Problem A.Ant on a Chessboard |
One day, an ant called Alice came to an M*M chessboard. She wanted to go around all the grids. So she began to walk along the chessboard according to this way: (you can assume that her speed is one grid per second)
At the first second, Alice was standing at (1,1). Firstly she went up for a grid, then a grid to the right, a grid downward. After that, she went a grid to the right, then two grids upward, and then two grids to the left…in a word, the path was like a snake.
For example, her first 25 seconds went like this:
( the numbers in the grids stands for the time when she went into the grids)
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
20 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
14 |
19 |
2 |
3 |
6 |
15 |
18 |
1 |
4 |
5 |
16 |
17 |
1 2 3 4 5
At the 8th second , she was at (2,3), and at 20th second, she was at (5,4).
Your task is to decide where she was at a given time.
(you can assume that M is large enough)
Input file will contain several lines, and each line contains a number N(1<=N<=2*10^9), which stands for the time. The file will be ended with a line that contains a number 0.
For each input situation you should print a line with two numbers (x, y), the column and the row number, there must be only a space between them.
Sample Input
Sample Output
2 3
5 4
1 5
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main(void) { int n; while(scanf("%d",&n)&&n) { int x=0,y=0; int p=sqrt((double)n); if(p*p==n&&p%2) {x=1;y=p;} else if(p*p==n&&p%2==0){x=p;y=1;} else if(p%2==0&&n!=p*p) { if(n-p-1<=p*p){x=p+1;y=n-p*p;} else{x=p-(n-1-p-p*p)+1;y=p+1;} } else if(p%2==1&&n!=p*p) { if(n-p-1<=p*p){x=n-p*p;y=p+1;} else{x=p+1;y=p-(n-1-p-p*p)+1;} } printf("%d %d ",x,y); } return 0; }