(1) 鲁棒性:当表达式的类型改变,包括函数返回值类型的转变,程序依然可以正确运行,不需要改变所有的变量类型。
(2) 性能:可以消除类型转换。
(3) 易用性:不用担心类型名错误
(4) 高效:会让程序更加有效率
2、auto关键字会去掉变量的reference,const,volite volatile 修饰符
// cl.exe /analyze /EHsc /W4 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { int count = 10; int& countRef = count; auto myAuto = countRef; countRef = 11; cout << count << " "; myAuto = 12; cout << count << endl; }
在上面的代码中,myAuto是个int,不是int &,输出的结果是 11 11,不是11 12。
int j = 0; // Variable j is explicitly type int. auto k = 0; // Variable k is implicitly type int because 0 is an integer.
map<int,list<string>>::iterator i = m.begin(); auto i = m.begin();
// cl /EHsc /nologo /W4 #include <deque> using namespace std; int main() { deque<double> dqDoubleData(10, 0.1); for (auto iter = dqDoubleData.begin(); iter != dqDoubleData.end(); ++iter) { /* ... */ } // prefer range-for loops with the following information in mind // (this applies to any range-for with auto, not just deque) for (auto elem : dqDoubleData) // COPIES elements, not much better than the previous examples { /* ... */ } for (auto& elem : dqDoubleData) // observes and/or modifies elements IN-PLACE { /* ... */ } for (const auto& elem : dqDoubleData) // observes elements IN-PLACE { /* ... */ } }
3、auto可以用于new 和指针
double x = 12.34; auto *y = new auto(x), **z = new auto(&x);
auto x = 1, *y = &x, **z = &y; // Resolves to int. auto a(2.01), *b (&a); // Resolves to double. auto c = 'a', *d(&c); // Resolves to char. auto m = 1, &n = m; // Resolves to int.
int v1 = 100, v2 = 200; auto x = v1 > v2 ? v1 : v2;
6、在下面代码中x为int,y为const int &,fp为函数指针
int f(int x) { return x; } int main() { auto x = f(0); const auto & y = f(1); int (*p)(int x); p = f; auto fp = p; //... }