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  • 【MySQL】Sysbench性能测试


    long_query_time         = 0.1
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  = 1
    long_query_time         = 1
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  = 2
    innodb_write_io_threads = 8
    innodb_read_io_threads = 8


    CPU:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz *2  8核


    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# ./configure --with-mysql-includes=/servers/mysql/include --with-mysql-libs=/servers/mysql/lib
    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# make && make install
    make[2]: Entering directory `/sysbench-0.4.12/sysbench'
    /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC   --mode=link gcc -pthread -g -O2      -o sysbench sysbench.o sb_timer.o sb_options.o sb_logger.o db_driver.o tests/fileio/libsbfileio.a tests/threads/libsbthreads.a tests/memory/libsbmemory.a tests/cpu/libsbcpu.a tests/oltp/libsboltp.a tests/mutex/libsbmutex.a drivers/mysql/libsbmysql.a -L/servers/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient_r   -lrt -lm 
    ../libtool: line 838: X--tag=CC: command not found
    ../libtool: line 871: libtool: ignoring unknown tag : command not found
    ../libtool: line 838: X--mode=link: command not found
    ../libtool: line 1004: *** Warning: inferring the mode of operation is deprecated.: command not found
    ../libtool: line 1005: *** Future versions of Libtool will require --mode=MODE be specified.: command not found
    ../libtool: line 2231: X-g: command not found
    ../libtool: line 2231: X-O2: command not found
    ../libtool: line 1951: X-L/servers/mysql/lib: No such file or directory
    ../libtool: line 2400: Xsysbench: command not found
    Fatal server error:
    Server is already active for display 0
            If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
            and start again.
    Please consult the CentOS support 
             at https://www.redhat.com/apps/support/
     for help. 


    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# which libtool
    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# mv libtool libtool_bak
    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# cp -r /usr/bin/libtool ./
    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# make && make install


    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=200 run  
    sysbench: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient.so.18: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# ln -s  /servers/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.so.18 /usr/lib64/
    [root@m1 sysbench-0.4.12]# ll /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so.18 
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 46 Sep 15 11:56 /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so.18 -> /servers/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.so.18



    [root@m1 ~]# sysbench --help
      sysbench [general-options]... --test=<test-name> [test-options]... command
    General options:
      --num-threads=N            number of threads to use [1]   线程数
      --max-requests=N           limit for total number of requests [10000]   事务请求数
      --max-time=N               limit for total execution time in seconds [0]
      --forced-shutdown=STRING   amount of time to wait after --max-time before forcing shutdown [off]
      --thread-stack-size=SIZE   size of stack per thread [32K]
      --init-rng=[on|off]        initialize random number generator [off]
      --test=STRING              test to run
      --debug=[on|off]           print more debugging info [off]
      --validate=[on|off]        perform validation checks where possible [off]
      --help=[on|off]            print help and exit
      --version=[on|off]         print version and exit
    Compiled-in tests:
      fileio - File I/O test
      cpu - CPU performance test
      memory - Memory functions speed test
      threads - Threads subsystem performance test
      mutex - Mutex performance test
      oltp - OLTP test
    Commands: prepare run cleanup help version
    See 'sysbench --test=<name> help' for a list of options for each test.
    [root@m1 ~]# sysbench --test=oltp help
    sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
    oltp options:
      --oltp-test-mode=STRING         test type to use {simple,complex,nontrx,sp} [complex]
      --oltp-reconnect-mode=STRING    reconnect mode {session,transaction,query,random} [session]
      --oltp-sp-name=STRING           name of store procedure to call in SP test mode []
      --oltp-read-only=[on|off]       generate only 'read' queries (do not modify database) [off]
      --oltp-skip-trx=[on|off]        skip BEGIN/COMMIT statements [off]
      --oltp-range-size=N             range size for range queries [100]
      --oltp-point-selects=N          number of point selects [10]
      --oltp-simple-ranges=N          number of simple ranges [1]
      --oltp-sum-ranges=N             number of sum ranges [1]
      --oltp-order-ranges=N           number of ordered ranges [1]
      --oltp-distinct-ranges=N        number of distinct ranges [1]
      --oltp-index-updates=N          number of index update [1]
      --oltp-non-index-updates=N      number of non-index updates [1]
      --oltp-nontrx-mode=STRING       mode for non-transactional test {select, update_key, update_nokey, insert, delete} [select]
      --oltp-auto-inc=[on|off]        whether AUTO_INCREMENT (or equivalent) should be used on id column [on]
      --oltp-connect-delay=N          time in microseconds to sleep after connection to database [10000]
      --oltp-user-delay-min=N         minimum time in microseconds to sleep after each request [0]
      --oltp-user-delay-max=N         maximum time in microseconds to sleep after each request [0]
      --oltp-table-name=STRING        name of test table [sbtest]   表名
      --oltp-table-size=N             number of records in test table [10000]  表的行数
      --oltp-dist-type=STRING         random numbers distribution {uniform,gaussian,special} [special]
      --oltp-dist-iter=N              number of iterations used for numbers generation [12]
      --oltp-dist-pct=N               percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) [1]
      --oltp-dist-res=N               percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) [75]
    General database options:
      --db-driver=STRING  specifies database driver to use ('help' to get list of available drivers)
      --db-ps-mode=STRING prepared statements usage mode {auto, disable} [auto]
    Compiled-in database drivers:
      mysql - MySQL driver
    mysql options:
      --mysql-host=[LIST,...]       MySQL server host [localhost]
      --mysql-port=N                MySQL server port [3306]
      --mysql-socket=STRING         MySQL socket
      --mysql-user=STRING           MySQL user [sbtest]
      --mysql-password=STRING       MySQL password []
      --mysql-db=STRING             MySQL database name [sbtest]
      --mysql-table-engine=STRING   storage engine to use for the test table {myisam,innodb,bdb,heap,ndbcluster,federated} [innodb]
      --mysql-engine-trx=STRING     whether storage engine used is transactional or not {yes,no,auto} [auto]
      --mysql-ssl=[on|off]          use SSL connections, if available in the client library [off]
      --myisam-max-rows=N           max-rows parameter for MyISAM tables [1000000]
      --mysql-create-options=STRING additional options passed to CREATE TABLE []


