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  • vba2010 处理土壤分析单因子,内梅罗,地质累积方法自动计算程序

    Sub 潜在生态计算RI()
    Dim i%, s!, row%
    i = 4
    Do While Cells(i, 25) <> ""                                       '以铜列为控制循环计算列
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 11) = Cells(i, 2)
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 1) = Cells(i, 24) / Cells(2, 43) * Cells(3, 43)   '计算镉Cd
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 2) = Cells(i, 25) / Cells(2, 44) * Cells(3, 44)   '计算铜
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 3) = Cells(i, 26) / Cells(2, 45) * Cells(3, 45)   '计算铅
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 4) = Cells(i, 27) / Cells(2, 46) * Cells(3, 46)   '计算Cr铬
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 5) = Cells(i, 28) / Cells(2, 47) * Cells(3, 47)   '计算锌
    'Sheet2.Cells(i, 6) = Cells(i, 29) / Cells(2, 48) * Cells(3, 48)   '计算锰
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 7) = Cells(i, 30) / Cells(2, 49) * Cells(3, 49)   '计算汞
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 8) = Cells(i, 31) / Cells(2, 50) * Cells(3, 50)   '计算砷
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 9) = Cells(i, 32) / Cells(2, 51) * Cells(3, 51)   '计算镍
    Sheet2.Cells(i, 10) = Sheet2.Cells(i, 1) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 2) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 3) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 4) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 5) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 7) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 8) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 9) + Sheet2.Cells(i, 10)   '计算潜在RI值
        For row = 1 To 9
            s = Sheet2.Cells(i, row)
            Select Case s
            Case Is <= 40
            Sheet2.Cells(i, row + 11) = "轻微"
            Case Is <= 80
            Sheet2.Cells(i, row + 11) = "中等"
            Case Is <= 160
            Sheet2.Cells(i, row + 11) = "强"
            Case Is <= 320
            Sheet2.Cells(i, row + 11) = "很强"
            Case Else
            Sheet2.Cells(i, row + 11) = "极强"
            End Select
    If Sheet2.Cells(i, 10) > 600 Then
    Cells(i, 35).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
    Cells(i, 35) = "极强"
    ElseIf Sheet2.Cells(i, 10) > 300 Then
    Cells(i, 35).Interior.ColorIndex = 27
    Cells(i, 35) = "强"
    ElseIf Sheet2.Cells(i, 10) > 150 Then
    Cells(i, 35).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
    Cells(i, 35) = "中"
    Else: Cells(i, 35).Interior.ColorIndex = 8
    Cells(i, 35) = "轻微"
    End If
      i = i + 1
    End Sub

    Sub 清色() Dim i% i = 4 Do While Cells(i, 25) <> "" Cells(i, 35).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Cells(i, 36).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Sheet2.Rows(4).Delete Sheet3.Rows(4).Delete Sheet4.Rows(4).Delete Sheet5.Rows(4).Delete i = i + 1 Loop Range("AP4:BA27").ClearContents Range("AI4", "AL" & i).ClearContents End Sub

