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  • tp3.2 phpexcel 简单导出多个sheet(execl表格)



    // 开始

    * PHPExcel
    * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2012 PHPExcel
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * Lesser General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
    * @category PHPExcel
    * @package PHPExcel
    * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2012 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel)
    * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt LGPL
    * @version 1.7.7, 2012-05-19

    /** PHPExcel root directory */
    if (!defined('PHPEXCEL_ROOT')) {
    define('PHPEXCEL_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
    require(PHPEXCEL_ROOT . 'PHPExcel/Autoloader.php');

    * PHPExcel
    * @category PHPExcel
    * @package PHPExcel
    * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2012 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel)
    class PHPExcel
    * Document properties
    * @var PHPExcel_DocumentProperties
    private $_properties;

    * Document security
    * @var PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity
    private $_security;

    * Collection of Worksheet objects
    * @var PHPExcel_Worksheet[]
    private $_workSheetCollection = array();

    * Active sheet index
    * @var int
    private $_activeSheetIndex = 0;

    * Named ranges
    * @var PHPExcel_NamedRange[]
    private $_namedRanges = array();

    * CellXf supervisor
    * @var PHPExcel_Style
    private $_cellXfSupervisor;

    * CellXf collection
    * @var PHPExcel_Style[]
    private $_cellXfCollection = array();

    * CellStyleXf collection
    * @var PHPExcel_Style[]
    private $_cellStyleXfCollection = array();

    * Create a new PHPExcel with one Worksheet
    public function __construct()
    // Initialise worksheet collection and add one worksheet
    $this->_workSheetCollection = array();
    $this->_workSheetCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this);
    $this->_activeSheetIndex = 0;

    // Create document properties
    $this->_properties = new PHPExcel_DocumentProperties();

    // Create document security
    $this->_security = new PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity();

    // Set named ranges
    $this->_namedRanges = array();

    // Create the cellXf supervisor
    $this->_cellXfSupervisor = new PHPExcel_Style(true);

    // Create the default style
    $this->addCellXf(new PHPExcel_Style);
    $this->addCellStyleXf(new PHPExcel_Style);

    * Disconnect all worksheets from this PHPExcel workbook object,
    * typically so that the PHPExcel object can be unset
    public function disconnectWorksheets() {
    foreach($this->_workSheetCollection as $k => &$worksheet) {
    $this->_workSheetCollection[$k] = null;
    $this->_workSheetCollection = array();

    * Get properties
    * @return PHPExcel_DocumentProperties
    public function getProperties()
    return $this->_properties;

    * Set properties
    * @param PHPExcel_DocumentProperties $pValue
    public function setProperties(PHPExcel_DocumentProperties $pValue)
    $this->_properties = $pValue;

    * Get security
    * @return PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity
    public function getSecurity()
    return $this->_security;

    * Set security
    * @param PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity $pValue
    public function setSecurity(PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity $pValue)
    $this->_security = $pValue;

    * Get active sheet
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    public function getActiveSheet()
    return $this->_workSheetCollection[$this->_activeSheetIndex];

    * Create sheet and add it to this workbook
    * @param int|null $iSheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last)
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    * @throws Exception
    public function createSheet($iSheetIndex = null)
    $newSheet = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this);
    $this->addSheet($newSheet, $iSheetIndex);
    return $newSheet;

    * Add sheet
    * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet
    * @param int|null $iSheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last)
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    * @throws Exception
    public function addSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null, $iSheetIndex = null)
    if($iSheetIndex === NULL) {
    $this->_workSheetCollection[] = $pSheet;
    } else {
    // Insert the sheet at the requested index

    // Adjust active sheet index if necessary
    if ($this->_activeSheetIndex >= $iSheetIndex) {
    return $pSheet;

    * Remove sheet by index
    * @param int $pIndex Active sheet index
    * @throws Exception
    public function removeSheetByIndex($pIndex = 0)
    if ($pIndex > count($this->_workSheetCollection) - 1) {
    throw new Exception("Sheet index is out of bounds.");
    } else {
    array_splice($this->_workSheetCollection, $pIndex, 1);
    // Adjust active sheet index if necessary
    if (($this->_activeSheetIndex >= $pIndex) &&
    ($pIndex > count($this->_workSheetCollection) - 1)) {


