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  • 方法、脚本Pig Grunt之简单命令及实例说明by小雨








        1、主动补全制机 (令命补全、不支持文件名补全)




        进入Grunt shell令命

        [hadoop@master pig]$ ./bin/pig
    2013-04-13 23:00:19,909 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.Main - Apache Pig version 0.10.0 (r1328203) compiled Apr 19 2012, 22:54:12
    2013-04-13 23:00:19,909 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.Main - Logging error messages to: /opt/pig/pig_1365865219902.log
    2013-04-13 23:00:20,237 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.HExecutionEngine - Connecting to hadoop file system at: hdfs://
    2013-04-13 23:00:20,536 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.HExecutionEngine - Connecting to map-reduce job tracker at:



        grunt> help
    <pig latin statement>; - See the PigLatin manual for details: http://hadoop.apache.org/pig
    File system commands:
        fs <fs arguments> - Equivalent to Hadoop dfs command: http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/current/hdfs_shell.html
    Diagnostic commands:
        describe <alias>[::<alias] - Show the schema for the alias. Inner aliases can be described as A::B.
        explain [-script <pigscript>] [-out <path>] [-brief] [-dot] [-param <param_name>=<param_value>]
            [-param_file <file_name>] [<alias>] - Show the execution plan to compute the alias or for entire script.
            -script - Explain the entire script.
            -out - Store the output into directory rather than print to stdout.
            -brief - Don't expand nested plans (presenting a smaller graph for overview).
            -dot - Generate the output in .dot format. Default is text format.
            -param <param_name - See parameter substitution for details.
            -param_file <file_name> - See parameter substitution for details.
            alias - Alias to explain.
        dump <alias> - Compute the alias and writes the results to stdout.
    Utility Commands:
        exec [-param <param_name>=param_value] [-param_file <file_name>] <script> -
            Execute the script with access to grunt environment including aliases.
            -param <param_name - See parameter substitution for details.
            -param_file <file_name> - See parameter substitution for details.
            script - Script to be executed.
        run [-param <param_name>=param_value] [-param_file <file_name>] <script> -
            Execute the script with access to grunt environment.
            -param <param_name - See parameter substitution for details.
            -param_file <file_name> - See parameter substitution for details.
            script - Script to be executed.
        sh  <shell command> - Invoke a shell command.
        kill <job_id> - Kill the hadoop job specified by the hadoop job id.
        set <key> <value> - Provide execution parameters to Pig. Keys and values are case sensitive.
            The following keys are supported:
            default_parallel - Script-level reduce parallelism. Basic input size heuristics used by default.
            debug - Set debug on or off. Default is off.
            job.name - Single-quoted name for jobs. Default is PigLatin:<script name>
            job.priority - Priority for jobs. Values: very_low, low, normal, high, very_high. Default is normal
            stream.skippath - String that contains the path. This is used by streaming.
            any hadoop property.
        help - Display this message.
        quit - Quit the grunt shell.


        查看(ls、cd 、cat)

        grunt> ls
    hdfs://    <dir>
    hdfs://    <dir>

        grunt> cd in
    grunt> ls
    hdfs://<r 1>    12
    hdfs://<r 1>    13
    hdfs://<r 1>    328
    hdfs://<r 1>    139
    grunt> cat test1.txt
    hello world



        grunt> ls
    hdfs://<r 1>    12
    hdfs://<r 1>    13
    hdfs://<r 1>    328
    hdfs://<r 1>    139
    grunt> copyToLocal test1.txt ttt


        [root@master pig]# ls -l ttt
    -rwxrwxrwx. 1 hadoop hadoop 12  4月 13 23:06 ttt
    [root@master pig]#


        grunt> sh jps          
    2098 DataNode
    1986 NameNode
    2700 Jps
    2539 RunJar
    2297 JobTracker
    2211 SecondaryNameNode
    2411 TaskTracker








        Pig latin经常使用语句








        grunt> records = LOAD 'input/ncdc/micro-tab/sample.txt'

        >> AS (year:chararray, temerature:int, quality:int);















    文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 看到有人回帖“不顶不是中国人”,他的本意是想让帖子沉了。

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