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  • 数据库 105道题目整理与吐血总结


    drop table PRODUCT cascade constraints;
    create table PRODUCT
    id NUMBER not null,    --主键
    pcode VARCHAR2(20) not null,    --商品编号
    pname VARCHAR2(20),    --商品名称
    inprice NUMBER(7,2),    --进价
    outprice NUMBER(7,2),    --售价
    toma VARCHAR2(20),    --管理员名称
    lastcou NUMBER,    --剩余库存数量
    ptype VARCHAR2(5),    --商品类型
    mark NUMBER,    --有效标志
    createtime DATE    --生产日期
    alter table PRODUCT
    ADD CONSTRAINT pk_product primary key (ID);
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (1, 'f-qq45', '香蕉', 2.8, 4, '张三', 12, 'a', 1, to_date('05-05-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (2, 'f-56tt', '苹果', 3.4, 5, '张三', 33, 'a', 1, to_date('16-06-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (3, 'f-332', '', 2.7, 4, '张三', 76, 'a', 1, to_date('23-09-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (4, 'f-20', '猪肉', 14, 16, '张三', 56, 'b', 1, to_date('31-12-2013', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (5, 'f-qq46', '圆珠笔', 3, 5, '王五', 55, 'e', 1, to_date('14-09-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (6, 'f-57tt', '樱桃', 8, null, '王五', 12, 'a', 1, to_date('22-05-2006', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (7, 'f-292', '三文鱼', 5, 8, '王五', 23, 'b', 1, to_date('31-07-2001', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (8, 'f-604', '螺丝刀', 12, 15, '王五', 72, 'c', 1, to_date('24-02-2013', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (9, 'f-qq47', '扳手', 14, 19, '王五', 90, 'c', 1, to_date('14-05-2015', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (10, 'f-58tt', '钳子', 10, 13, '张三', 97, 'c', 1, to_date('28-03-2012', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (11, 'f-916', '矿泉水', 2.5, 3, '李四', 44, 'd', 1, to_date('21-07-2012', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (12, 'f-1228', '杏仁露', 4, 5, '李四', 38, 'd', 1, to_date('22-02-2013', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (13, 'f-59tt', '钢笔', null, 43, '李四', 22, 'e', 1, to_date('30-09-2013', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (14, 'f-1540', '铅笔', .5, .8, '赵六', 72, 'e', 1, to_date('14-05-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (15, 'f-1852', '大马哈鱼', 1.5, 2, '赵六', 76, 'b', 1, to_date('17-05-2012', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (16, 'f-2164', '鸡蛋', 2.7, 4, '赵六', 56, 'b', 1, to_date('14-09-2010', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (17, 'p-123h', '雪碧', 2, 3, '王五', 50, 'd', 1, to_date('01-05-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (18, 'p-111h', '冰红茶', 2, 3, '王五', 40, 'd', 1, to_date('18-05-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (19, 'p-18-h', '可乐', 2, 3, '王五', 30, 'd', 1, to_date('09-05-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (20, 'f-qq46', '圆珠笔', 3, 5, '王五', 55, 'e', 1, to_date('14-09-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));

    -- 为产品编号添加//一个唯一约束//, 为产品名称添加一个非空约束, 为剩余数量添加一个检查约束(剩余数量 >= 5)
    -- 使用insert into任意添加三条数据(数据信息自定)加到这个表中
    -- 删除'猪肉'的那条记录
    -- 将'扳手'和'钳子'的商品名称分别改为'16号扳手'和'小号钳子', 并将这两个商品的管理人员都改为'赵六'
    -- 查询商品类型为'a'的所有商品, 并按照售价由大到小排序
    -- 查询王五负责的c类商品
    -- 查询剩余数量小于50的所有商品
    -- 查询剩余数量在60-80之间的所有商品
    -- 查询商品名称带'笔'的和带'鱼'的记录
    -- 查询商品编号中带'tt'的记录
    -- 查询商品类型为a, d, c的所有商品
    -- 查询整个表中每一类商品的剩余数量, 并按照剩余数由大到小排序
    -- 查询所有'e'类型商品, 并按照剩余库存数量排序
    -- 查询管理商品数少于4的管理员名称和管理的商品数量 having
    -- 查询所有的管理员名称和其手上所管理的所有商品数量
    -- 查询所有的管理员名称和其手上所管理的所有'a'类商品名称的数量
    -- 查询所有商品中剩余数量最少的一个
    -- 查询生产日期在2015/5/31之前的数据
    -- 假设所有商品的有效期是一年, 以当前2017-06-01为标准, 查询所有商品的信息, 并且加一列标注是否过期
    -- 将所有过期的商品的有效标志改为0
    -- 查询所有商品中还有一个月就过期的商品(一个月按照30天计算)
    -- 查询每个管理员所管理的商品的平均进价价格和售价价格
    -- 查询每个管理员手上的商品的利润的平均值
    -- 查询假设每个管理员把所有商品售完后各自的利润总和
    -- 查询出利润总和最高的管理员的名称, 以及利润

    select t.*, t.rowid from PRODUCT t
    -- 使用insert into任意添加三条数据(数据信息自定)加到这个表中
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (21, 'f-qq451', '香j蕉', 2.8, 4, '张三', 12, 'a', 1, to_date('05-05-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (22, 'p-18-ha', '可j乐', 2, 3, '王五', 30, 'd', 1, to_date('09-05-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    insert into PRODUCT (id, pcode, pname, inprice, outprice, toma, lastcou, ptype, mark, createtime)
    values (23, 'f-qq463', '圆j笔', 3, 5, '王五', 55, 'e', 1, to_date('14-09-2016', 'dd-mm-yyyy'));
    -- 删除'猪肉'的那条记录
    delete from product p where p.pname='猪肉';
    -- 查询商品编号重复的记录,并将它们删除
