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  • Linux 内核 链表 的简单模拟(2)

      接上一篇Linux 内核 链表 的简单模拟(1)


    * list_for_each    -    iterate over a list
    * @pos:    the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
    * @head:    the head for your list.
    #define list_for_each(pos, head) 
    for (pos = (head)->next; pos != (head); pos = pos->next)

    这是遍历链表的一个方法,其实就是一个for循环的宏啦!写得很清楚。但是这些操作的还是struct list_head,跟我要的结构体没有半毛钱关系,怎么办?继续看:

    * list_entry - get the struct for this entry
    * @ptr:    the &struct list_head pointer.
    * @type:    the type of the struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_entry(ptr, type, member) 
        container_of(ptr, type, member)

    这个就是由我们自定义的结构体中包含的struct list_head获得结构体的方式,其实就是上一篇博客的container_of的第二个名字啦!container_of到了这山沟里就换了一个很土的名字啦!


        struct list_head *p;    //pointer to each struct list_head
        struct Book *pb;        //pointer to struct Book
            pb = list_entry(p, struct Book,list);
            cout << pb->bkId << "  " << pb->bkName << endl;


    #include <string>
    using std::string;
    struct list_head {
        struct list_head *next, *prev;
    struct Book
        int bkId;
        string bkName;
        struct list_head list;        //ËùÓеÄBookœá¹¹ÌåÐγÉÁŽ±í
    static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
        list->next = list;
        list->prev = list;
    * Insert a new entry between two known consecutive entries.
    * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
    * the prev/next entries already!
    static inline void __list_add(struct list_head * new1,struct list_head * prev,struct list_head * next)
        next->prev = new1;
        new1->next = next;
        new1->prev = prev;
        prev->next = new1;
    * list_add_tail - add a new entry
    * @new: new entry to be added
    * @head: list head to add it before
    * Insert a new entry before the specified head.
    * This is useful for implementing queues.
    static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new1, struct list_head *head)
        __list_add(new1, head->prev, head);
    * list_add - add a new entry
    * @new: new entry to be added
    * @head: list head to add it after
    * Insert a new entry after the specified head.
    * This is good for implementing stacks.
    static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new1, struct list_head *head)
        __list_add(new1, head, head->next);
    * container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
    * @ptr:    the pointer to the member.
    * @type:    the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the member within the struct.
    #define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({            
        const typeof(((type *)0)->member) *__mptr = (ptr);    
        (type *)((char *)__mptr - offsetof(type, member)); })
    * list_for_each    -    iterate over a list
    * @pos:    the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
    * @head:    the head for your list.
    #define list_for_each(pos, head) 
    for (pos = (head)->next; pos != (head); pos = pos->next)
    * list_entry - get the struct for this entry
    * @ptr:    the &struct list_head pointer.
    * @type:    the type of the struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_entry(ptr, type, member) 
        container_of(ptr, type, member)
    * list_first_entry - get the first element from a list
    * @ptr:    the list head to take the element from.
    * @type:    the type of the struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    * Note, that list is expected to be not empty.
    #define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) 
        list_entry((ptr)->next, type, member)
    * list_next_entry - get the next element in list
    * @pos:    the type * to cursor
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_next_entry(pos, member) 
        list_entry((pos)->member.next, typeof(*(pos)), member)
    * list_for_each_entry    -    iterate over list of given type
    * @pos:    the type * to use as a loop cursor.
    * @head:    the head for your list.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member)                
    for (pos = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member);    
        &pos->member != (head);                    
        pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))
    #undef offsetof
    #ifdef __compiler_offsetof
    #define offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER) __compiler_offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER)
    #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
    #include <iostream>
    #include "myList.h"
    using namespace std;
    int main(void)
        struct list_head MyBkList;    //ŽŽœšÎÒµÄÁŽ±íÍ·
        INIT_LIST_HEAD(&MyBkList);   //³õÊŒ»¯ÕâžöÁŽ±í
        struct Book bk1;
        bk1.bkId = 1;
        bk1.bkName = "book1";
        list_add_tail(&bk1.list, &MyBkList);        //°ÑÐÂÊé1ŒÓµœÍ·œáµãMyBkListºóÃæ
        struct Book bk2;
        bk2.bkId = 2;
        bk2.bkName = "book2";
        list_add_tail(&bk2.list,&MyBkList);    //°ÑÊé2ŒÓµœbk1ÓëMyBkListÖ®Œä£¬°ÑMyBkList¿Ž×öÍ·£¬ÔòΪMyBkList->bk1->bk2(°ŽÕ՜ڵãnextÖžÕ룬MyBkListµÄnextÖžÕëÊÇûÓбäµÄ£¬MyBkListµÄprevÖžÕë±äÁË)
        struct Book bk3 = { 3, "book3" };
        list_add(&bk3.list, &MyBkList);        //°ÑÊé3ŒÓµœheadÖ®ºó£¬ŒŽheadµÄnextÖžÕë
        struct list_head *p;    //pointer to each struct list_head
        struct Book *pb;        //pointer to struct Book
            pb = list_entry(p, struct Book,list);
            cout << pb->bkId << "  " << pb->bkName << endl;
        list_for_each_entry(pb, &MyBkList, list)
            cout << pb->bkId << "  " << pb->bkName << endl;


