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  • Mapx实现双标注

      Dim lyr As Layer
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
     Dim ds As MapXLib.Dataset
      Set ds = Map1.DataSets.Item(1)
      lyr.LabelProperties.Overlap = True
      lyr.LabelProperties.Position = miPositionBC
      lyr.LabelProperties.Offset = 5
      lyr.LabelProperties.Style.TextFont.Size = 10
      lyr.LabelProperties.Style.TextFontColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
      lyr.AutoLabel = True
       Set lyr.LabelProperties.Dataset = ds
      lyr.Visible = True
      Set lyr.LabelProperties.DataField = ds.Fields("f_value")
      'Map1.Layers.Item("观测站").Visible = False
      MsgBox lyr.Name
    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()
      Map1.CurrentTool = miZoomInTool
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()
        ChDrive App.Path
      ChDir App.Path
      Map1.GeoSet = "map/all.gst"
        Dim li As New MapXLib.LayerInfo
      li.Type = miLayerInfoTypeTab
      li.AddParameter "FileSpec", App.Path & "\Map\all\data\观测站.tab"
      li.AddParameter "Visible", False
      li.AddParameter "AutoCreateDataset", True
      li.AddParameter "DatasetName", "ll"
        'MsgBox Map1.Layers.Count
      Set lyr = Map1.Layers.Add(li)
      'MsgBox Map1.Layers.Count
    End Sub

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jetz/p/1247918.html
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