    select p.pname,count(p.pcode) num from product p group by p.pname having count(p.pcode)>1
    delete from product p
     where p.pname = (select p.pname
                   from product p
                  group by p.pname
                 having count(p.pcode) > 1)
    DELETE product t WHERE t.pname=( SELECT t.pname FROM product t GROUP BY t.pname HAVING COUNT(*) >=2)
    -- 将'扳手'和'钳子'的商品名称分别改为'16号扳手'和'小号钳子', 并将这两个商品的管理人员都改为'赵六'
    update product p set p.pname='16号扳手' ,p.toma ='赵六' where p.pname='扳手'
    update product p set p.pname='小号钳子', p.toma ='赵六' where p.pname='钳子'
    -- 查询商品类型为'a'的所有商品, 并按照售价由大到小排序
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.ptype='a' order by p.outprice desc
    -- 查询王五负责的c类商品
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.toma='王五' and p.ptype='c'
    -- 查询剩余数量小于50的所有商品
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.lastcou<=50
    -- 查询剩余数量在60-80之间的所有商品
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.lastcou<=80 and p.lastcou>=60
    -- 查询商品名称带'笔'的和带'鱼'的记录f
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.pname like '%笔%' or p.pname like '%鱼%'
    -- 查询商品编号中带'tt'的记录
    select p.* from product p where p.pcode like '%tt%'
    -- 查询商品类型为a, d, c的所有商品
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.ptype='a' or p.ptype='b' or p.ptype='c'
    -- 查询整个表中每一类商品的剩余数量, 并按照剩余数由大到小排序
    select p.ptype, sum(p.lastcou) from PRODUCT p group by p.ptype order by sum(p.lastcou)  desc
    -- 查询所有'e'类型商品, 并按照剩余库存数量排序
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.ptype='e' order by p.lastcou desc
    -- 查询管理商品数少于4的管理员名称和管理的商品数量
    select p.toma,count(p.pcode) from PRODUCT p  group by p.toma having count(p.pcode)<4
    -- 查询所有的管理员名称和其手上所管理的所有商品数量
    select p.toma,count(p.pcode) from PRODUCT p  group by p.toma
    -- 查询所有的管理员名称和其手上所管理的所有'a'类商品名称的数量
    select p.toma,count(p.pcode) from PRODUCT p where p.ptype='a'  group by p.toma
    -- 查询所有商品中剩余数量最少的一个
    select p.lastcou from product p
    select p.pname,p.lastcou from PRODUCT p where p.lastcou<= all(select p.lastcou from product p)
    select p.pname,p.lastcou from PRODUCT p where p.lastcou=(select min(p.lastcou) from product p)
    -- 查询生产日期在2015/5/31之前的数据
    select p.* from PRODUCT p where p.createtime <to_date('2015-05-31','yyyy-mm-dd')
    -- 假设所有商品的有效期是一年, 以当前2017-06-01为标准, 查询所有商品的信息, 并且加一列标注是否过期
    select p.*,
             when (p.createtime - to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')) > -365 then
             when (p.createtime - to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')) < -365 then
      from PRODUCT p
    update PRODUCT p set  p.isnodate='未过期' where (to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')-p.createtime)<365
    update PRODUCT p set  p.isnodate='过期' where (to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')-p.createtime)>365
    update PRODUCT p
       set case when(to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') - p.createtime) > 365 then p.isnodate = '过期' when(to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') - p.createtime) < 365 then p.isnodate = '未过期' end
    -- 将所有过期的商品的有效标志改为0
    update PRODUCT p set p.mark = 0 where (to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')-p.createtime)>365
    update PRODUCT p set p.mark = 0 where p.isnodate='过期'
    -- 查询所有商品中还有一个月就过期的商品(一个月按照30天计算)
    select p.*
      from PRODUCT p
     where (to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') - p.createtime) < 365
       and (to_date('2017-06-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') - p.createtime) > 335
    -- 查询每个管理员所管理的商品的平均进价价格和售价价格
    select p.toma,avg(nvl(p.inprice,0)),avg(nvl(p.outprice,0)) from product p group by p.toma
    -- 查询每个管理员手上的商品的利润的平均值
    select p.toma,avg(nvl(p.outprice,0)-nvl(p.inprice,0)) from product p group by p.toma
    -- 查询假设每个管理员把所有商品售完后各自的利润总和
    select p.toma ,sum((p.outprice-p.inprice)*p.lastcou) from product p group by p.toma 
    -- 查询出利润总和最高的管理员的名称, 以及利润
    select s.*
      from (select p.toma sname, sum((p.outprice - p.inprice) * p.lastcou) lirun
              from product p0
             group by p.toma) s
    select max(s1.lirun) from (select s.*
      from (select p.toma, sum((p.outprice - p.inprice) * p.lastcou) lirun
              from product p
             group by p.toma) s) s1 
    select * from (select s.*
      from (select p.toma sname, sum((p.outprice - p.inprice) * p.lastcou) lirun
              from product p
             group by p.toma) s
