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  • jQuery插件之ajax分页


    var orderby="";
            var pagesize="20"
            function InitData(pageindx)
                var tbody = "";
                   type: "POST",//用POST方式传输
                   success:function(json) {
                            $("#productTable tr:gt(0)").remove();
                            var productData = json.Products;
                            $.each(productData, function(i, n) {
                                var trs = "";
                                trs += "<tr><td>" + n.ProductID + "</td><td>" + n.ProductName + "</td><td>" + n.UnitPrice + "</td><td>" + n.CategoryID + "</td></tr>";
                                tbody += trs;
                            $("#productTable tr:gt(0):odd").attr("class", "odd");
                            $("#productTable tr:gt(0):even").attr("class", "enen");
                            $("#productTable tr:gt(0)").hover(function(){
                                callback: pageselectCallback,//点击换页的执行函数
                                prev_text: '上一页',
                                next_text: '下一页',
                                items_per_page: pagesize,
                                num_display_entries: 6,
                                current_page: pageindx,
                                num_edge_entries: 2,
                function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq) {
    public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
        private string getProducts(HttpContext context) {
            string pagesize = context.Request["ps"];
            string pageindex = context.Request["pi"];
            string sql = "select top "+pagesize+" * from products where productid not in (select top "+(int.Parse(pagesize)*int.Parse(pageindex)).ToString()+" productid from products)";
            string re = JsonHelper.DataTableToJSON(SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql).Tables[0], "Products");
            re = re.Substring(0, re.Length - 1) + ",RecordCount:" + SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from products").ToString() + "}";
            return re;
    * This jQuery plugin displays pagination links inside the selected elements.
    * @author Gabriel Birke (birke *at* d-scribe *dot* de)
    * @version 1.1
    * @param {int} maxentries Number of entries to paginate
    * @param {Object} opts Several options (see README for documentation)
    * @return {Object} jQuery Object
    jQuery.fn.pagination = function(maxentries, opts) {
        opts = jQuery.extend({
            items_per_page: 10,
            num_display_entries: 10,
            current_page: 0,
            num_edge_entries: 0,
            link_to: "#",
            prev_text: "Prev",
            next_text: "Next",
            ellipse_text: "...",
            prev_show_always: true,
            next_show_always: true,
            callback: function() { return false; }
        }, opts || {});
        return this.each(function() {
            * Calculate the maximum number of pages
            function numPages() {
                return Math.ceil(maxentries / opts.items_per_page);
            * Calculate start and end point of pagination links depending on 
            * current_page and num_display_entries.
            * @return {Array}
            function getInterval() {
                var ne_half = Math.ceil(opts.num_display_entries / 2);
                var np = numPages();
                var upper_limit = np - opts.num_display_entries;
                var start = current_page > ne_half ? Math.max(Math.min(current_page - ne_half, upper_limit), 0) : 0;
                var end = current_page > ne_half ? Math.min(current_page + ne_half, np) : Math.min(opts.num_display_entries, np);
                return [start, end];
            * This is the event handling function for the pagination links. 
            * @param {int} page_id The new page number
            function pageSelected(page_id, evt) {
                current_page = page_id;
                var continuePropagation = opts.callback(page_id, panel);
                if (!continuePropagation) {
                    if (evt.stopPropagation) {
                    else {
                        evt.cancelBubble = true;
                return continuePropagation;
            * This function inserts the pagination links into the container element
            function drawLinks() {
                if (opts.text1 && opts.text2)
                    panel.append("<a style=' margin-top:-6px;vertical-align:middle; border:0px;'>" + opts.text1.split('_')[0] + opts.items_per_page + opts.text1.split('_')[1] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
                                + opts.text2.split('_')[0] + maxentries + opts.text2.split('_')[1] + "</a>");
                var interval = getInterval();
                var np = numPages();
                // This helper function returns a handler function that calls pageSelected with the right page_id
                var getClickHandler = function(page_id) {
                    return function(evt) { return pageSelected(page_id, evt); }
                // Helper function for generating a single link (or a span tag if it'S the current page)
                var appendItem = function(page_id, appendopts) {
                    page_id = page_id < 0 ? 0 : (page_id < np ? page_id : np - 1); // Normalize page id to sane value
                    appendopts = jQuery.extend({ text: page_id + 1, classes: "current" }, appendopts || {});
                    if (page_id == current_page) {
                        var lnk = $("<span class='current'>" + (appendopts.text) + "</span>");
                    else {
                        var lnk = $("<a>" + (appendopts.text) + "</a>")
                            .bind("click", getClickHandler(page_id))
                            .attr('href', opts.link_to.replace(/__id__/, page_id));
                    if (appendopts.classes) { lnk.removeAttr('class'); lnk.addClass(appendopts.classes); }
                // Generate "Previous"-Link
                if (opts.prev_text && (current_page > 0 || opts.prev_show_always)) {
                    appendItem(current_page - 1, { text: opts.prev_text, classes: "disabled" });
                // Generate starting points
                if (interval[0] > 0 && opts.num_edge_entries > 0) {
                    var end = Math.min(opts.num_edge_entries, interval[0]);
                    for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
                    if (opts.num_edge_entries < interval[0] && opts.ellipse_text) {
                        jQuery("<span>" + opts.ellipse_text + "</span>").appendTo(panel);
                // Generate interval links
                for (var i = interval[0]; i < interval[1]; i++) {
                // Generate ending points
                if (interval[1] < np && opts.num_edge_entries > 0) {
                    if (np - opts.num_edge_entries > interval[1] && opts.ellipse_text) {
                        jQuery("<span>" + opts.ellipse_text + "</span>").appendTo(panel);
                    var begin = Math.max(np - opts.num_edge_entries, interval[1]);
                    for (var i = begin; i < np; i++) {
                // Generate "Next"-Link
                if (opts.next_text && (current_page < np - 1 || opts.next_show_always)) {
                    appendItem(current_page + 1, { text: opts.next_text, classes: "disabled" });
                panel.append("<input id='txtPaginationIndex' value='" + (opts.current_page + 1) + "' style='30px; margin-top:-3px;vertical-align:middle' /></span>");
                panel.append("<a id='btnGo' href='#'>go</a>");
                var btnGo = $("#btnGo", panel);
                btnGo.bind("click", function(e) {
                    var indexp = $("#txtPaginationIndex", panel).val();
                    if (!isNaN(indexp)) {
                        var number = (parseInt(indexp) - 1);
                        if (number >= 0 && number < numPages())
                            pageSelected(number, e);
            // Extract current_page from options
            var current_page = opts.current_page;
            // Create a sane value for maxentries and items_per_page
            maxentries = (!maxentries || maxentries < 0) ? 1 : maxentries;
            opts.items_per_page = (!opts.items_per_page || opts.items_per_page < 0) ? 1 : opts.items_per_page;
            // Store DOM element for easy access from all inner functions
            var panel = jQuery(this);
            // Attach control functions to the DOM element 
            this.selectPage = function(page_id) { pageSelected(page_id); }
            this.prevPage = function() {
                if (current_page > 0) {
                    pageSelected(current_page - 1);
                    return true;
                else {
                    return false;
            this.nextPage = function() {
                if (current_page < numPages() - 1) {
                    pageSelected(current_page + 1);
                    return true;
                else {
                    return false;
            // When all initialisation is done, draw the links
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jianjialin/p/1598034.html
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