ok,我们知道Yii 中的CGridview 很好用,但是有时候不能满足我们的高制定性,这个时候更加灵活的CListView 就可以帮助我们解决这些问题。
CListView 本身处理方式为,在一个总的页面中写入你需要的数据,之后在一个模板页中来制定你每一条数据怎么处理
(案例中CListView是TbListView的super class)
array('label'=>'Create Area','url'=>array('create')),
array('label'=>'Manage Area','url'=>array('admin')),
<?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbListView',array(
)); ?>
之后模板页上面代码说是 “_view” 也就是说是在相应文件夹下的_view
<div class="view"> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('id')); ?>:</b> <?php echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->id),array('view','id'=>$data->id)); ?> <br /> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('name')); ?>:</b> <?php echo CHtml::encode($data->name); ?> <br /> </div>
值得注意的是 比如说我需要每输出三次item后加一个<hr/>分开的话,我们就需要知道每个item是第几个输出的,
查API,看到Item 的属性
itemView property
public string $itemView;
the view used for rendering each data item. This property value will be passed as the first parameter to either CController::renderPartial or CWidget::render to render each data item. In the corresponding view template, the following variables can be used in addition to those declared in viewData:
: refers to the owner of this list view widget. For example, if the widget is in the view of a controller, then$this
refers to the controller.$data
: refers to the data item currently being rendered.$index
: refers to the zero-based index of the data item currently being rendered.$widget
: refers to this list view widget instance.
发现$index 可以知道,所以,只需要在_index 中加入对index 的判断即可
if ($index%3===0){
echo “<hr/>”;