    ) cxs where cxs.lirun=(select max(s1.lirun) from (select s.*
      from (select p.toma, sum((p.outprice - p.inprice) * p.lastcou) lirun
              from product p
             group by p.toma) s) s1 )


    drop table student;
    drop table course;
    drop table score;
    drop table teacher;
    INSERT INTO STUDENT (SNO,SNAME,SSEX,SBIRTHDAY,CLASS) VALUES (108 ,'曾华' ,'' ,to_date('1977-09-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),95033);
    INSERT INTO STUDENT (SNO,SNAME,SSEX,SBIRTHDAY,CLASS) VALUES (105 ,'匡明' ,'' ,to_date('1975-10-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),95031);
    INSERT INTO STUDENT (SNO,SNAME,SSEX,SBIRTHDAY,CLASS) VALUES (107 ,'王丽' ,'' ,to_date('1976-01-23','yyyy-mm-dd'),95033);
    INSERT INTO STUDENT (SNO,SNAME,SSEX,SBIRTHDAY,CLASS) VALUES (101 ,'李军' ,'' ,to_date('1976-02-20','yyyy-mm-dd'),95033);
    INSERT INTO STUDENT (SNO,SNAME,SSEX,SBIRTHDAY,CLASS) VALUES (109 ,'王芳' ,'' ,to_date('1975-02-10','yyyy-mm-dd'),95031);
    INSERT INTO STUDENT (SNO,SNAME,SSEX,SBIRTHDAY,CLASS) VALUES (103 ,'陆君' ,'' ,to_date('1974-06-03','yyyy-mm-dd'),95031);
    INSERT INTO COURSE(CNO,CNAME,TNO)VALUES ('3-105' ,'计算机导论',825);
    INSERT INTO COURSE(CNO,CNAME,TNO)VALUES ('3-245' ,'操作系统' ,804);
    INSERT INTO COURSE(CNO,CNAME,TNO)VALUES ('6-166' ,'数据电路' ,856);
    INSERT INTO COURSE(CNO,CNAME,TNO)VALUES ('9-888' ,'高等数学' ,100);
    INSERT INTO TEACHER(TNO,TNAME,TSEX,TBIRTHDAY,PROF,DEPART) VALUES (804,'李诚','',to_date('1958-12-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),'副教授','计算机系');
    INSERT INTO TEACHER(TNO,TNAME,TSEX,TBIRTHDAY,PROF,DEPART) VALUES (856,'张旭','',to_date('1969-03-12','yyyy-mm-dd'),'讲师','电子工程系');
    INSERT INTO TEACHER(TNO,TNAME,TSEX,TBIRTHDAY,PROF,DEPART) VALUES (825,'王萍','',to_date('1972-05-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'助教','计算机系');
    INSERT INTO TEACHER(TNO,TNAME,TSEX,TBIRTHDAY,PROF,DEPART) VALUES (831,'刘冰','',to_date('1977-08-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),'助教','电子工程系');

    1、 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname、Ssex和Class列。
    2、 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列。
    3、 查询Student表的所有记录。
    4、 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。
    5、 查询Score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录。
    6、 查询Student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。
    7、 以Class降序查询Student表的所有记录。
    8、 以Cno升序、Degree降序查询Score表的所有记录。
    9、 查询“95031”班的学生人数。
    create table grade
    (low number,
    upp number,
    rank char(1));
    insert into grade values(90,100,'A');
    insert into grade values(80,89,'B');
    insert into grade values(70,79,'C');
    insert into grade values(60,69,'D');
    insert into grade values(0,59,'E');

    select * from course;
    --1、 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname、Ssex和Class列。
    select s.sname,s.ssex,s.class from student s;
    --2、 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列。
    SELECT distinct t.depart FROM teacher t ;
    --3、 查询Student表的所有记录。                                                                                    
    select s.* from student;
    --4、 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录
    select s.* from score s where s.degree between 60 and 80;
    --5、 查询Score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录。
    select s.* from score s where s.degree in (85,86,88);
    --6、 查询Student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。
    select s.* from student s where s.class= '95031' or s.ssex='';
    --7、 以Class降序查询Student表的所有记录。
    select s.* from student s order by s.class desc;
    --8、 以Cno升序、Degree降序查询Score表的所有记录。
    select s.* from score s order by s.cno ,degree desc;
    --9、 查询“95031”班的学生人数。
    select s.* from student s where s.class='95031';
    select s.sno,s.cno from score s where s.degree=(select max(s1.degree) from score s1);
    select avg(s.degree) from score s where s.cno='3-105';
    select s.*
      from (select s1.cno, count(s1.cno) shuliang from score s1 group by s1.cno) s
     where s.shuliang >= 5
       and s.cno like '3%';
    select s.sno,s.degree from score s where s.degree>70 and s.degree<90;
    select s.sname,sc.cno,sc.degree from student s left join score sc on s.sno=sc.sno;
    select s.sno,c.cname,s.degree from score s left join course c on s.cno=c.cno ;
    select s.sname, c.cname, c.degree
      from student s
      left join (select s.sno, c.cname, s.degree
