,,31753,,5bfd0874.7c09,10,,2018-11-27 17:03:48 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"selected new timeline ID: 2",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.836 CST,,,31753,,5bfd0874.7c09,11,,2018-11-27 17:03:48 CST,1/0,0,FATAL,42501,"could not open file ""recovery.conf"": Permission denied",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.836 CST,,,31751,,5bfd0874.7c07,3,,2018-11-27 17:03:48 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"startup process (PID 31753) exited with exit code 1",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.836 CST,,,31751,,5bfd0874.7c07,4,,2018-11-27 17:03:48 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"terminating any other active server processes",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-27 17:25:03.836 CST,"postgres","pdb1",32068,"[local]",5bfd091d.7d44,1,"idle",2018-11-27 17:06:37 CST,3/0,0,WARNING,57P02,"terminating connection because of crash of another server process","The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.","In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command.",,,,,,,"psql"


    2018-11-28 10:12:51.648 CST,,,18795,,5bfdf855.496b,7,,2018-11-28 10:07:17 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"received promote request",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.648 CST,,,18795,,5bfdf855.496b,8,,2018-11-28 10:07:17 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"redo done at 0/1A000028",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.648 CST,,,18795,,5bfdf855.496b,9,,2018-11-28 10:07:17 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"last completed transaction was at log time 2018-11-28 10:10:28.375684+08",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.649 CST,,,18795,,5bfdf855.496b,10,,2018-11-28 10:07:17 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"selected new timeline ID: 2",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.697 CST,,,18795,,5bfdf855.496b,11,,2018-11-28 10:07:17 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"archive recovery complete",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.715 CST,,,18795,,5bfdf855.496b,12,,2018-11-28 10:07:17 CST,1/0,0,LOG,00000,"MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.716 CST,,,18793,,5bfdf855.4969,3,,2018-11-28 10:07:17 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"database system is ready to accept connections",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.716 CST,,,19752,,5bfdf9a3.4d28,1,,2018-11-28 10:12:51 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"autovacuum launcher started",,,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:51.760 CST,,,19753,,5bfdf9a3.4d29,1,,2018-11-28 10:12:51 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"archive command failed with exit code 1","The failed archive command was: test ! -f /mysqldata/
    pg/pgarch/00000002.history && cp pg_xlog/00000002.history /mysqldata/pg/pgarch/00000002.history",,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:52.763 CST,,,19753,,5bfdf9a3.4d29,2,,2018-11-28 10:12:51 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"archive command failed with exit code 1","The failed archive command was: test ! -f /mysqldata/
    pg/pgarch/00000002.history && cp pg_xlog/00000002.history /mysqldata/pg/pgarch/00000002.history",,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:53.766 CST,,,19753,,5bfdf9a3.4d29,3,,2018-11-28 10:12:51 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"archive command failed with exit code 1","The failed archive command was: test ! -f /mysqldata/
    pg/pgarch/00000002.history && cp pg_xlog/00000002.history /mysqldata/pg/pgarch/00000002.history",,,,,,,,""
    2018-11-28 10:12:53.766 CST,,,19753,,5bfdf9a3.4d29,4,,2018-11-28 10:12:51 CST,,0,WARNING,01000,"archiving transaction log file ""00000002.history"" failed too many times, will try again l
    [postgres@mycat02 ~]$ pg_controldata
    pg_control version number:            942
    Catalog version number:               201409291
    Database system identifier:           6583145462094845370
    Database cluster state:               in production


    • 4.把原来的primary恢复,成为新环境下的standby
    cd $PGDATA
    mv recovery.done recovery.conf
    standby_mode = on  # 指定为从库
    primary_conninfo = 'host= port=5432 user=repl password=mall%9K0924'  # 对应的主库信息
    recovery_target_timeline = 'latest' # 这个说明这个流复制同步到最新的数据
    vi postgres.conf
    hot_standby = on
    # 新从库上
    [postgres@mysql56 pg_log]$ pg_controldata
    pg_control version number:            942
    Catalog version number:               201409291
    Database system identifier:           6583145462094845370
    Database cluster state:               in archive recovery
    • 5.级联状态
    master_172.16.10.143 --> slave01_172.16.10.100 --> slave02_172.16.10.142
    # master
    postgres=# select * from pg_stat_replication;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
    pid              | 20456
    usesysid         | 16426
    usename          | repl
    application_name | walreceiver
    client_addr      |
    client_hostname  | 
    client_port      | 39208
    backend_start    | 2018-11-28 10:17:55.837594+08
    backend_xmin     | 
    state            | streaming
    sent_location    | 0/1A000348
    write_location   | 0/1A000348
    flush_location   | 0/1A000348
    replay_location  | 0/1A000348
    sync_priority    | 0
    sync_state       | async
    # slave01
    pdb1=# select * from pg_stat_replication;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
    pid              | 8202
    usesysid         | 16426
    usename          | repl
    application_name | walreceiver
    client_addr      |
    client_hostname  | 
    client_port      | 60725
    backend_start    | 2018-11-28 10:17:55.108761+08
    backend_xmin     | 1892
    state            | streaming
    sent_location    | 0/1A000348
    write_location   | 0/1A000348
    flush_location   | 0/1A000348
    replay_location  | 0/1A000348
    sync_priority    | 0
    sync_state       | async
  • 相关阅读:
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    爬虫 --- 08. 全站爬取(CrawlSpider), 分布式, 增量式爬虫
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    爬虫 --- 05. 异步协程, 浏览器自动化,
    爬虫 --- 04. 代理服务器, 验证码识别, 处理cookie,线程池
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    一个关于const 变量作为map键值的Bug
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jenvid/p/10180581.html
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