DECLARE @TableName sysname = 'TableName'; DECLARE @Result VARCHAR(MAX) = 'public class ' + @TableName + ' {'; SELECT @Result = @Result + CHAR(13) + ' ///<summary>' + CHAR(13) + ' ///' + CAST(desr AS NVARCHAR) + CHAR(13) + ' ///</summary>' + ' public ' + ColumnType + NullableSign + ' ' + colname + ' ' + ' { get; set; } ' FROM (SELECT column_id ColumnId, ISNULL(t.desctr, '') AS desr, col.name colname, CASE typ.name WHEN 'bigint' THEN 'long' WHEN 'binary' THEN 'byte[]' WHEN 'bit' THEN 'bool' WHEN 'char' THEN 'string' WHEN 'date' THEN 'DateTime' WHEN 'datetime' THEN 'DateTime' WHEN 'datetime2' THEN 'DateTime' WHEN 'datetimeoffset' THEN 'DateTimeOffset' WHEN 'decimal' THEN 'decimal' WHEN 'float' THEN 'float' WHEN 'image' THEN 'byte[]' WHEN 'int' THEN 'int' WHEN 'money' THEN 'decimal' WHEN 'nchar' THEN 'string' WHEN 'ntext' THEN 'string' WHEN 'numeric' THEN 'decimal' WHEN 'nvarchar' THEN 'string' WHEN 'real' THEN 'double' WHEN 'smalldatetime' THEN 'DateTime' WHEN 'smallint' THEN 'short' WHEN 'smallmoney' THEN 'decimal' WHEN 'text' THEN 'string' WHEN 'time' THEN 'TimeSpan' WHEN 'timestamp' THEN 'DateTime' WHEN 'tinyint' THEN 'byte' WHEN 'uniqueidentifier' THEN 'Guid' WHEN 'varbinary' THEN 'byte[]' WHEN 'varchar' THEN 'string' ELSE 'UNKNOWN_' + typ.name END ColumnType , CASE WHEN col.is_nullable = 1 AND typ.name IN ( 'bigint', 'bit', 'date', 'datetime', 'datetime2', 'datetimeoffset', 'decimal', 'float', 'int', 'money', 'numeric', 'real', 'smalldatetime', 'smallint', 'smallmoney', 'time', 'tinyint', 'uniqueidentifier' ) THEN '?' ELSE '' END NullableSign FROM sys.columns col LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ISNULL(CAST(g.value AS VARCHAR), '') desctr , g.minor_id AS minor_id FROM sys.extended_properties g WHERE g.major_id = OBJECT_ID(@TableName) ) t ON t.minor_id = col.column_id JOIN sys.types typ ON col.system_type_id = typ.system_type_id AND col.user_type_id = typ.user_type_id WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(@TableName) ) t ORDER BY ColumnId; SET @Result = @Result + ' }'; PRINT @Result;