                   from score s
                   left join course c
                     on s.cno = c.cno) c
        on s.sno = c.sno;
    select avg(cx.degree) from (select * from score s left join student st on s.sno=st.sno) cx where cx.class=95033 ;
    create table grade
    (low number,
    upp number,
    rank char(1));
    insert into grade values(90,100,'A');
    insert into grade values(80,89,'B');
    insert into grade values(70,79,'C');
    insert into grade values(60,69,'D');
    insert into grade values(0,59,'E');
    select  s.sno,s.cno,g.rank from grade g join score s on s.degree between g.low and g.upp;
    select s.sno,s.cno,g.rank from score s,grade g where s.degree between g.low and g.upp;
    select s.*
      from score s
     where s.cno = '3-105'
       and s.degree > (select sc.degree
                         from score sc
                        where sc.sno = 109
                          and sc.cno = '3-105');
    select *
      from score s
     where s.degree < (select MAX(sc.degree) from score sc where s.cno = sc.cno)
       and s.sno in (select s1.sno from score s1 group by s1.sno having count(*) > 1);
    select s.*
      from score s
     where s.cno = '3-105'
       and s.degree > (select sc.degree
                         from score sc
                        where sc.sno = 109
                          and sc.cno = '3-105');
    select s.sno, s.sname, s.sbirthday
       from student s
      where to_char(sbirthday, 'yyyy') =
            (select to_char(sbirthday, 'yyyy') from student where sno = '108');
    select s.*
      from score s
     where s.cno = (select c.cno
                      from course c
                      left join teacher t
                        on c.tno = t.tno
                     where t.tname = '张旭');
    select s.cno,count(*) rs from score s group by s.cno;
    select * from (select s.cno,count(*) rs from score s group by s.cno) s1 left join  course c on s1.cno=c.cno ;
    select *
      from teacher t
      left join (select *
                   from (select s.cno, count(*) rs from score s group by s.cno) s1
                   left join course c
                     on s1.cno = c.cno) s2
        on t.tno = s2.tno
     where s2.rs > 5;
    select s.* from student s where s.class in(95033,95031);
    select distinct  s.cno from score s where s.degree>85
    select t.tname,c.cname from teacher t left join course c on c.tno=t.tno where t.depart='计算机系' ;
    select s.sno, s.cno, s.degree
      from score s
     where s.cno in
           (select c.cno
              from course c
             where c.tno in (select t.tno from teacher t where t.depart = '计算机系'))
    select t.tname, t.prof
      from teacher t
     where t.prof not in (select te.prof from teacher te where t.depart not in te.depart);
    select s.cno, s.cno, s.degree
      from score s
     where (select sc.degree
              from score sc
             where sc.cno = '3-105'
               and sc.sno = s.sno) >
           (select c.degree
              from score c
             where c.cno = '3-245'
               and c.sno = s.sno)
     order by s.degree desc;
    select s.cno, s.sno, s.degree
      from score s
     where (select s1.degree from score s1 where s1.cno = '3-105' and s.sno=s1.sno) >
           (select s2.degree from score s2 where s2.cno = '3-245' and s.sno=s2.sno);
    select s.sname, s.ssex, s.sbirthday
      from student s
    select t.tname, t.tsex, t.tbirthday
      from teacher t;
    select s.sname, s.ssex, s.sbirthday
      from student s where s.ssex=''
    select t.tname, t.tsex, t.tbirthday
      from teacher t where t.tsex='';
    select Sno,Cno,Degree from Score a where a.Degree<(select AVG(Degree) from Score b where a.Cno=b.Cno)
    select t.tname,t.depart from teacher t ;
    select t1.tname, t1.depart
      from teacher t1
     where t1.tname not in
           (select t.tname from course c, teacher t where c.tno = t.tno);
    select s.class,count(s.class) from student s where s.ssex='' group by s.class ;
    select s.* from student s where s.sname not like '王%';
    select s.sname,to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')-to_char(s.sbirthday,'yyyy') from  student s ;
    select min(s.sbirthday) 出生最早,max(s.sbirthday) 出生最晚 from  student s;
    select s.* from student s order by s.class desc,s.sbirthday;
    select t.*,c.cname from course c left join teacher t  on c.tno=t.tno where t.tsex='';
