Many people are afraid of leaving their house because of crime. Some think more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others think little can be done. What is your view?
Crime has been around since time immemorial. Like war, crime is not likely to be totally eradicated, if history is any judge. Some might even say that it is an integral part of our universe, where balance must be achieved by the co-existence of opposing forces. However, I see no reason why crime cannot be largely prevented, if not exterminated.
Education is the first thing we can do to reduce crime. Take China for example. Seventy per cent of criminal offences were committed by the poorly educated who often didn't realize that they were breaking the law. In some rural villages it is still common practice to settle disputes by force. The concept of law is far from self-evident or widely accepted even among city dwellers. People need to be taught what consitutes a crime and what penalty or punishment would follow. But more importantly, people need to form the habit of resorting to law when problems arise.
Apart from that, effective law enforcement can make a great difference. More often than not people get frustrated and take things into their own hands because the judical system fails to protect them or solve their problems. Bureaucracy, inefficiency and corruption are not uncommon in most countries. If police brutality go on unchecked, if some policemen can be bribed to offer protection to petty criminals, if murders can get away unpunished because of their powerful connections, people will lose faith in law. Law enforcement is as essential as law itself.
To ultimately prevent crime, we have to dive into the root of crime. Though Christians assert that all men are sinful, the supposedly inherent sin doesn't necessarily lead to crime. There is no such a thing as a born criminal. Most people turn to crime as a last resort. It is a gradual process, starting from bad behavior to misconduct, wrondoing and culminating in felony. Poverty, social inequality and racial discrimination are often causes of criminal acts. Given a secure ife, few people would risk their liberty or life.
It would seem optimistic to claim that crimes can be reduced at a time when the crime rates in most countries are actually rising. However, effective education and law enforcement can make a difference. The day will come when everyone is so provided for that there is no point to commit a crime.