    * Get sheet by index
    * @param int $pIndex Sheet index
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    * @throws Exception
    public function getSheet($pIndex = 0)
    if ($pIndex > count($this->_workSheetCollection) - 1) {
    throw new Exception("Sheet index is out of bounds.");
    } else {
    return $this->_workSheetCollection[$pIndex];

    * Get all sheets
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet[]
    public function getAllSheets()
    return $this->_workSheetCollection;

    * Get sheet by name
    * @param string $pName Sheet name
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    * @throws Exception
    public function getSheetByName($pName = '')
    $worksheetCount = count($this->_workSheetCollection);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) {
    if ($this->_workSheetCollection[$i]->getTitle() == $pName) {
    return $this->_workSheetCollection[$i];

    return null;

    * Get index for sheet
    * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet
    * @return Sheet index
    * @throws Exception
    public function getIndex(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet)
    foreach ($this->_workSheetCollection as $key => $value) {
    if ($value->getHashCode() == $pSheet->getHashCode()) {
    return $key;

    * Set index for sheet by sheet name.
    * @param string $sheetName Sheet name to modify index for
    * @param int $newIndex New index for the sheet
    * @return New sheet index
    * @throws Exception
    public function setIndexByName($sheetName, $newIndex)
    $oldIndex = $this->getIndex($this->getSheetByName($sheetName));
    $pSheet = array_splice(
    return $newIndex;

    * Get sheet count
    * @return int
    public function getSheetCount()
    return count($this->_workSheetCollection);

    * Get active sheet index
    * @return int Active sheet index
    public function getActiveSheetIndex()
    return $this->_activeSheetIndex;

    * Set active sheet index
    * @param int $pIndex Active sheet index
    * @throws Exception
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    public function setActiveSheetIndex($pIndex = 0)
    if ($pIndex > count($this->_workSheetCollection) - 1) {
    throw new Exception("Active sheet index is out of bounds.");
    } else {
    $this->_activeSheetIndex = $pIndex;
    return $this->getActiveSheet();

    * Set active sheet index by name
    * @param string $pValue Sheet title
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    * @throws Exception
    public function setActiveSheetIndexByName($pValue = '')
    if (($worksheet = $this->getSheetByName($pValue)) instanceof PHPExcel_Worksheet) {
    return $worksheet;

    throw new Exception('Workbook does not contain sheet:' . $pValue);

    * Get sheet names
    * @return string[]
    public function getSheetNames()
    $returnValue = array();
    $worksheetCount = $this->getSheetCount();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) {
    $returnValue[] = $this->getSheet($i)->getTitle();

    return $returnValue;

    * Add external sheet
    * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet External sheet to add
    * @param int|null $iSheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last)
    * @throws Exception
    * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
    public function addExternalSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = null) {
    if ($this->getSheetByName($pSheet->getTitle()) !== NULL) {
    throw new Exception("Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle()}'. Rename the external sheet first.");

    // count how many cellXfs there are in this workbook currently, we will need this below
    $countCellXfs = count($this->_cellXfCollection);

    // copy all the shared cellXfs from the external workbook and append them to the current
    foreach ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfCollection() as $cellXf) {
    $this->addCellXf(clone $cellXf);

    // move sheet to this workbook

    // update the cellXfs
    foreach ($pSheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
    $cell = $pSheet->getCell($cellID);
    $cell->setXfIndex( $cell->getXfIndex() + $countCellXfs );

    return $this->addSheet($pSheet, $iSheetIndex);

    * Get named ranges
    * @return PHPExcel_NamedRange[]
    public function getNamedRanges() {
    return $this->_namedRanges;

    * Add named range
    * @param PHPExcel_NamedRange $namedRange
    * @return PHPExcel
    public function addNamedRange(PHPExcel_NamedRange $namedRange) {
    if ($namedRange->getScope() == null) {
    // global scope
    $this->_namedRanges[$namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange;
    } else {
    // local scope
    $this->_namedRanges[$namedRange->getScope()->getTitle().'!'.$namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange;
    return true;

