1. 无人机(UAV)倾斜角度捕获城市场景的航拍图像分割数据集
无人机(UAV)倾斜角度捕获城市场景的航拍图像分割数据集 UAVid: A semantic segmentation dataset for UAV imagery(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2020.05.009)
可通过 kaggle API下载:
kaggle datasets download -d awsaf49/uavid-semantic-segmentation-dataset
kaggle datasets download -d titan15555/uavid-semantic-segmentation-dataset
2. 无人机航拍图像分割数据集
Aerial Semantic Segmentation Drone Dataset(3.86 GB)
可通过 kaggle API下载:
kaggle datasets download -d bulentsiyah/semantic-drone-dataset
3. 航拍图像
AerialImage(with a size of 256 to 256.) 8.75 GB
Kaggle API: kaggle datasets download -d mengyangyang/aerialimage
4. 针对yolo模型的车辆的航空图像数据集
aerial cars dataset in yolo format
Kaggle API: kaggle datasets download -d rocky03/aerial-cars-dataset-in-yolo-format
5. 航空图像数据集及模型
DOTA: A Large-scale Dataset for Object Detection in Aerial Images
Trained Models
The following are the codes and models for DOTA.
Object Detection Benchmarks for Aerial Images: https://github.com/dingjiansw101/AerialDetection
RoI Transformer: https://github.com/dingjiansw101/RoITransformer_DOTA
Faster R-CNN OBB: https://github.com/jessemelpolio/Faster_RCNN_for_DOTA
SSD and R-FCN: https://github.com/ringringyi/DOTA_models
YOLO-v2: https://github.com/ringringyi/DOTA_YOLOv2
6. High resolution ship collections 2016 (HRSC2016) HRSC2016_dataset.zip(3.48 GB)
Kaggle API: kaggle datasets download -d guofeng/hrsc2016