# View more python tutorials on my Youtube and Youku channel!!! # Youtube video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdyjiB5H8Pu7aDTNVXTTpcg # Youku video tutorial: http://i.youku.com/pythontutorial # 13 - image """ Please note, this script is for python3+. If you are using python2+, please modify it accordingly. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # image data a = np.array([0.313660827978, 0.365348418405, 0.423733120134, 0.365348418405, 0.439599930621, 0.525083754405, 0.423733120134, 0.525083754405, 0.651536351379]).reshape(3,3) """ for the value of "interpolation", check this: http://matplotlib.org/examples/images_contours_and_fields/interpolation_methods.html for the value of "origin"= ['upper', 'lower'], check this: http://matplotlib.org/examples/pylab_examples/image_origin.html """ plt.imshow(a, interpolation='nearest', cmap='bone', origin='lower') plt.colorbar(shrink=.92) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) plt.show()