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  • SRS之SrsHls::on_video详解

    1. SrsHls::on_video

     * mux the video packets to ts.
     * @param shared_video, directly ptr, copy it if need to save it.
     * @param is_sps_pps, whether the video is h.264 sps/pps.
    int SrsHls::on_video(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_video, bool is_sps_pps)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        if (!hls_enabled) {
            return ret;
        /* update the hls time, for hos_dispose. */
        last_update_time = srs_get_system_time_ms();
        SrsSharedPtrMessage* video = shared_video->copy();
        SrsAutoFree(SrsSharedPtrMessage, video);
        /* user can disable the sps parse to workaround when parse sps failed. */
        if (is_sps_pps) {
            /* 是否使能解析 sps,默认使能 */
            codec->avc_parse_sps = _srs_config->get_parse_sps(_req->vhost);
        /* demux the video packet in h.264 codec.
         * the packet mux in FLV/RTMP format defined in flv specification.
         * demux the video specified data(frame_type, codec_id, ...) to sample.
         * demux the h.264 specified data(avc_profile, ...) to codec from sequence header. 
         * demux the h.264 NALUs to sample units. */
        if ((ret = codec->video_avc_demux(video->payload, video->size, sample)) 
            != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            srs_error("hls codec demux video failed. ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        /* ignore info frame */
        if (sample->frame_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameVideoInfoFrame) {
            return ret;
        if (codec->video_codec_id != SrsCodecVideoAVC) {
            return ret;
        /* ignore sequence header */
        if (sample->frame_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameKeyFrame
             && sample->avc_packet_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeSequenceHeader) {
            return hls_cache->on_sequence_header(muxer);
        /* TODO: FIXME: config the jitter of HLS. */
        if ((ret = jitter->correct(video, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            srs_error("rtmp jitter correct video failed. ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        /* flv 的时间戳(单位 ms)将每一秒分为 90000 份,因此为 1/90 ms */
        int64_t dts = video->timestamp * 90;
        stream_dts = dts;
        /* write video to muxer */
        if ((ret = hls_cache->write_video(codec, muxer, dts, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            srs_error("hls cache write video failed. ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        /* pithy print message. */
        return ret;

    2. SrsAvcAacCodec::video_avc_demux


    int SrsAvcAacCodec::video_avc_demux(char* data, int size, SrsCodecSample* sample)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        sample->is_video = true;
        if (!data || size <= 0) {
            srs_trace("no video present, ignore it.");
            return ret;
        if ((ret = stream->initialize(data, size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            return ret;
        /* video decode */
        if (!stream->require(1)) {
            ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR;
            srs_error("avc decode frame_type failed. ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        /* Video Tag 数据区的第一个字节是视频信息 */
        /* E.4.3 Video Tags, video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 78 */
        int8_t frame_type = stream->read_1bytes();
        /* 编码ID:4bits */
        int8_t codec_id = frame_type & 0x0f;
        /* 帧类型:4bits */
        frame_type = (frame_type >> 4) & 0x0f;
        sample->frame_type = (SrsCodecVideoAVCFrame)frame_type;
        /* ignore info frame without error 
         * @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/288#issuecomment-69863909 */
        if (sample->frame_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameVideoInfoFrame) {
            srs_warn("avc igone the info frame, ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        /* only support h.264/avc */
        if (codec_id != SrsCodecVideoAVC) {
            ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR;
            srs_error("avc only support video h.264/avc codec. actual=%d, ret=%d", 
                      codec_id, ret);
            return ret;
        video_codec_id = codec_id;
        if (!stream->require(4)) {
            ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR;
            srs_error("avc decode avc_packet_type failed. ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        /* AVC Packet 类型:1byte, 0: AVC序列头, 1: AVC NALU 单元 */
        int8_t avc_packet_type = stream->read_1bytes();
        /* CTS: 3bytes,如果 AVC packet 类型为 1,则为 cts 偏移,其他情况则为 0 
         * cts = (pts - dts) / 90,单位毫秒 */
        int32_t composition_time = stream->read_3bytes();
        /* pts = dts + cts. */
        sample->cts = composition_time;
        sample->avc_packet_type = (SrsCodecVideoAVCType)avc_packet_type;
        if (avc_packet_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeSequenceHeader) {
            /* 解析 sps,pps 数据 */
            if ((ret = avc_demux_sps_pps(stream)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                return ret;
        } else if (avc_packet_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeNALU){
            /* 检测 H264 的封装格式为 AnnexB 还是 "ISO Base Media File Format",
             * 然后根据相应封装格式的特点提取出 NALU,将该 NALU 保存到 sample 的
             * sample_units 数组中 */
            if ((ret = video_nalu_demux(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                return ret;
        } else {
            /* ignored. */ 
        return ret;

