{ 修改者:ghs 日期:20071218 功能:在原版本的基础上增加。 RegisterControl:注册需要提示的控件。 BeginHelp:设置光标状态为帮助crHelp; 鼠标弹起后,显示注册的提示信息,同时光标进行还原。 原版本 作者:thaoqi 出处:http://www.2ccc.com/article.asp?articleid=4389 功能:首先谢谢xsherry大大,来盒子很长一段时间了,老是下东西,没有为盒子做什么贡献。 前段时间xsherry大大抛砖引玉的文章,给我启发很大,最近一个项目提出要求人 机交互界面更加有好,尽量少用MessageBox,所以在他的基础上,我试图模仿XP 登录时候的那个ToolTip提示功能,用API摸索出一个符合要求的ToolTip提示框出 来,最后我把实现的函数封装成了一个VCL的控件,希望大家能多提意见! } unit TooltipUtil; interface uses Messages, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, Controls, CommCtrl, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Consts, Forms, Dialogs, AppEvnts; type TTipTool_ICON = (ttNoneIcon, ttInformationIcon, ttWarningIcon, ttStopIcon); TTipAlignment = (taLeft, taCenter, taRight); PTipInfo = ^TTipInfo; TTipInfo = packed record WinControl: TWinControl; Handle: THandle; Caption: string; Msg: string; TipICON: TTipTool_ICON; TipAlg: TTipAlignment; Cursor: TCursor; end; TToolTip = class(TComponent) private fTitle: string; fText: string; fEnabled: Boolean; fWindowHandle: HWND; fTipHandle: HWND; fInterval: Cardinal; fToolInfo: TToolInfo; fAlignment: TTipAlignment; fTipIcon: TTipTool_ICON; fControl: TWinControl; // Flist: TList; ApplicationEvents: TApplicationEvents; FLastHandle: THandle; procedure SetText(AText: string); //设置气泡提示信息 procedure SetTitle(ATitle: string); //设置气泡提示的标题 procedure UpdateTime; //更新计时器状态 procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); //接收windows消息 protected //拦截消息=处理左键弹起 procedure ApplicationEvents1Message(var Msg: tagMSG; var Handled: Boolean); //结束帮助=设置光标为控件本来状态 procedure EndHelp; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; //构造函数,创建实例 destructor Destroy; override; //析构函数,销毁实例 //注册控件信息 procedure RegisterControl(WinControl: TWinControl; aCaption, aMsg: string; TipICON: TTipTool_ICON = ttInformationIcon; TipAlignment: TTipAlignment = taLeft); //开始帮助=设置光标状态 procedure BeginHelp; procedure Popup(Handle: HWND); overload; //在指定的句柄中弹出气泡(重载) procedure Popup(Handle: HWND; IconType: TTipTool_ICON; Title, Text: string); overload; //在指定的句柄中弹出气泡(重载) published //气泡窗体的窗体句柄 property Handle: HWND read fTipHandle; //气泡窗体的提示信息 property Text: string read fText write SetText; //气泡窗体的标题信息 property Title: string read fTitle write SetTitle; //气泡窗体的信息图标 property ICON: TTipTool_ICON read fTipIcon write fTipIcon; //气泡窗体弹出时对齐位置 property Alignment: TTipAlignment read fAlignment write fAlignment default taLeft; //气泡窗体的显示时间 property Interval: Cardinal read fInterval write fInterval default 1000; end; procedure Register; implementation const TTS_BALLOON = $0040; //ToolTip提示窗口的外形,指定为气球型 TTS_CLOSE = $0080; //关闭按钮 TTF_PARSELINKS = $1000; //可使用超链接 TTM_SETTITLE = WM_USER + 32; //社这提示标题信息的消息 constructor TToolTip.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); if not (AOwner is TWinControl) then begin raise exception.Create('TToolTip''s owner must be a ''TWinControl'' type.'); Destroy; end; fWindowHandle := Classes.AllocateHWnd(WndProc); fEnabled := False; fInterval := 1000; //创建气泡提示窗口 fTipHandle := CreateWindow(TOOLTIPS_CLASS, nil, WS_POPUP or TTS_NOPREFIX or TTS_BALLOON or TTS_ALWAYSTIP, // or TTS_CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, fWindowHandle, 0, HInstance, nil); if fTipHandle <> 0 then begin //设置ToolInfo的大小 fToolInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(fToolInfo); //设置基本风格 fToolInfo.uFlags := TTF_PARSELINKS or TTF_IDISHWND or TTF_TRACK; //设置所有者的句柄 fToolInfo.uId := fWindowHandle; end; Flist := TList.Create; ApplicationEvents := TApplicationEvents.Create(nil); ApplicationEvents.OnMessage := ApplicationEvents1Message; end; destructor TToolTip.Destroy; var I: Integer; tmpTipInfo: PTipInfo; begin if fTipHandle <> 0 then CloseWindow(fTipHandle); for I := Flist.Count - 1 downto 0 do // Iterate begin tmpTipInfo := PTipInfo(FList.Items[i]); Dispose(tmpTipInfo); end; // for Flist.Free; ApplicationEvents.