    * Get named range
    * @param string $namedRange
    * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet|null $pSheet Scope. Use null for global scope
    * @return PHPExcel_NamedRange|null
    public function getNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) {
    $returnValue = null;

    if ($namedRange != '' && ($namedRange !== NULL)) {
    // first look for global defined name
    if (isset($this->_namedRanges[$namedRange])) {
    $returnValue = $this->_namedRanges[$namedRange];

    // then look for local defined name (has priority over global defined name if both names exist)
    if (($pSheet !== NULL) && isset($this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange])) {
    $returnValue = $this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange];

    return $returnValue;

    * Remove named range
    * @param string $namedRange
    * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet|null $pSheet Scope: use null for global scope.
    * @return PHPExcel
    public function removeNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) {
    if ($pSheet === NULL) {
    if (isset($this->_namedRanges[$namedRange])) {
    } else {
    if (isset($this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange])) {
    unset($this->_namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . '!' . $namedRange]);
    return $this;

    * Get worksheet iterator
    * @return PHPExcel_WorksheetIterator
    public function getWorksheetIterator() {
    return new PHPExcel_WorksheetIterator($this);

    * Copy workbook (!= clone!)
    * @return PHPExcel
    public function copy() {
    $copied = clone $this;

    $worksheetCount = count($this->_workSheetCollection);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) {
    $this->_workSheetCollection[$i] = $this->_workSheetCollection[$i]->copy();

    return $copied;

    * Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy.
    public function __clone() {
    foreach($this as $key => $val) {
    if (is_object($val) || (is_array($val))) {
    $this->{$key} = unserialize(serialize($val));

    * Get the workbook collection of cellXfs
    * @return PHPExcel_Style[]
    public function getCellXfCollection()
    return $this->_cellXfCollection;

    * Get cellXf by index
    * @param int $pIndex
    * @return PHPExcel_Style
    public function getCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
    return $this->_cellXfCollection[$pIndex];

    * Get cellXf by hash code
    * @param string $pValue
    * @return PHPExcel_Style|false
    public function getCellXfByHashCode($pValue = '')
    foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $cellXf) {
    if ($cellXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) {
    return $cellXf;
    return false;

    * Get default style
    * @return PHPExcel_Style
    * @throws Exception
    public function getDefaultStyle()
    if (isset($this->_cellXfCollection[0])) {
    return $this->_cellXfCollection[0];
    throw new Exception('No default style found for this workbook');

    * Add a cellXf to the workbook
    * @param PHPExcel_Style $style
    public function addCellXf(PHPExcel_Style $style)
    $this->_cellXfCollection[] = $style;
    $style->setIndex(count($this->_cellXfCollection) - 1);

    * Remove cellXf by index. It is ensured that all cells get their xf index updated.
    * @param int $pIndex Index to cellXf
    * @throws Exception
    public function removeCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
    if ($pIndex > count($this->_cellXfCollection) - 1) {
    throw new Exception("CellXf index is out of bounds.");
    } else {
    // first remove the cellXf
    array_splice($this->_cellXfCollection, $pIndex, 1);

    // then update cellXf indexes for cells
    foreach ($this->_workSheetCollection as $worksheet) {
    foreach ($worksheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
    $cell = $worksheet->getCell($cellID);
    $xfIndex = $cell->getXfIndex();
    if ($xfIndex > $pIndex ) {
    // decrease xf index by 1
    $cell->setXfIndex($xfIndex - 1);
    } else if ($xfIndex == $pIndex) {
    // set to default xf index 0

    * Get the cellXf supervisor
    * @return PHPExcel_Style
    public function getCellXfSupervisor()
    return $this->_cellXfSupervisor;

    * Get the workbook collection of cellStyleXfs
    * @return PHPExcel_Style[]
    public function getCellStyleXfCollection()
    return $this->_cellStyleXfCollection;

    * Get cellStyleXf by index
    * @param int $pIndex
    * @return PHPExcel_Style
    public function getCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
    return $this->_cellStyleXfCollection[$pIndex];

    * Get cellStyleXf by hash code
    * @param string $pValue
    * @return PHPExcel_Style|false
    public function getCellStyleXfByHashCode($pValue = '')
    foreach ($this->_cellXfStyleCollection as $cellStyleXf) {
    if ($cellStyleXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) {
    return $cellStyleXf;
    return false;