    接下来,若检测接收到的 video packet type 为 1,即为 NAL 单元,则调用 video_nalu_demux 进行解封装。

    2.1 SrsAvcAacCodec::video_nalu_demux

    int SrsAvcAacCodec::video_nalu_demux(SrsStream* stream, SrsCodecSample* sample)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* ensure the sequence header demuxed */
        if (!is_avc_codec_ok()) {
            srs_warn("avc ignore type=%d for no sequence header. ret=%d", 
                     SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeNALU, ret);
            return ret;
        /* 在 SrsAvcAacCodec 构造函数中初始化该变量为 SrsAvcPayloadFormatGuess */
        /* guess for the first time. */
        if (payload_format == SrsAvcPayloadFormatGuess) {
            /* One or more NALUs (Full frames are required)
             * try "AnnexB" from H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 211. */
            if ((ret = avc_demux_annexb_format(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                /* stop try when system error. */
                if (ret != ERROR_HLS_AVC_TRY_OTHERS) {
                    srs_error("avc demux for annexb failed. ret=%d", ret);
                    return ret;
                /* try "ISO Base Media File Format" from 
                 * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 20" */
                if ((ret = avc_demux_ibmf_format(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                    return ret;
                } else {
                    payload_format = SrsAvcPayloadFormatIbmf;
                    srs_info("hls guess avc payload is ibmf format.");
            } else {
                payload_format = SrsAvcPayloadFormatAnnexb;
                srs_info("hls guess avc payload is annexb format.");
        } else if (payload_format == SrsAvcPayloadFormatIbmf) {
            /* try "ISO Base Media File Format" from H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 20 */
            if ((ret = avc_demux_ibmf_format(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                return ret;
            srs_info("hls decode avc payload in ibmf format.");
        } else {
            /* One or more NALUs (Full frames are required)
             * try  "AnnexB" from H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 211. */
            if ((ret = avc_demux_annexb_format(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                /* ok, we guess out the payload is annexb, but maybe changed to ibmf. */
                if (ret != ERROR_HLS_AVC_TRY_OTHERS) {
                    srs_error("avc demux for annexb failed. ret=%d", ret);
                    return ret;
                /* try "ISO Base Media File Format" from 
                 * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 20 */
                if ((ret = avc_demux_ibmf_format(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                    return ret;
                } else {
                    payload_format = SrsAvcPayloadFormatIbmf;
                    srs_warn("hls avc payload change from annexb to ibmf format.");
            srs_info("hls decode avc payload in annexb format.");
        return ret;

    下面先尝试为当前的 H264 封装为 Annexb 格式,因此调用 SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_annexb_format 函数进行解析。