    Sub 潜在统计() Dim a%, b%, c%, d%, e%, f%, g%, h%, i%, j%, k%, l%, qw%, zh%, qq%, jq% Dim rng%, col%, q1%, q2%, q3%, q4%, q5% a = 4 Do While Cells(a, 25) <> "" If Cells(a, 24) > Cells(2, 43) Then b = b + 1 If Cells(a, 25) > Cells(2, 44) Then c = c + 1 If Cells(a, 26) > Cells(2, 45) Then d = d + 1 If Cells(a, 27) > Cells(2, 46) Then e = e + 1 If Cells(a, 28) > Cells(2, 47) Then f = f + 1 If Cells(a, 29) > Cells(2, 48) Then g = g + 1 If Cells(a, 30) > Cells(2, 49) Then h = h + 1 If Cells(a, 31) > Cells(2, 50) Then i = i + 1 If Cells(a, 32) > Cells(2, 51) Then j = j + 1 If Cells(a, 33) > Cells(2, 52) Then k = k + 1 If Cells(a, 34) > Cells(2, 53) Then l = l + 1 If Cells(a, 35) = "轻微" Then qw = qw + 1 If Cells(a, 35) = "中" Then zh = zh + 1 If Cells(a, 35) = "强" Then qq = qq + 1 If Cells(a, 35) = "极强" Then jq = jq + 1 a = a + 1 Loop Cells(5, 43) = b / (a - 4) Cells(5, 44) = c / (a - 4) Cells(5, 45) = d / (a - 4) Cells(5, 46) = e / (a - 4) Cells(5, 47) = f / (a - 4) Cells(5, 48) = g / (a - 4) Cells(5, 49) = h / (a - 4) Cells(5, 50) = i / (a - 4) Cells(5, 51) = j / (a - 4) Cells(5, 52) = k / (a - 4) Cells(5, 53) = l / (a - 4) Cells(4, 42) = "超标个数" Cells(5, 42) = "超标率" Cells(9, 42) = "很强个数" Cells(6, 42) = "轻微个数" Cells(7, 42) = "中个数" Cells(8, 42) = "强个数" Cells(10, 42) = "极强个数" Cells(6, 55) = a - 4 Cells(6, 54) = qw Cells(7, 54) = zh Cells(8, 54) = qq Cells(10, 54) = jq Cells(4, 43) = b Cells(4, 44) = c Cells(4, 45) = d Cells(4, 46) = e Cells(4, 47) = f Cells(4, 48) = g Cells(4, 49) = h Cells(4, 50) = i Cells(4, 51) = j Cells(4, 52) = k Cells(4, 53) = l For col = 12 To 20 row = 4 Do While Cells(row, 25) <> "" If Sheet2.Cells(row, col) = "轻微" Then q1 = q1 + 1 If Sheet2.Cells(row, col) = "中等" Then q2 = q2 + 1 If Sheet2.Cells(row, col) = "强" Then q3 = q3 + 1 If Sheet2.Cells(row, col) = "很强" Then q4 = q4 + 1 If Sheet2.Cells(row, col) = "极强" Then q5 = q5 + 1 row = row + 1 Loop Cells(6, col + 31) = q1 Cells(7, col + 31) = q2 Cells(8, col + 31) = q3 Cells(9, col + 31) = q4 Cells(10, col + 31) = q5 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 0 q4 = 0 q5 = 0 Next Range("AV6:AV10").ClearContents End Sub

