Given a list of numbers, return all possible permutations.
For nums =
, the permutations are:[ [1,2,3], [1,3,2], [2,1,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2], [3,2,1] ]
class Solution { public: /** * @param nums: A list of integers. * @return: A list of permutations. */ vector<vector<int> > permute(vector<int> nums) { // write your code here vector<vector<int>> paths; if (nums.empty()) { return paths; } vector<int> index; vector<int> path; permuteHelper(nums, index, path, paths); return paths; } private: void permuteHelper(const vector<int> &nums, vector<int> &index, vector<int> &path, vector<vector<int>> &paths) { if (path.size() == nums.size()) { paths.push_back(path); return; } for (int ix = 0; ix < nums.size(); ix++) { if (find(index.begin(), index.end(), ix) == index.end()) { index.push_back(ix); path.push_back(nums[ix]); permuteHelper(nums, index, path, paths); index.pop_back(); path.pop_back(); } } } };
class Solution { public: /** * @param nums: A list of integers. * @return: A list of permutations. */ vector<vector<int> > permute(vector<int> nums) { // write your code here vector<vector<int>> paths; if (nums.empty()) { return paths; } unordered_set<int> index; vector<int> path; permuteHelper(nums, index, path, paths); return paths; } private: void permuteHelper(const vector<int> &nums, unordered_set<int> &index, vector<int> &path, vector<vector<int>> &paths) { if (path.size() == nums.size()) { paths.push_back(path); return; } for (int ix = 0; ix < nums.size(); ix++) { if (index.count(ix) == 0) { index.insert(ix); path.push_back(nums[ix]); permuteHelper(nums, index, path, paths); index.erase(ix); path.pop_back(); } } } };
class Solution { public: /** * @param nums: A list of integers. * @return: A list of permutations. */ vector<vector<int> > permute(vector<int> nums) { // write your code here vector<vector<int>> paths; if (nums.empty()) { return paths; } bool *visited = new bool[nums.size()](); vector<int> path; permuteHelper(nums, visited, path, paths); return paths; } private: void permuteHelper(const vector<int> &nums, bool *visited, vector<int> &path, vector<vector<int>> &paths) { if (path.size() == nums.size()) { paths.push_back(path); return; } for (int ix = 0; ix < nums.size(); ix++) { if (visited[ix] == false) { visited[ix] = true; path.push_back(nums[ix]); permuteHelper(nums, visited, path, paths); visited[ix] = false; path.pop_back(); } } } };