    * Add a cellStyleXf to the workbook
    * @param PHPExcel_Style $pStyle
    public function addCellStyleXf(PHPExcel_Style $pStyle)
    $this->_cellStyleXfCollection[] = $pStyle;
    $pStyle->setIndex(count($this->_cellStyleXfCollection) - 1);

    * Remove cellStyleXf by index
    * @param int $pIndex
    * @throws Exception
    public function removeCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0)
    if ($pIndex > count($this->_cellStyleXfCollection) - 1) {
    throw new Exception("CellStyleXf index is out of bounds.");
    } else {
    array_splice($this->_cellStyleXfCollection, $pIndex, 1);

    * Eliminate all unneeded cellXf and afterwards update the xfIndex for all cells
    * and columns in the workbook
    public function garbageCollect()
    // how many references are there to each cellXf ?
    $countReferencesCellXf = array();
    foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) {
    $countReferencesCellXf[$index] = 0;

    foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) {

    // from cells
    foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
    $cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID);

    // from row dimensions
    foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) {
    if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) {

    // from column dimensions
    foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) {

    // remove cellXfs without references and create mapping so we can update xfIndex
    // for all cells and columns
    $countNeededCellXfs = 0;
    foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) {
    if ($countReferencesCellXf[$index] > 0 || $index == 0) { // we must never remove the first cellXf
    } else {
    $map[$index] = $countNeededCellXfs - 1;
    $this->_cellXfCollection = array_values($this->_cellXfCollection);

    // update the index for all cellXfs
    foreach ($this->_cellXfCollection as $i => $cellXf) {

    // make sure there is always at least one cellXf (there should be)
    if (empty($this->_cellXfCollection)) {
    $this->_cellXfCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Style();

    // update the xfIndex for all cells, row dimensions, column dimensions
    foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) {

    // for all cells
    foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) {
    $cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID);
    $cell->setXfIndex( $map[$cell->getXfIndex()] );

    // for all row dimensions
    foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) {
    if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) {
    $rowDimension->setXfIndex( $map[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()] );

    // for all column dimensions
    foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) {
    $columnDimension->setXfIndex( $map[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()] );

    // also do garbage collection for all the sheets
    foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) {

    // 结束


    // 开始
    public function sheet1(){
    // 查询数据库数据
    $list = M('app_dishop_supply_distribution')->where($where)->order('id DESC')->select();
    if ($list) {
    $uids = array_values(array_unique(array_merge(array_column($list, 'source_id'), array_column($list, 'user_id'))));
    $userList = M('app_dishop_supply')->where(array('user_id'=>array('in', $uids)))->getField('user_id,name,mobile', true);
    foreach ($list as &$value) {
    $value['money'] = ' '.sprintf('%.2f', $value['money']);
    $value['source_name'] = $userList[$value['source_id']]['name'];
    $value['mobile'] = ' '.$userList[$value['source_id']]['mobile'];
    $value['level_name'] = $levelList[$value['level']];
    $value['status_name'] = $statusList[$value['status']];
    $value['ctime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value['ctime']);
    $commissionList[$value['user_id']]['supply_name'] = $userList[$value['user_id']]['name'];
    $commissionList[$value['user_id']]['commissionList'][] = $value;
    $commissionList = array_values($commissionList);
    } else {
    $commissionList = array();
    empty($commissionList) && $this->error('无数据可导出');
    $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
    ->setTitle("Office 2003 XLS Test Document")
    ->setSubject("Office 2003 XLS Test Document")
    ->setDescription("Test document for Office 2003 XLS, generated using PHP classes.")
    ->setKeywords("office 2003 openxml php")
    ->setCategory("Test result file");
    ->setCellValue('A1', '加盟商名称')
    ->setCellValue('B1', '手机号')
    ->setCellValue('C1', '订单号')
    ->setCellValue('D1', '来源')
    ->setCellValue('E1', '佣金')
    ->setCellValue('F1', '类型')
    ->setCellValue('G1', '状态')
    ->setCellValue('H1', '产生时间');
    $i = 2;

    foreach ($commissionList as $key => $row) {
    if ($row['supply_nums']) {
    for ($j = $i; $j < ($i + $row['supply_nums']); $j++) {
    // ->setCellValueExplicit('A'.$j, $row['id'],PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING)
    ->setCellValue('A' . $j, $row['supply_name'])
    ->setCellValue('B' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['mobile'])
    ->setCellValue('C' . $j, ' '.$row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['order_id'])
    ->setCellValue('D' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['source_name'])
    ->setCellValue('E' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['money'])
    ->setCellValue('F' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['level_name'])
    ->setCellValue('G' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['status_name'])
    ->setCellValue('H' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['ctime']);
    } else {