    Sub 内梅罗计算() Dim a!, b!, c!, d!, e!, f!, g!, h!, rng%, s!, m!, n! rng = 4 Do While Cells(rng, 25) <> "" Select Case Cells(rng, 23) Case Is <= 5.5 a = 0.3 b = 50 c = 70 d = 150 e = 200 f = 1.3 g = 40 h = 60 Case Is <= 6.5 a = 0.3 b = 50 c = 90 d = 150 e = 200 f = 1.8 g = 40 h = 70 Case Is <= 7.5 a = 0.3 b = 100 c = 120 d = 200 e = 250 f = 2.4 g = 30 h = 100 Case Else a = 0.6 b = 100 c = 170 d = 250 e = 300 f = 3.4 g = 25 h = 190 End Select 'Ph判别筛选值完成 Sheet3.Cells(rng, 1) = Cells(rng, 24) / a '计算镉Cd Sheet3.Cells(rng, 2) = Cells(rng, 25) / b '计算铜 Sheet3.Cells(rng, 3) = Cells(rng, 26) / c '计算铅 Sheet3.Cells(rng, 4) = Cells(rng, 27) / d '计算Cr铬 Sheet3.Cells(rng, 5) = Cells(rng, 28) / e '计算锌 Sheet3.Cells(rng, 7) = Cells(rng, 30) / f '计算汞 Sheet3.Cells(rng, 8) = Cells(rng, 31) / g '计算砷 Sheet3.Cells(rng, 9) = Cells(rng, 32) / h '计算镍 Pi计算完成 m = (Sheet3.Cells(rng, 1) * 3 + Sheet3.Cells(rng, 2) * 2 + Sheet3.Cells(rng, 3) * 3 + Sheet3.Cells(rng, 4) * 2 + Sheet3.Cells(rng, 5) * 2 + Sheet3.Cells(rng, 7) * 3 + Sheet3.Cells(rng, 8) * 3 + Sheet3.Cells(rng, 9) * 2) / (3 * 2 * 3 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 2) '计算潜在RI值 n = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Sheet3.Range("a" & rng, "i" & rng)) Sheet3.Cells(rng, 10) = ((m ^ 2 + n ^ 2) / 2) ^ (1 / 2) s = Sheet3.Cells(rng, 10) If s > 3 Then Cells(rng, 36).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Cells(rng, 36) = "重污染" ElseIf s > 2 Then Cells(rng, 36).Interior.ColorIndex = 27 Cells(rng, 36) = "中污染" ElseIf s > 1 Then Cells(rng, 36).Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Cells(rng, 36) = "轻污染" ElseIf s > 0.7 Then Cells(rng, 36).Interior.ColorIndex = 8 Cells(rng, 36) = "警戒线" Else: Cells(rng, 36).Interior.ColorIndex = 17 Cells(rng, 36) = "安全" End If rng = rng + 1 Loop End Sub

    Sub 内梅罗统计() Dim aq%, jj%, qw%, zw%, zz%, a% a = 4 Do While Cells(a, 25) <> "" If Cells(a, 36) = "安全" Then aq = aq + 1 If Cells(a, 36) = "警戒线" Then jj = jj + 1 If Cells(a, 36) = "轻污染" Then qw = qw + 1 If Cells(a, 36) = "中污染" Then zw = zw + 1 If Cells(a, 36) = "重污染" Then zz = zz + 1 a = a + 1 Loop Cells(11, 42) = "分析个数" Cells(12, 42) = "安全个数" Cells(13, 42) = "警戒线个数" Cells(14, 42) = "轻污染个数" Cells(15, 42) = "中污染个数" Cells(16, 42) = "重污染个数" Cells(11, 43) = a - 4 Cells(12, 43) = aq Cells(13, 43) = jj Cells(14, 43) = qw Cells(15, 43) = zw Cells(16, 43) = zz End Sub

    Sub 地质累积计算() Dim rng% rng = 4 Do While Cells(rng, 25) <> "" Sheet4.Cells(rng, 1) = Cells(rng, 2) Sheet4.Cells(rng, 2) = Log(Cells(rng, 24) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 43))) / Log(2) '计算镉Cd Sheet4.Cells(rng, 3) = Log(Cells(rng, 25) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 44))) / Log(2) '计算铜 Sheet4.Cells(rng, 4) = Log(Cells(rng, 26) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 45))) / Log(2) '计算铅 Sheet4.Cells(rng, 5) = Log(Cells(rng, 27) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 46))) / Log(2) '计算Cr铬 Sheet4.Cells(rng, 6) = Log(Cells(rng, 28) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 47))) / Log(2) '计算锌 Sheet4.Cells(rng, 8) = Log(Cells(rng, 30) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 49))) / Log(2) '计算汞 Sheet4.Cells(rng, 9) = Log(Cells(rng, 31) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 50))) / Log(2) '计算砷 Sheet4.Cells(rng, 10) = Log(Cells(rng, 32) / (1.5 * Cells(2, 51))) / Log(2) '计算镍 地累积计算完成 Sheet4.Cells(rng, 11) = (Sheet4.Cells(rng, 2) + Sheet4.Cells(rng, 3) + Sheet4.Cells(rng, 4) + Sheet4.Cells(rng, 5) + Sheet4.Cells(rng, 6) + Sheet4.Cells(rng, 8) + Sheet4.Cells(rng, 9) + Sheet4.Cells(rng, 10)) / 8 For i = 2 To 11 s = Sheet4.Cells(rng, i) If s < 0 Then Sheet4.Cells(rng, i + 11) = "I级" ElseIf s < 1 Then Sheet4.Cells(rng, i + 11) = "II级" ElseIf s < 2 Then Sheet4.Cells(rng, i + 11) = "III级" ElseIf s < 3 Then Sheet4.Cells(rng, i + 11) = "IV级" ElseIf s < 4 Then Sheet4.Cells(rng, i + 11) = "V级" ElseIf s < 5 Then Sheet4.Cells(rng, i + 11) = "VI级" Else Sheet4.Cells(rng, i + 11) = "VII级" End If Next Cells(rng, 37) = Sheet4.Cells(rng, 22) rng = rng + 1 Loop End Sub