    select s.* from score s where s.degree=(select max(s1.degree) from score s1 );
    select st.sname from student st where st.ssex=(select s.ssex from student s where s.sname='李军');
    select st.sname
      from student st
     where st.ssex = (select s.ssex from student s where s.sname = '李军')
       and st.class = (select s1.class from student s1 where s1.sname = '李军');
    select s.*
      from score s
     where s.cno = (select c.cno from course c where c.cname = '计算机导论')
       and s.sno in (select st.sno from student st where st.ssex = '');


    drop table Z_COURSE cascade constraints;
    drop table Z_STUDENT cascade constraints;
    drop table Z_STU_COUR cascade constraints;
    create table Z_COURSE
      id          NUMBER not null,
      cour_code   VARCHAR2(20),
      cour_name   VARCHAR2(30),
      p_cour_code VARCHAR2(20)
    comment on column Z_COURSE.cour_code
      is '课程代码';
    comment on column Z_COURSE.cour_name
      is '课程名称';
    comment on column Z_COURSE.p_cour_code
      is '父级课程代码';
    alter table Z_COURSE
      add constraint PK_Z_COURSE primary key (ID);
    alter table Z_COURSE
      add constraint UK_Z_COURSE unique (COUR_CODE);
    create table Z_STUDENT
      id       NUMBER not null,
      name     VARCHAR2(20),
      code     VARCHAR2(20),
      sex      CHAR(1),
      birthday DATE,
      major    VARCHAR2(20),
      note     VARCHAR2(300)
    comment on column Z_STUDENT.name
      is '学生姓名';
    comment on column Z_STUDENT.code
      is '学生学号';
    comment on column Z_STUDENT.sex
      is '性别';
    comment on column Z_STUDENT.birthday
      is '生日';
    comment on column Z_STUDENT.major
      is '专业';
    comment on column Z_STUDENT.note
      is '备注';
    alter table Z_STUDENT
      add constraint PK_Z_STUDENT primary key (ID);
    create table Z_STU_COUR
      id        NUMBER not null,
      stu_code  VARCHAR2(20),
      cour_code VARCHAR2(20),
      agree     NUMBER(4,1)
    comment on column Z_STU_COUR.stu_code
      is '学生学号';
    comment on column Z_STU_COUR.cour_code
      is '课程代码';
    comment on column Z_STU_COUR.agree
      is '课程分数';
    alter table Z_STU_COUR
      add constraint PK_Z_STU_COURT primary key (ID);
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (1, 'LAU-100', '汉语言文学专业', null);
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (2, 'C-LAU-101', '语言学概论', 'LAU-001');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (3, 'C-LAU-102', '现代汉语', 'LAU-001');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (4, 'C-LAU-103', '中国当代文学史', 'LAU-001');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (5, 'C-LAU-104', '大学英语', 'LAU-001');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (6, 'NEWS-100', '国际新闻专业', null);
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (7, 'C-NEWS-101', '新闻采访', 'NEWS-100');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (8, 'C-NEWS-102', '报纸编辑', 'NEWS-100');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (9, 'C-NEWS-103', '电视新闻', 'NEWS-100');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (10, 'HIS-121', '历史学专业', null);
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (11, 'C-HIS-335', '中国古代史', 'HIS-121');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (12, 'C-HIS-336', '世界古代史', 'HIS-121');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (13, 'C-HIS-337', '中国近代史', 'HIS-121');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (14, 'ADV-609', '广告学专业', null);
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (15, 'C-ADV-239', '广告文案写作', 'ADV-609');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (16, 'C-ADV-240', '基础美术', 'ADV-609');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (17, 'C-ADV-241', '平面广告设计与制作', 'ADV-609');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (18, 'C-ADV-242', '市场营销学', 'ADV-609');
    insert into Z_COURSE (id, cour_code, cour_name, p_cour_code)