    2.2 SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_annexb_format

    int SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_annexb_format(SrsStream* stream, SrsCodecSample* sample)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* not annexb, try others */
        if (!srs_avc_startswith_annexb(stream, NULL)) {
            return ERROR_HLS_AVC_TRY_OTHERS;
        /* AnnexB
         * B.1.1 Byte stream NAL unit syntax,
         * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 211.
        while (!stream->empty()) {
            /* find start code */
            int nb_start_code = 0;
            if (!srs_avc_startswith_annexb(stream, &nb_start_code)) {
                return ret;
            /* skip the start code. */
            if (nb_start_code > 0) {
            /* the NALU start bytes. */
            char* p = stream->data() + stream->pos();
            /* get the last matched NALU */
            while (!stream->empty()) {
                if (srs_avc_startswith_annexb(stream, NULL)) {
            /* 此时 pp 指向下一个 NALU start bytes */
            char* pp = stream->data() + stream->pos();
            /* skip the empty. */
            if (pp - p <= 0) {
            /* 获取到一个 NALU 后,将该 NALU 添加到 sample 中的 sample_units 数组中 */
            /* got the NALU. */
            if ((ret = sample->add_sample_unit(p, pp - p)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                srs_error("annexb add video sample failed. ret=%d", ret);
                return ret;
        return ret;

    2.2.1 srs_avc_startswith_annexb

     * whether stream starts with the avc NALU in "AnnexB"
     * from H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 211.
     * start code must be "N[00] 00 00 01" where N>=0
     * @param pnb_start_code, output the size of start code, must >=3.
     *       NULL to ignore.
    bool srs_avc_startswith_annexb(SrsStream* stream, int* pnb_start_code)
        char* bytes = stream->data() + stream->pos();
        char* p = bytes;
        for ( ;; ) {
            if (!stream->require(p - bytes + 3)) {
                return false;
            /* not match */
            if (p[0] != (char)0x00 || p[1] != (char)0x00) {
                return false;
            /* match N[00] 00 00 01, where N>=0 */
            if (p[2] == (char)0x01) {
                if (pnb_start_code) {
                    *pnb_start_code = (int)(p - bytes) + 3;
                return true;
        return false;

    由该代码可知,若 H264 为 Annexb 封装格式,则 NALU 之间是以 0x000001(3bytes) 或者 0x00000001(4bytes) 分割。

    2.2.2 SrsCodecSample::add_sample_unit

     * add the a sample unit, it's a h.264 NALU or aac raw data.
     * the sample unit directly use the ptr of packet bytes,
     * so user must never use sample unit when packet is destroyed.
     * in a word, user must clear sample before demux it.
    int SrsCodecSample::add_sample_unit(char* bytes, int size)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* sample_units 数组的最大值为 128 */
        if (nb_sample_units >= SRS_SRS_MAX_CODEC_SAMPLE) {
            ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR;
            srs_error("hls decode samples error, "
                "exceed the max count: %d, ret=%d", SRS_SRS_MAX_CODEC_SAMPLE, ret);
            return ret;
        /* 从 sample_uints 数组中取出一个 sample_unit,用于存放获取到的 NALU 或 aac raw data */
        SrsCodecSampleUnit* sample_unit = &sample_units[nb_sample_units++];
        sample_unit->bytes = bytes;
        /* 该 NALU 单元的大小 或 aac raw data 的大小 */
        sample_unit->size = size;
        // for video, parse the nalu type, set the IDR flag.
        if (is_video) {
            SrsAvcNaluType nal_unit_type = (SrsAvcNaluType)(bytes[0] & 0x1f);
            if (nal_unit_type == SrsAvcNaluTypeIDR) {
                /* 若当前 NALU 为 I 帧,则置位该标志位,表示当前 sample_units 数组中含有 I 帧 */
                has_idr = true;
            } else if (nal_unit_type == SrsAvcNaluTypeSPS || 
                       nal_unit_type == SrsAvcNaluTypePPS) {
                /* Whether exists SPS/PPS NALU. */
                has_sps_pps = true;
            } else if (nal_unit_type == SrsAvcNaluTypeAccessUnitDelimiter) {
                /* Whether exists AUD NALU. */
                has_aud = true;
            if (first_nalu_type == SrsAvcNaluTypeReserved) {
                /* 记录 sample_units 数组中第一个 NALU 的类型 */
                first_nalu_type = nal_unit_type;
        return ret;
    • 若上面尝试调用 avc_demux_annexb_format 函数失败返回,即表明当前 H.264 不是以 AnnexB 格式封装的(即各 NALU 单元之间不是以 0x000001 或 0x00000001 分割的),则接下来尝试调用 avc_demux_ibmf_format 函数进行解封装,即再次尝试该 H.264 是否为 ISO Base Media File Format