    Sub 地质累积统计() Dim q1%, q2%, q3%, q4%, q5%, q6%, q7%, a%, i% For i = 13 To 22 a = 4 Do While Cells(a, 25) <> "" If Sheet4.Cells(a, i) = "I级" Then q1 = q1 + 1 If Sheet4.Cells(a, i) = "II级" Then q2 = q2 + 1 If Sheet4.Cells(a, i) = "III级" Then q3 = q3 + 1 If Sheet4.Cells(a, i) = "IV级" Then q4 = q4 + 1 If Sheet4.Cells(a, i) = "V级" Then q5 = q5 + 1 If Sheet4.Cells(a, i) = "VI级" Then q6 = q6 + 1 If Sheet4.Cells(a, i) = "VII级" Then q7 = q7 + 1 a = a + 1 Loop Cells(17, 30 + i) = q1 Cells(18, 30 + i) = q2 Cells(19, 30 + i) = q3 Cells(20, 30 + i) = q4 Cells(21, 30 + i) = q5 Cells(22, 30 + i) = q6 Cells(23, 30 + i) = q7 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 0 q4 = 0 q5 = 0 q6 = 0 q7 = 0 Next Cells(17, 42) = "I级个数" Cells(18, 42) = "II级个数" Cells(19, 42) = "III级个数" Cells(20, 42) = "IV级个数" Cells(21, 42) = "V级个数" Cells(22, 42) = "VI个数" Cells(23, 42) = "VII个数" End Sub

