Instruction Notation
Register A (specified in instruction field A)
Register B (specified in instruction field B)
Register C (specified in instruction field C)
Program Counter
Element n in the constant list
Name of upvalue with index n
Global variable indexed by symbol sym
Register B or a constant index
Register C or a constant index
Signed displacement (in field sBx) for all kinds of jumps
Instruction Summary
Lua bytecode instructions are 32-bits in size. All instructions have an opcode in the first 6 bits. Instructions can have the following fields:
'A' : 8 bits
'B' : 9 bits
'C' : 9 bits
'Ax' : 26 bits ('A', 'B', and 'C' together)
'Bx' : 18 bits ('B' and 'C' together)
'sBx' : signed Bx
A signed argument is represented in excess K; that is, the number value is the unsigned value minus K. K is exactly the maximum value for that argument (so that -max is represented by 0, and +max is represented by 2*max), which is half the maximum for the corresponding unsigned argument.
Opcode | Description |
MOVE | Copy a value between registers |
LOADK | Load a constant into a register |
LOADKX | Load a constant into a register |
LOADBOOL | Load a boolean into a register |
LOADNIL | Load nil values into a range of registers |
GETUPVAL | Read an upvalue into a register |
GETTABUP | Read a value from table in up-value into a register |
GETTABLE | Read a table element into a register |
SETTABUP | Write a register value into table in up-value |
SETUPVAL | Write a register value into an upvalue |
SETTABLE | Write a register value into a table element |
NEWTABLE | Create a new table |
SELF | Prepare an object method for calling |
ADD | Addition operator |
SUB | Subtraction operator |
MUL | Multiplication operator |
MOD | Modulus (remainder) operator |
POW | Exponentation operator |
DIV | Division operator |
IDIV | Integer division operator |
BAND | Bit-wise AND operator |
BOR | Bit-wise OR operator |
BXOR | Bit-wise Exclusive OR operator |
SHL | Shift bits left |
SHR | Shift bits right |
UNM | Unary minus |
BNOT | Bit-wise NOT operator |
NOT | Logical NOT operator |
LEN | Length operator |
CONCAT | Concatenate a range of registers |
JMP | Unconditional jump |
EQ | Equality test, with conditional jump |
LT | Less than test, with conditional jump |
LE | Less than or equal to test, with conditional jump |
TEST | Boolean test, with conditional jump |
TESTSET | Boolean test, with conditional jump and assignment |
CALL | Call a closure |
TAILCALL | Perform a tail call |
RETURN | Return from function call |
FORLOOP | Iterate a numeric for loop |
FORPREP | Initialization for a numeric for loop |
TFORLOOP | Iterate a generic for loop |
TFORCALL | Initialization for a generic for loop |
SETLIST | Set a range of array elements for a table |
CLOSURE | Create a closure of a function prototype |
VARARG | Assign vararg function arguments to registers |