Code examples for the new functions of iOS 7.
Dynamic Behaviors(动力行为)
Dynamic Behaviours using UIDynamicAnimator, UIGravityBehavior, UICollisionBehavior, UIDynamicItemBehavior.
Speech Synthesis(语音合成)
Synthesized speech from text using AVSpeechSynthesizer and AVSpeechUtterance.
Custom Transition(定制过渡界面)
UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning, UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate.
3D Map
3D Map using MKMapCamera.
Smile Detection(微笑检测)
Smile Detection using CIDetectorSmile and new properties of CIFeature such as "bounds".
Image Filters(图片过滤器)
New filters of CIFilter.
- CILinearToSRGBToneCurve
- CIPhotoEffectChrome
- CIPhotoEffectFade
- CIPhotoEffectInstant
- CIPhotoEffectMono
- CIPhotoEffectNoir
- CIPhotoEffectProcess
- CIPhotoEffectTonal
- CIPhotoEffectTransfer
- CISRGBToneCurveToLinear
- CIVignetteEffect
Sprite Kit
A sample of Sprite Kit using SKView, SKScene, SKSpriteNode, SKAction.
Map Directions(地图指引)
Requesting and draw directions using MKDirections, MKDirectionsResponse and MKPolylineRenderer.
Motion Effects (Parallax)(运动效果<视差效果>)
Parallax effect using UIMotionEffect.
Multipeer Connectivity
Creating a local network sharing connection over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth LE.
New Activity Types: AirDrop, Post to Flickr / Vimeo, Add to ReadingList
QR Code Generator(二维码生成器)
Generating QR Code with CIQRCodeGenerator.
Motion Activity Tracking(运动跟踪)
Counting steps and monitoring the activity using CMStepCounter and CMMotionActivityManager. It works only on iPhone5s (M7 chip).
使用CMStepCounter以及CMMotionActivityManager来计算步数以及监控运动。只在iPhone 5S上有效(M7芯片)。
Static Map Snapshots(静态地图截图)
Creating a snapshot with MKMapSnapshotOptions, MKMapSnapshotter.
Safari Reading List (Safari阅读列表)
Adding an item to the Safari Reading List with the new Safari Services framework.
See Also
Open source collection for Flat Design UI
A collection of OSS which helps you implement Flat Design UI on your current version of iOS (iOS5,6) just like that on iOS 7.
iOS 7风格的控制中心式的导航栏——毛玻璃效果,扁平化设计以及定制动画全部融于其中
一个iOS 7设计风格的控制中心式的导航栏——毛玻璃效果,扁平化设计以及定制动画全部融于其中。
Demo iOS 7 App通过JavaScriptCore.框架(http://nodeapp.org/)整合了Node.JS类似的功能。JavaScriptCore 是iOS 7中新加入的,在OS X 10.8版本中,JavaScriptCore的使用率很低,但在更新后的10.9版本中,已经被不少项目广泛使用,不过仅限于Objective-C API。这个项目并不完成,未来几周作者会继续完善。
TLAlertView是一个简单的可替代1-button UIAlertView的开源项目,使用了iOS 7的UIKit Dynamics和模糊效果。更多教程信息>>