    values (19, 'C-ADV-243', '大众传播学', 'ADV-609');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (1, '陈迪', 'stu-1011', '1', to_date('14-04-1993', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'LAU-100', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (2, '肖东菁', 'stu-1014', '1', to_date('15-02-1992', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'HIS-121', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (3, '汪佳丽', 'stu-1017', '2', to_date('16-08-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'NEWS-100', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (19, '车晓', 'stu-1042', '1', to_date('18-03-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'ADV-609', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (5, '王聪', 'stu-1023', '1', to_date('18-03-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'ADV-609', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (6, '李璇', 'stu-1026', '2', to_date('19-05-1991', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'HIS-121', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (7, '马舒滟', 'stu-1029', '1', to_date('20-01-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'NEWS-100', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (20, '张光北', 'stu-1018', '1', to_date('15-02-1992', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'HIS-121', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (9, '徐丹', 'stu-1035', '2', null, 'NEWS-100', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (11, '田野', 'stu-1041', '1', null, 'ADV-609', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (12, '彭亚光', 'stu-1044', '2', to_date('25-11-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'HIS-121', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (14, '黄欢', 'stu-1050', '1', to_date('27-06-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'ADV-609', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (15, '庞琳', 'stu-1053', '1', to_date('28-05-1989', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'HIS-121', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (16, '张子腾', 'stu-1056', '2', to_date('18-03-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'LAU-100', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (17, '姜春阳', 'stu-1059', '2', to_date('30-05-1988', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'HIS-121', '1');
    insert into Z_STUDENT (id, name, code, sex, birthday, major, note)
    values (18, '陈冰若', 'stu-1062', '1', to_date('31-10-1990', 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'NEWS-100', '1');
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (1, 'stu-1011', 'C-LAU-101', 35);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (2, 'stu-1011', 'C-LAU-102', 65);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (3, 'stu-1011', 'C-LAU-103', 25);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (4, 'stu-1011', 'C-LAU-104', 97);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (5, 'stu-1014', 'C-HIS-335', 53);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (6, 'stu-1014', 'C-HIS-336', 35);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (7, 'stu-1014', 'C-HIS-337', 65);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (8, 'stu-1017', 'C-NEWS-101', 25);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (9, 'stu-1017', 'C-NEWS-102', 65);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (10, 'stu-1017', 'C-NEWS-103', 25);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (11, 'stu-1023', 'C-ADV-239', 33);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (12, 'stu-1023', 'C-ADV-240', 42);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (13, 'stu-1023', 'C-ADV-241', 66);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (14, 'stu-1023', 'C-ADV-242', 69);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (15, 'stu-1023', 'C-ADV-243', 82);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (16, 'stu-1026', 'C-HIS-335', 37);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (17, 'stu-1026', 'C-HIS-336', 77);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (18, 'stu-1026', 'C-HIS-337', 34);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (19, 'stu-1029', 'C-NEWS-101', 35);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (20, 'stu-1029', 'C-NEWS-102', 75);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (21, 'stu-1029', 'C-NEWS-103', 32);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (22, 'stu-1035', 'C-NEWS-101', 19);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (23, 'stu-1035', 'C-NEWS-102', 11);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (24, 'stu-1035', 'C-NEWS-103', 93);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (25, 'stu-1041', 'C-ADV-239', 99);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (26, 'stu-1041', 'C-ADV-240', 88);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (27, 'stu-1041', 'C-ADV-241', 89);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (28, 'stu-1041', 'C-ADV-242', 63);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (29, 'stu-1041', 'C-ADV-243', 44);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (30, 