    $j = $i;
    $i = $i + $row['supply_nums'];

    if ($row['supply_nums'] > 1) {
    $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells('A' . $j . ':A' . ($i - 1));
    // 设置导出后的excel的宽度


    // 设置第一个sheet的名称
    $first_sheet_title = '用户佣金汇总';
    //第一sheet入职 -end

    // 设置第二个sheet的名称
    $sheet_title = '佣金明细';

    header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
    $filename = date("YmdHis") . '.xls';
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $filename . '"');
    header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
    $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');

    public function sheet2($objPHPExcel,$num,$sheet_title,$start_date,$end_date) {
    // 分页
    $list = M('app_dishop_supply_distribution')->where($where)->order('id DESC')->select();
    $money = M('app_dishop_supply_distribution')->field('sum(money) money')->find();
    if ($list) {
    $uids = array_values(array_unique(array_merge(array_column($list, 'source_id'), array_column($list, 'user_id'))));
    $userList = M('app_dishop_supply')->where(array('user_id'=>array('in', $uids)))->getField('user_id,name,mobile', true);
    foreach ($list as &$value) {
    $value['money'] = ' '.sprintf('%.2f', $value['money']);
    $value['source_name'] = $userList[$value['source_id']]['name'];
    $value['mobile'] = ' '.$userList[$value['source_id']]['mobile'];
    $value['level_name'] = $levelList[$value['level']];
    $value['status_name'] = $statusList[$value['status']];
    $value['ctime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value['ctime']);
    $commissionList[$value['user_id']]['supply_name'] = $userList[$value['user_id']]['name'];
    $commissionList[$value['user_id']]['commissionList'][] = $value;

    $commissionList = array_values($commissionList);
    } else {
    $commissionList = array();
    empty($commissionList) && $this->error('无数据可导出');

    ->setTitle("Office 2003 XLS Test Document")
    ->setSubject("Office 2003 XLS Test Document")
    ->setDescription("Test document for Office 2003 XLS, generated using PHP classes.")
    ->setKeywords("office 2003 openxml php")
    ->setCategory("Test result file");
    ->setCellValue('A1', '加盟商名称')
    ->setCellValue('B1', '手机号')
    ->setCellValue('C1', '订单号')
    ->setCellValue('D1', '来源')
    ->setCellValue('E1', '佣金')
    ->setCellValue('F1', '类型')
    ->setCellValue('G1', '状态')
    ->setCellValue('H1', '产生时间');
    $i = 2;

    foreach ($commissionList as $key => $row) {
    if ($row['supply_nums']) {
    for ($j = $i; $j < ($i + $row['supply_nums']); $j++) {
    ->setCellValue('A' . $j, $row['supply_name'])
    ->setCellValue('B' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['mobile'])
    ->setCellValue('C' . $j, ' '.$row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['order_id'])
    ->setCellValue('D' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['source_name'])
    ->setCellValue('E' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['money'])
    ->setCellValue('F' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['level_name'])
    ->setCellValue('G' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['status_name'])
    ->setCellValue('H' . $j, $row['commissionList'][$j - $i]['ctime']);
    // 统计佣金总额
    ->setCellValue('A' . $j)
    ->setCellValue('B' . $j)
    ->setCellValue('C' . $j)
    ->setCellValue('D' . $j)
    ->setCellValue('E' . $j,'总计:'.$money['money'])
    ->setCellValue('F' . $j)
    ->setCellValue('G' . $j)
    ->setCellValue('H' . $j);
    } else {

    $j = $i;
    $i = $i + $row['supply_nums'];

    if ($row['supply_nums'] > 1) {
    $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells('A' . $j . ':A' . ($i - 1));

    $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
    return true;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiaoda/p/9245081.html
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