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  • android xmlns:tools用法


    pick preview layout from the "Fragment Layout" context menu


    一般来说被xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" 声明的tools作为前缀的属性都不会被编译进去。这个跟上面代码中tools:context是一样的。











    在该文档中列举了很多tools的方法,比如tools:ignore/tools:targetApi/tools:locale等方法,但是我们今天要讨论的则是该文档中最后面提到的内容Designtime Attributes,文档地址为http://tools.android.com/tips/layout-designtime-attributes

    在官方文档中有说这么一句: These are attributes which are used when the layout is rendered inthe tool, but have no impact on the runtime. This is useful if you for examplewant to put sample data in your textfields for when you are editing the layout,but you don't want those attributes to affect your running app.





    目前常用的有tools:text, tools:visibility, tools.src, tools.background


    • Currently only overriding existing attributes is supported. We may want to define some additional convenience attributes to make it simple to for example choose which child in a ViewFlipper to show etc. 当前只支持overriding已有的属性
    • You have to manually edit in your designtime attributes at this time
      • They do not appear as an option in for example the layout editor property sheet. 
      • Editor code completion does not help you enter these attributes; the easiest way to use them is to first enter them in the Android namespace, and when done replacing the prefix. 目前还只能手动输入该部分,代码自动填充还无法完成
    • Note that designtime attributes are supported only for layout files themselves. You cannot use them anywhere else -- in menu XML files, in string resource definitions, etc.只支持layout布局,menu/resource/string暂时不支持,这个说法和http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/tools-attributes中内容有冲突,tools-attributes中提供了<string name="show_all_apps" tools:ignore="MissingTranslation">All</string>以及<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" tools:locale="es">内容
    • Designtime attributes can only be used for framework resources, not custom attributes at this point.只能适用于系统提供的属性,自定义属性不再这个范围
    • See https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=46186 for background or additional requests or comments.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiezzy/p/5047732.html
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