'stu-1044', 'C-HIS-335', 73);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (31, 'stu-1044', 'C-HIS-336', 65);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (32, 'stu-1044', 'C-HIS-337', 25);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (33, 'stu-1050', 'C-ADV-239', 33);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (34, 'stu-1050', 'C-ADV-240', 42);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (35, 'stu-1050', 'C-ADV-241', 25);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (36, 'stu-1050', 'C-ADV-242', 33);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (37, 'stu-1050', 'C-ADV-243', 42);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (38, 'stu-1053', 'C-HIS-335', 66);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (39, 'stu-1053', 'C-HIS-336', 69);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (40, 'stu-1053', 'C-HIS-337', 35);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (41, 'stu-1056', 'C-LAU-101', 65);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (42, 'stu-1056', 'C-LAU-102', 25);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (43, 'stu-1056', 'C-LAU-103', 97);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (44, 'stu-1056', 'C-LAU-104', 53);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (45, 'stu-1059', 'C-HIS-335', 35);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (46, 'stu-1059', 'C-HIS-336', 25);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (47, 'stu-1059', 'C-HIS-337', 97);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (48, 'stu-1062', 'C-NEWS-101', 32);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (49, 'stu-1062', 'C-NEWS-102', 19);
    insert into Z_STU_COUR (id, stu_code, cour_code, agree)
    values (50, 'stu-1062', 'C-NEWS-103', 11);

    select s.* from z_student s ;
    select s.name,s.major from z_student s;
    select s.major from z_student s group by s.major;
    select s.name,s.major,rownum from z_student s where rownum<6;
    select s.code,s.name,trunc((sysdate - s.birthday)/365)||'岁' from z_student s;
    select c.cour_code from z_course c where c.cour_name='国际新闻专业';

    select s.*
    from z_student s
    where s.major = (select c.cour_code
    from z_course c
    where c.cour_name = '国际新闻专业');
    select s.name,s.major from z_student s where to_char(s.birthday,'yyyy')=1991;
    --查询历史, 广告, 国际新闻专业的所有学生信息
    select *
    from z_student s
    left join z_course c
    on s.major = c.cour_code
    where c.cour_name like '%史%'
    or c.cour_name like '%新闻%'
    or c.cour_name like '%广告%';
    --查询姓名是两个字的姓王, 姓陈, 姓李的所有学生信息
    select s.*
    from z_student s
    where s.name like '王_'
    or s.name like '李_'
    or s.name like '陈_';
    select s.* from Z_STU_COUR s where s.agree is null;
    select s.* from z_student s where s.birthday is null; ?and '计算机'?
    select s.* from z_student s order by s.major desc, s.code;
    select s.name,s.major,trunc((sysdate - s.birthday)/365)||'岁' age,rownum from z_student s where rownum<4 order by age;






    select s.* from z_student s ;
    select s.name,s.major from z_student s;
    select s.major from z_student s group by s.major;
    select s.name,s.major,rownum from z_student s where rownum<6; 
    select r.*, rownum
      from (select * from z_student st order by st.code) r
     where rownum < 6
     order by r.code;
    select s.code,s.name,trunc((sysdate - s.birthday)/365)||'' from z_student s;
    select c.cour_code from z_course c where c.cour_name='国际新闻专业'; 
    select s.*
      from z_student s
     where s.major = (select c.cour_code
                        from z_course c
                       where c.cour_name = '国际新闻专业');
    select s.name,s.major from z_student s where to_char(s.birthday,'yyyy')=1991;
    --查询历史, 广告, 国际新闻专业的所有学生信息
    select *
      from z_student s
      left join z_course c
        on s.major = c.cour_code
     where c.cour_name like '%历史%'
        or c.cour_name like '%新闻%'
        or c.cour_name like '%广告%';
    --查询姓名是两个字的姓王, 姓陈, 姓李的所有学生信息
    select s.*
      from z_student s
     where s.name like '王_'
        or s.name like '李_'
        or s.name like '陈_';
    select st.*
      from z_student st
     where st.code not in (select distinct sc.stu_code from Z_STU_COUR sc);
    select st.*
      from z_student st
     where not exists(select sc.* from Z_STU_COUR sc where sc.stu_code=st.code);
    select s.* from z_student s where s.birthday is null;   ?and '计算机'?
