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  • 2018年11月1号数据库迁移记录(1)

    --一、sqlplus登录sys或者system 建立Oracle Directory目录
    create directory dp_qianyi as 'D:qianyi'; --同时应该在相应位置建立实际目录

    --授权 grant read,write on directory dp_qianyi to system ;

    --二、一 导出 creditfw用户下的模式
    grant read,write on directory dp_qianyi to creditfw;
    expdp creditfw/xyshare@XYSHARE directory=dp_qianyi schemas=creditfw dumpfile=qy_sgshare20181211.dmp logfile=qy_sgshare20181211.log

    drop user 用户名称 cascade;
    drop tablespace 表空间名称 including contents and datafiles cascade constraint;

    --4、在目的地数据库服务器上建立默认表空间和临时表空间 、同名用户
    select * from dba_users t where t.user_id>90 and t.user_id<100;
    create tablespace sgshare datafile 'D:APPADMINISTRATORORADATAXYSHARESGSHARE.DBF'
    size 102400m autoextend on next 128m maxsize 204800m extent management local; --创建表空间

    create temporary tablespace ZWSERVER_TEMP tempfile 'D:appAdministratororadatacreditWSERVER_TEMP.dbf' 
    size 50M autoextend ON next 10M maxsize 100M;   --创建临时表空间

    ----- 授权:
    grant read,write on directory dp_qianyi to system

    impdp system/xyshare@xyshare directory=dp_qianyi dumpfile=qy_sgshare20181107.dmp logfile=qy_sgshare20181107.log

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jianshuai520/p/11268571.html
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