    * list_first_entry - get the first element from a list
    * @ptr:    the list head to take the element from.
    * @type:    the type of the struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    * Note, that list is expected to be not empty.
    #define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) 
        list_entry((ptr)->next, type, member)
    * list_next_entry - get the next element in list
    * @pos:    the type * to cursor
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_next_entry(pos, member) 
        list_entry((pos)->member.next, typeof(*(pos)), member)
    * list_for_each_entry    -    iterate over list of given type
    * @pos:    the type * to use as a loop cursor.
    * @head:    the head for your list.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member)                
    for (pos = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member);    
        &pos->member != (head);                    
        pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))


      struct Book *pb;        //pointer to struct Book
        list_for_each_entry(pb, &MyBkList, list)
            cout << pb->bkId << "  " << pb->bkName << endl;





     * Delete a list entry by making the prev/next entries
     * point to each other.
     * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
     * the prev/next entries already!
    static inline void __list_del(struct list_head * prev, struct list_head * next)
        next->prev = prev;
        prev->next = next;


     * list_del - deletes entry from list.
     * @entry: the element to delete from the list.
     * Note: list_empty() on entry does not return true after this, the entry is
     * in an undefined state.
    static inline void __list_del_entry(struct list_head *entry)
        __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
    static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry)
        __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
        entry->next = LIST_POISON1;
        entry->prev = LIST_POISON2;
    extern void __list_del_entry(struct list_head *entry);
    extern void list_del(struct list_head *entry);

    其中,LIST_POISON1、LIST_POISON2 在我的M:linux-3.14.5includelinux下poison.h文件中:

     * These are non-NULL pointers that will result in page faults
     * under normal circumstances, used to verify that nobody uses
     * non-initialized list entries.
    #define LIST_POISON1  ((void *) 0x00100100 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)
    #define LIST_POISON2  ((void *) 0x00200200 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)
     * Architectures might want to move the poison pointer offset
     * into some well-recognized area such as 0xdead000000000000,
     * that is also not mappable by user-space exploits:

    上面的一些宏定义作用是:调用 __list_del_entry(struct list_head *entry)删除一个给定节点,这个函数会调用__list_del(struct list_head * prev, struct list_head * next),这样使得待删除的节点的前后节点因为正确连到链表里面而没有了问题了,但是待删除节点还是的结构体还是在的,其实并没有删除它,只是把它从链表里面踢出去了。为了防止意外访问到这个节点的前后节点(因为它已经不在链表中了)而出错,就给它的前后指针赋了一个非空但访问会引起页面错误的指针,表明小心中毒哦!