    Sub 单因子计算() Dim a!, b!, c!, d!, e!, f!, g!, h!, rng%, s!, m!, n!, aa!, cc!, dd!, ff! rng = 4 Do While Cells(rng, 25) <> "" Sheet5.Cells(rng, 1) = Cells(rng, 2) Select Case Cells(rng, 23) Case Is <= 5.5 a = 0.3 b = 50 c = 70 d = 150 e = 200 f = 1.3 g = 40 h = 60 aa = 1.5 cc = 400 dd = 800 ff = 2 gg = 200 Case Is <= 6.5 a = 0.3 b = 50 c = 90 d = 150 e = 200 f = 1.8 g = 40 h = 70 aa = 2 cc = 500 dd = 850 ff = 2.5 gg = 150 Case Is <= 7.5 a = 0.3 b = 100 c = 120 d = 200 e = 250 f = 2.4 g = 30 h = 100 aa = 3 cc = 700 dd = 1000 ff = 4 gg = 120 Case Else a = 0.6 b = 100 c = 170 d = 250 e = 300 f = 3.4 g = 25 h = 190 aa = 4 cc = 1000 dd = 1200 ff = 6 gg = 100 End Select 'Ph判别筛选值完成 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 2) = Cells(rng, 24) / a '计算镉Cd a aa Sheet5.Cells(rng, 3) = Cells(rng, 25) / b '计算铜 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 4) = Cells(rng, 26) / c '计算铅 c cc Sheet5.Cells(rng, 5) = Cells(rng, 27) / d '计算Cr铬 d dd Sheet5.Cells(rng, 6) = Cells(rng, 28) / e '计算锌 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 8) = Cells(rng, 30) / f '计算汞 f ff Sheet5.Cells(rng, 9) = Cells(rng, 31) / g '计算砷 g gg Sheet5.Cells(rng, 10) = Cells(rng, 32) / h '计算镍 计算完成 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 12) = Cells(rng, 24) / aa '计算镉Cd a aa Sheet5.Cells(rng, 13) = Cells(rng, 26) / cc '计算铅 c cc Sheet5.Cells(rng, 14) = Cells(rng, 27) / dd '计算Cr铬 d dd Sheet5.Cells(rng, 15) = Cells(rng, 30) / ff '计算汞 f ff Sheet5.Cells(rng, 16) = Cells(rng, 31) / gg '计算砷 g gg 计算完成 Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 2) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "风险低" Case Else If Sheet5.Cells(rng, 12) <= 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "存在风险" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 12) > 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "风险高" End If End Select '判定镉Cd Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 3) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "风险低" Case Else Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "存在风险" End Select '判定Cu Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 4) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "风险低" Case Else If Sheet5.Cells(rng, 13) <= 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "存在风险" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 13) > 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "风险高" End If End Select '判定Pb Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 5) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "风险低" Case Else If Sheet5.Cells(rng, 14) <= 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "存在风险" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 14) > 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "风险高" End If End Select '判定Cr Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 6) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "风险低" Case Else Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "存在风险" End Select '判定Zn Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 8) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "风险低" Case Else If Sheet5.Cells(rng, 15) <= 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "存在风险" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 15) > 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "风险高" End If End Select '判定Hg Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 9) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "风险低" Case Else If Sheet5.Cells(rng, 16) <= 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "存在风险" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 16) > 1 Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "风险高" End If End Select '判定As Select Case Sheet5.Cells(rng, 10) Case Is <= 1 Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "风险低" Case Else Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "存在风险" End Select '判定Ni If Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "风险高" _ Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "风险高" Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 27) = "风险高" Cells(rng, 38) = "风险高" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "存在风险" _ Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "存在风险" Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 27) = "存在风险" Cells(rng, 38) = "存在风险" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "风险低" _ Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "风险低" Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 27) = "风险低" Cells(rng, 38) = "风险低" End If '综合风险判定 rng = rng + 1 Loop End Sub

    Sub 单因子统计() Dim fd%, cf%, fg%, a%, i% For i = 18 To 26 a = 4 Do While Cells(a, 25) <> "" If Sheet5.Cells(a, i) = "风险低" Then fd = fd + 1 If Sheet5.Cells(a, i) = "存在风险" Then cf = cf + 1 If Sheet5.Cells(a, i) = "风险高" Then fg = fg + 1 a = a + 1 Loop Cells(24, 25 + i) = fd Cells(25, 25 + i) = cf Cells(26, 25 + i) = fg fd = 0 cf = 0 fg = 0 Next Cells(27, 43) = a - 4 Cells(24, 42) = "风险低个数" Cells(25, 42) = "存在风险个数" Cells(26, 42) = "风险高个数" Cells(27, 42) = "样品总个数" End Sub

    Sub 测试() Dim rng% rng = 4 Do While Sheet5.Cells(rng, 8) <> "" If Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "风险高" _ Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "风险高" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "风险高" Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 27) = "风险高" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "存在风险" _ Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "存在风险" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "存在风险" Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 27) = "存在风险" ElseIf Sheet5.Cells(rng, 18) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 19) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 20) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 21) = "风险低" _ Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 22) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 24) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 25) = "风险低" Or Sheet5.Cells(rng, 26) = "风险低" Then Sheet5.Cells(rng, 27) = "风险低" End If rng = rng + 1 Loop End Sub


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jier771/p/13749847.html
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