在介绍依赖注入(Dependency Injection)之前先介绍下松,紧耦合的概念。 提到松紧耦合就不得不提接口(Interface),我们直接上demo.

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var engine = new Engine(); var car = new Car(engine); car.Run(3); Console.WriteLine(car.Speed); } } public class Engine { public int RPM { get; private set; } public void work(int gas) { this.RPM = 1000 * gas; } } class Car { private Engine _engine; public Car(Engine engine) { this._engine = engine; } public int Speed { get; private set; } public void Run(int gas) { _engine.work(gas); this.Speed = _engine.RPM / 100; } }

interface IPhone { void Dail(); void PickUp(); void Send(); void Receive(); } class ApplePhone:IPhone { public void Dail() { Console.WriteLine("Buy?"); } public void PickUp() { Console.WriteLine("Buy??"); } public void Send() { Console.WriteLine("Buy???"); } public void Receive() { Console.WriteLine("Buy????"); } } class XiaoMiPhone:IPhone { public void Dail() { Console.WriteLine("Are U Ok?"); } public void PickUp() { Console.WriteLine("Hello?"); } public void Send() { Console.WriteLine("Think You!"); } public void Receive() { Console.WriteLine("Think You Very Much!"); } } class User { private IPhone _phone; public User(IPhone phone) { this._phone = phone; } public void UsePhone() { _phone.Dail(); _phone.Dail(); _phone.Dail(); } } static void Main(string[] args) { var user = new User(new ApplePhone()); var user2 = new User(new XiaoMiPhone()); user.UsePhone(); user2.UsePhone(); }
结构注入(Structure Injection):
属性注入(Property Injection):
方法注入(Method Injection):

public class Employee { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Department { get; set; } } public class EmployeeDAL { public List<Employee> SelectAllEmployees() { List<Employee> ListEmployees = new List<Employee>(); //Get the Employees from the Database //for now we are hard coded the employees ListEmployees.Add(new Employee() { ID = 1, Name = "Pranaya", Department = "IT" }); ListEmployees.Add(new Employee() { ID = 2, Name = "Kumar", Department = "HR" }); ListEmployees.Add(new Employee() { ID = 3, Name = "Rout", Department = "Payroll" }); return ListEmployees; } } public class EmployeeBL { public EmployeeDAL employeeDAL; public List<Employee> GetAllEmployees() { employeeDAL = new EmployeeDAL(); return employeeDAL.SelectAllEmployees(); } }
EmployeeBL依赖于EmployeeDAL, 一旦EmployeeDAL中GetALLEmployees发生变化,EmployeeBL就需要跟着改变。

public interface IEmployeeDAL { List<Employee> SelectAllEmployees(); } public class EmployeeDAL : IEmployeeDAL { public List<Employee> SelectAllEmployees() { List<Employee> ListEmployees = new List<Employee>(); //Get the Employees from the Database //for now we are hard coded the employees ListEmployees.Add(new Employee() { ID = 1, Name = "Pranaya", Department = "IT" }); ListEmployees.Add(new Employee() { ID = 2, Name = "Kumar", Department = "HR" }); ListEmployees.Add(new Employee() { ID = 3, Name = "Rout", Department = "Payroll" }); return ListEmployees; } }

public class EmployeeBL { public IEmployeeDAL employeeDAL; public EmployeeBL(IEmployeeDAL employeeDAL) { this.employeeDAL = employeeDAL; } public List<Employee> GetAllEmployees() { Return employeeDAL.SelectAllEmployees(); } }

static void Main(string[] args) { EmployeeBL employeeBL = new EmployeeBL(new EmployeeDAL()); List<Employee> ListEmployee = employeeBL.GetAllEmployees(); foreach(Employee emp in ListEmployee) { Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Department = {2}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Department); } Console.ReadKey(); }
这里我们不需要创建EmployeeDAL,而是将它作为参数传递给EmployeeBL. 现在这个参数可以接受任何实现了这个接口的实体类。

public class EmployeeBL { private IEmployeeDAL employeeDAL; public IEmployeeDAL employeeDataObject { set { this.employeeDAL = value; } get { if (employeeDataObject == null) { throw new Exception("Employee is not initialized"); } else { return employeeDAL; } } } public List<Employee> GetAllEmployees() { return employeeDAL.SelectAllEmployees(); } }
可以看到我们注册依赖对象EmployeeDAL是通过EmployeeBL的公共属性employeeDataObject注入. 看Main中如何调用:

static void Main(string[] args) { EmployeeBL employeeBL = new EmployeeBL(); employeeBL.employeeDataObject = new EmployeeDAL(); List<Employee> ListEmployee = employeeBL.GetAllEmployees(); foreach(Employee emp in ListEmployee) { Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Department = {2}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Department); } Console.ReadKey(); }
结构依赖注入是我们用得最多也是标准的依赖注入,有些特殊情况我们会选择用属性依赖注入. 比如:我们有一个类里面含有很多方法,但是这些方法不依赖其他的object. 这是需要加入一个新的方法,这个方法会依赖另外的对象,这个时候如果用Structure Injection就需要改变之前无依赖的method的调用写法,如果class很大就会很耗费时间,这个时候需要用属性依赖注入就会比较适用。

public class EmployeeBL { public IEmployeeDAL employeeDAL; public List<Employee> GetAllEmployees(IEmployeeDAL _employeeDAL) { employeeDAL = _employeeDAL; return employeeDAL.SelectAllEmployees(); } }

static void Main(string[] args) { //Create object of EmployeeBL class EmployeeBL employeeBL = new EmployeeBL(); //Call to GetAllEmployees method with proper object. List<Employee> ListEmployee = employeeBL.GetAllEmployees(new EmployeeDAL()); foreach (Employee emp in ListEmployee) { Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Department = {2}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Department); } Console.ReadKey(); }