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TToolTip.SetText(AText: string); begin fText := AText; if fTipHandle <> 0 then begin //设置标题信息 fToolInfo.lpszText := PAnsiChar(fText); //向气泡窗体发送消息,将ToolInfo的信息设置到气泡窗体中 SendMessage(fTipHandle, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, Integer(@fToolInfo)); SendMessage(fTipHandle, TTM_SETTOOLINFO, 0, Integer(@fToolInfo)); end; end; procedure TToolTip.SetTitle(ATitle: string); begin fTitle := ATitle; if fTipHandle <> 0 then //设置气泡窗体的提示图标和标题信息 SendMessage(fTipHandle, TTM_SETTITLE, Integer(fTipIcon), Integer(fTitle)); end; procedure TToolTip.Popup(Handle: HWND); var tmpRect: TRect; x, y: word; begin x := 0; fControl := FindControl(Handle); if fControl.Hint <> '' then fControl.ShowHint := False; //得到需要显示窗体所在的屏幕区域 GetWindowRect(Handle, tmpRect); //计算显示区域位置的坐标 with tmpRect do begin y := (Bottom - Top) div 2 + Top; case fAlignment of taLeft: x := Left; taCenter: x := (Right - Left) div 2 + Left; taRight: x := Right; end; end; //设置气泡窗体弹出的坐标 SendMessage(fTipHandle, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, MAKELONG(x, y)); //激活气泡窗体,并显示出来 SendMessage(fTipHandle, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, Integer(True), Integer(@fToolInfo)); fEnabled := True; //更新计时器状态 UpdateTime; end; procedure TToolTip.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); begin fEnabled := False; with Msg do begin case Msg of WM_TIMER: try SendMessage(fTipHandle, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, Integer(False), Integer(@fToolInfo)); if fControl.Hint <> '' then fControl.ShowHint := True; except Application.HandleException(Self); end; else Result := DefWindowProc(fWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end; //更新计时器状态 UpdateTime; end; procedure TToolTip.Popup(Handle: HWND; IconType: TTipTool_ICON; Title: string; Text: string); begin fTipIcon := IconType; SetTitle(Title); SetText(Text); Popup(Handle); end; procedure TToolTip.UpdateTime; begin KillTimer(fWindowHandle, 1); if (FInterval <> 0) and FEnabled then if SetTimer(fWindowHandle, 1, FInterval, nil) = 0 then raise EOutOfResources.Create(SNoTimers); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('ToolTip', [TToolTip]); end; procedure TToolTip.RegisterControl(WinControl: TWinControl; aCaption, aMsg: string; TipICON: TTipTool_ICON = ttInformationIcon; TipAlignment: TTipAlignment = taLeft); var TipInfo: PTipInfo; begin New(TipInfo); TipInfo.WinControl := WinControl; TipInfo.Handle := WinControl.Handle; TipInfo.Caption := aCaption; Tipinfo.Msg := aMsg; TipInfo.TipICON := TipICON; TIpInfo.TipAlg := TipAlignment; TipInfo.Cursor := WinControl.Cursor; Flist.Add(TipInfo); end; procedure TToolTip.ApplicationEvents1Message(var Msg: tagMSG; var Handled: Boolean); var I: Integer; tmpTipInfo: PTipInfo; tmpPoint: TPoint; tmpHandle: THandle; begin if Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP then begin GetCurSorPos(tmpPoint); tmpHandle := WindowFromPoint(tmpPoint); if FLastHandle <> tmpHandle then //防止不停触发 begin FLastHandle := tmpHandle; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do // Iterate begin tmpTipInfo := PTipInfo(FList.Items[i]); //只有调用了BeginHelp,才会弹出提示窗口 if (tmpTipInfo.Handle = tmpHandle) and (tmpTipInfo.WinControl.Cursor = crHelp) then begin Popup(tmpHandle, tmpTipInfo.TipICON, tmpTipInfo.Caption, tmpTipInfo.Msg); break; end; end; // for EndHelp; DefWindowProc(Msg.hwnd, Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam); end; end; end; procedure TToolTip.BeginHelp; var i: Integer; tmpTipInfo: PTipInfo; begin for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do // Iterate begin tmpTipInfo := PTipInfo(FList.Items[i]); tmpTipInfo.WinControl.Cursor := crHelp; end; // for end; procedure TToolTip.EndHelp; var i: Integer; tmpTipInfo: PTipInfo; begin for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do // Iterate begin tmpTipInfo := PTipInfo(FList.Items[i]); tmpTipInfo.WinControl.Cursor := tmpTipInfo.Cursor; end; // for end; end. 调用一: if edt3.Text='' then begin tltp1.Popup(TWinControl(edt3).Handle, ttStopIcon,'提示','请输入产地'); Exit; end; 调用二: ToolTip1.RegisterControl(LabeledEdit1, '提示', '请输入用户名'); ToolTip1.BeginHelp;