    [root@m2 ~]# sysbench --test=oltp --mysql-user=user --mysql-password=passwd --mysql-socket=/data/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock --oltp-table-size=2000000 --mysql-db=test --oltp-table-name=test200w --max-requests=200000 --num-threads=200 --mysql-table-engine=innodb prepare
    sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
    No DB drivers specified, using mysql
    Creating table 'test200w'...
    Creating 2000000 records in table 'test200w'...


    [root@m1 ~]# sysbench --test=oltp --mysql-user=user --mysql-password=passwd --mysql-socket=/data/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock --oltp-table-size=2000000 --mysql-db=test --oltp-table-name=test200w --max-requests=200000 --num-threads=200 --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-skip-trx=off run
    sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
    No DB drivers specified, using mysql
    Running the test with following options:
    Number of threads: 200
    Doing OLTP test.
    Running mixed OLTP test
    Using Special distribution (12 iterations,  1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)
    Using "BEGIN" for starting transactions
    Using auto_inc on the id column
    Maximum number of requests for OLTP test is limited to 200000
    Threads started!
    OLTP test statistics:
        queries performed:
            read:                            2800070
            write:                           1000025
            other:                           400010
            total:                           4200105
        transactions:                        200005 (3205.05 per sec.)
        deadlocks:                           0      (0.00 per sec.)
        read/write requests:                 3800095 (60895.90 per sec.)
        other operations:                    400010 (6410.09 per sec.)
    Test execution summary:
        total time:                          62.4031s
        total number of events:              200005
        total time taken by event execution: 12473.5711
        per-request statistics:
             min:                                 13.09ms
             avg:                                 62.37ms
             max:                                261.41ms
             approx.  95 percentile:              88.53ms
    Threads fairness:
        events (avg/stddev):           1000.0250/7.76
        execution time (avg/stddev):   62.3679/0.01
    [root@m2 ~]# sysbench --test=oltp --mysql-user=user --mysql-password=passwd --mysql-socket=/data/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock --oltp-table-size=2000000 --mysql-db=test --oltp-table-name=test200w --max-requests=200000 --num-threads=200 --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-skip-trx=off run
    sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
    No DB drivers specified, using mysql
    Running the test with following options:
    Number of threads: 200
    Doing OLTP test.
    Running mixed OLTP test
    Using Special distribution (12 iterations,  1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)
    Using "BEGIN" for starting transactions
    Using auto_inc on the id column
    Maximum number of requests for OLTP test is limited to 200000
    Threads started!
    OLTP test statistics:
        queries performed:
            read:                            2800154
            write:                           1000055
            other:                           400022
            total:                           4200231
        transactions:                        200011 (3165.83 per sec.)
        deadlocks:                           0      (0.00 per sec.)
        read/write requests:                 3800209 (60150.74 per sec.)
        other operations:                    400022 (6331.66 per sec.)
    Test execution summary:
        total time:                          63.1781s
        total number of events:              200011
        total time taken by event execution: 12629.9640
        per-request statistics:
             min:                                 12.43ms
             avg:                                 63.15ms
             max:                                278.01ms
             approx.  95 percentile:              89.76ms
    Threads fairness:
        events (avg/stddev):           1000.0550/7.63
        execution time (avg/stddev):   63.1498/0.01


    表数据 事务数 线程数
    200W 20W 200
    200W 20W 400
    200W 20W 600
    200W 20W 800
    2000W 20W 200
    2000W 20W 400
    2000W 20W 600
    2000W 20W 800


    由于观察m1和m2两个配置在对照组中性能差别不大,怀疑由于InnoDB I/O配置的innodb_write_io_threads = 8innodb_read_io_threads = 8过大,导致引擎层面并发I/O因瓶颈无发发挥出并发效果,m3的配置既恢复默认的4。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangxu67/p/3972551.html
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