    #include <iostream>
    #include "myList.h"
    using namespace std;
    int main(void)
        struct list_head MyBkList;    //ŽŽœšÎÒµÄÁŽ±íÍ·
        INIT_LIST_HEAD(&MyBkList);   //³õÊŒ»¯ÕâžöÁŽ±í
        struct Book bk1;
        bk1.bkId = 1;
        bk1.bkName = "book1";
        list_add_tail(&bk1.list, &MyBkList);        //°ÑÐÂÊé1ŒÓµœÍ·œáµãMyBkListºóÃæ
        struct Book bk2;
        bk2.bkId = 2;
        bk2.bkName = "book2";
        list_add_tail(&bk2.list,&MyBkList);    //°ÑÊé2ŒÓµœbk1ÓëMyBkListÖ®Œä£¬°ÑMyBkList¿Ž×öÍ·£¬ÔòΪMyBkList->bk1->bk2(°ŽÕ՜ڵãnextÖžÕ룬MyBkListµÄnextÖžÕëÊÇûÓбäµÄ£¬MyBkListµÄprevÖžÕë±äÁË)
        struct Book bk3 = { 3, "book3" };
        list_add(&bk3.list, &MyBkList);        //°ÑÊé3ŒÓµœheadÖ®ºó£¬ŒŽheadµÄnextÖžÕë
        struct list_head *p;    //pointer to each struct list_head
            pb = list_entry(p, struct Book,list);
            cout << pb->bkId << "  " << pb->bkName << endl;
       struct Book *pb;        //pointer to struct Book
        list_for_each_entry(pb, &MyBkList, list)
            cout << pb->bkId << "  " << pb->bkName << endl;
       struct Book bk4={4,"book4"};
       list_for_each_entry(pb, &MyBkList, list)
            cout << pb->bkId << "  " << pb->bkName << endl;
    #include <string>
     * Architectures might want to move the poison pointer offset
     * into some well-recognized area such as 0xdead000000000000,
     * that is also not mappable by user-space exploits:
     * These are non-NULL pointers that will result in page faults
     * under normal circumstances, used to verify that nobody uses
     * non-initialized list entries.
    #define LIST_POISON1  ((void *) 0x00100100 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)
    #define LIST_POISON2  ((void *) 0x00200200 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)
    using std::string;
    struct list_head {
        struct list_head *next, *prev;
    struct Book
        int bkId;
        string bkName;
        struct list_head list;        //ËùÓеÄBookœá¹¹ÌåÐγÉÁŽ±í
    static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
        list->next = list;
        list->prev = list;
    * Insert a new entry between two known consecutive entries.
    * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
    * the prev/next entries already!
    static inline void __list_add(struct list_head * new1,struct list_head * prev,struct list_head * next)
        next->prev = new1;
        new1->next = next;
        new1->prev = prev;
        prev->next = new1;
    * list_add_tail - add a new entry
    * @new: new entry to be added
    * @head: list head to add it before
    * Insert a new entry before the specified head.
    * This is useful for implementing queues.
    static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new1, struct list_head *head)
        __list_add(new1, head->prev, head);
    * list_add - add a new entry
    * @new: new entry to be added
    * @head: list head to add it after
    * Insert a new entry after the specified head.
    * This is good for implementing stacks.
    static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new1, struct list_head *head)
        __list_add(new1, head, head->next);
    * container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
    * @ptr:    the pointer to the member.
    * @type:    the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the member within the struct.
    #define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({            
        const typeof(((type *)0)->member) *__mptr = (ptr);    
        (type *)((char *)__mptr - offsetof(type, member)); })
    * list_for_each    -    iterate over a list
    * @pos:    the &struct list_head to use as a loop cursor.
    * @head:    the head for your list.
    #define list_for_each(pos, head) 
    for (pos = (head)->next; pos != (head); pos = pos->next)
    * list_entry - get the struct for this entry
    * @ptr:    the &struct list_head pointer.
    * @type:    the type of the struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_entry(ptr, type, member) 
        container_of(ptr, type, member)
    * list_first_entry - get the first element from a list
    * @ptr:    the list head to take the element from.
    * @type:    the type of the struct this is embedded in.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    * Note, that list is expected to be not empty.
    #define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) 
        list_entry((ptr)->next, type, member)
    * list_next_entry - get the next element in list
    * @pos:    the type * to cursor
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_next_entry(pos, member) 
        list_entry((pos)->member.next, typeof(*(pos)), member)
    * list_for_each_entry    -    iterate over list of given type
    * @pos:    the type * to use as a loop cursor.
    * @head:    the head for your list.
    * @member:    the name of the list_struct within the struct.
    #define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member)                
    for (pos = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member);    
        &pos->member != (head);                    
        pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))
     * Delete a list entry by making the prev/next entries
     * point to each other.
     * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
     * the prev/next entries already!
    static inline void __list_del(struct list_head * prev, struct list_head * next)
        next->prev = prev;
        prev->next = next;
     * list_del - deletes entry from list.
     * @entry: the element to delete from the list.
     * Note: list_empty() on entry does not return true after this, the entry is
     * in an undefined state.
    static inline void __list_del_entry(struct list_head *entry)
        __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
    static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry)
        __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
        entry->next = (struct list_head *)LIST_POISON1;    //Linux kernel source does not have (struct list_head *)
        entry->prev = (struct list_head *)LIST_POISON2;
    #undef offsetof
    #ifdef __compiler_offsetof
    #define offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER) __compiler_offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER)
    #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiayith/p/3774810.html
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