    select s.* from z_student s order by s.major desc, s.code;
    select s.name,
           trunc((sysdate - s.birthday) / 365) || '' age,
      from z_student s
     where rownum < 4
     order by age;
    select sc.cour_code, avg(sc.agree)
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
     where sc.cour_code != 'C-ADV-240'
     group by sc.cour_code
     order by sc.cour_code;
    select sc.cour_code, max(sc.agree),min(sc.agree)
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
     group by sc.cour_code;
    select sc.*
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
     where sc.stu_code='stu-1023';
    select c.p_cour_code from Z_COURSE c where c.cour_name='历史学专业';
    select s.major, count(s.major)
      from z_student s
     where s.major = (select c.cour_code
                        from Z_COURSE c
                       where c.cour_name = '历史学专业')
     group by s.major;
    select s.major,count(*) from Z_STUDENT s group by s.major;
    select  s.major,count(select s1.* from Z_STUDENT s1 where s1.sex='1' and s.major=s1.major;) from Z_STUDENT s group by s.major;
    select s.major,s.sex,count(*) from  Z_STUDENT s group by s.major,s.sex;
    select s.major,
           sum(decode(sex, 1, 1, 2, 0)) sex1,
           sum(decode(sex, 1, 0, 2, 1)) sex2
      from Z_STUDENT s
     group by s.major;
    select sc.*
      from (select c.stu_code, avg(c.agree) avga
              from Z_STU_COUR c
             group by c.stu_code) sc
     where sc.avga > 50;
    select c.stu_code, avg(c.agree) avga
              from Z_STU_COUR c
             group by c.stu_code
             having avg(c.agree)>50;
    select sc.cst, count(sc.cst)
      from (select c.stu_code cst, c.agree cag
              from Z_STU_COUR c
             where c.agree > 80) sc
     group by sc.cst;
    select st.code, st.name, sc.cour_code, sc.agree
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
      left join Z_STUDENT st
        on sc.stu_code = st.code;
    select st.name, sc.cour_code, sc.agree
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
      left join Z_STUDENT st
        on sc.stu_code = st.code
     where sc.cour_code='C-HIS-336';
    select st.code, st.name, sc.agree
      from Z_STUDENT st
      left join Z_STU_COUR sc
        on st.code = sc.stu_code
     where sc.cour_code =
           (select co.cour_code from Z_COURSE co where co.cour_name = '基础美术');
    select st.*, sc.agree
      from Z_STUDENT st
      left join Z_STU_COUR sc
        on st.code = sc.stu_code
     where sc.cour_code = 'C-NEWS-101';
    select st.*
      from Z_STUDENT st
     where st.birthday in (select st1.birthday
                             from Z_STUDENT st1
                            group by st1.birthday
                           having count(st1.birthday) > 1);
    select co.cour_name, co.cour_code, avg(sc.agree)
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
      left join Z_COURSE co
        on sc.cour_code = co.cour_code
     group by co.cour_name, co.cour_code;
    select sc.stu_code,avg(sc.agree) from Z_STU_COUR sc group by sc.stu_code;
    select co.cour_code, avg(sc.agree)
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
      left join Z_COURSE co
        on sc.cour_code = co.cour_code
     group by co.cour_code;
    select stu.name stuname,cx.avge
      from (select sc.stu_code, avg(sc.agree) avge
              from Z_STU_COUR sc
              left join Z_STUDENT st
                on sc.stu_code = st.code
             group by sc.stu_code
            having avg(sc.agree) > 40) cx
      left join Z_STUDENT stu
        on cx.stu_code = stu.code
     where stu.major in (select cou.cour_code
                           from Z_COURSE cou
                          where cou.cour_name = '国际新闻专业');
    select cx.cxdo, cx.cxavg
      from (select sc.cour_code cxdo, avg(sc.agree) cxavg
              from Z_STU_COUR sc
             group by sc.cour_code) cx
     where cx.cxavg >= (select avg(sc1.agree)
                         from Z_STU_COUR sc1
                        where sc1.cour_code = 'C-ADV-239');
    select scc.cour_code, sccc.couu / scc.cou
      from (select sc.cour_code, count(sc.cour_code) couu
              from z_stu_cour sc
             where sc.agree> 50
             group by sc.cour_code) sccc,
           (select sc.cour_code, count(sc.cour_code) cou
              from z_stu_cour sc
             group by sc.cour_code) scc
     where sccc.cour_code = scc.cour_code
       and scc.cour_code in
           (select c.cour_code
              from z_course c
             where c.p_cour_code =
                   (select c.cour_code
                      from z_course c
                     where c.cour_name = '历史学专业'));
    select *
      from Z_STU_COUR sc
      left join Z_STUDENT st
        on sc.stu_code = st.code
     where sc.cour_code != 'C-NEWS-101';
    select st.*
      from Z_STUDENT st
     where st.code not in (select distinct sc.stu_code from Z_STU_COUR sc);







    空值不能引入到运算中,+ - * / 和空值的结果都是空。

    对相对难以理解的内容可以活用方法来进行优化,比如使用 || 。

    在select 语句中,= 的作用是比较大小,所有不能用 = 和null 来判断是不是空值,要使用 in。

    但是在update中,= 的作用是赋值,所以可以出现 = null ,将 null 赋给某个值。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangwz/p/7356674.html
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