    2.3 SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_ibmf_format

     * demux the avc NALU in "ISO Base Media File Format" 
     * from H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 20
    int SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_ibmf_format(SrsStream* stream, SrsCodecSample* sample)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        int PictureLength = stream->size() - stream->pos();
         * Syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 16
         * AVC decoder configuration record
         * Semantics
         * The value of this field shall be one of 0, 1, or 3 corresponding to a
         * length encoded with 1, 2, or 4 bytes, respectively.
        srs_assert(NAL_unit_length != 2);
         * 该 NAL_unit_length 的值即为解析 sps 的获取到的 lengthSizeMinusOne 字段值
        /* Syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 20 */
        for (int i = 0; i < PictureLength; ) {
            /* unsigned int((NAL_unit_length+1)*8) NALUnitLength; */
            if (!stream->require(NAL_unit_length + 1)) {
                ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR;
                srs_error("avc decode NALU size failed. ret=%d", ret);
                return ret;
            int32_t NALUnitLength = 0;
            if (NAL_unit_length == 3) {
                NALUnitLength = stream->read_4bytes();
            } else if (NAL_unit_length == 1) {
                NALUnitLength = stream->read_2bytes();
            } else {
                NALUnitLength = stream->read_1bytes();
            /* maybe stream is invalid format. 
             * see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/183 */
            if (NALUnitLength < 0) {
                ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR;
                srs_error("maybe stream is AnnexB format. ret=%d", ret);
                return ret;
            /* NALUnit */
            if (!stream->require(NALUnitLength)) {
                ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR;
                srs_error("avc decode NALU data failed. ret=%d", ret);
                return ret;
            /* 7.3.1 NAL unit syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 44. */
            if ((ret = sample->add_sample_unit(stream->data() + stream->pos(), NALUnitLength)) 
                != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                srs_error("avc add video sample failed. ret=%d", ret);
                return ret;
            i += NAL_unit_length + 1 + NALUnitLength;
        return ret;
    • 由该函数源码可知,若 H264 为 ISO Base Media File Format,则各个 NALUnit 之间是以 1byte 或 2bytes 或 4bytes 分割的,这 1byte 或 2bytes 或 4bytes 即为 NALUnitLength 所占的字节数,具体为 1byte 还是 2bytes 或者 4bytes 是由 sps 中的 lengthSizeMinusOne 值决定的。若 lengthSizeMinusOne 值为 3,则 NALUnitLength 占 4bytes;若 lengthSizeMinusOne 值为 1,则 NALUnitLength 占 2bytes;若 lengthSizeMinusOne 值为 0,则 ALUnitLength 占 1 字节。

    3. SrsHlsCache::write_video

     * write video to muxer. 
    int SrsHlsCache::write_video(SrsAvcAacCodec* codec, SrsHlsMuxer* muxer, 
        int64_t dts, SrsCodecSample* sample)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* write video to cache. */
        if ((ret = cache->cache_video(codec, dts, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            return ret;
        /* when segment overflow, reap if possible */
        if (muxer->is_segment_overflow()) {
            /* do reap ts if any of:
             *     a. wait keyframe and got keyframe.
             *     b. always reap when not wait keyframe */
            if (!muxer->wait_keyframe() || 
                sample->frame_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameKeyFrame) {
                /* reap the segmtn, which will also flush the video. */
                if ((ret = reap->segment("video", muxer, cache->video->dts)) 
                    != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                    return ret;
        /* flush video when got one */
        if ((ret = muxer->flush_video(cache)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            srs_error("m3u8 muxer flush video failed. ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        return ret;
    • SrsHlsCache::write_video 函数中,首先调用 SrsTsCache::cache_video 函数将已经保存在 sample 中成员 sample_units 数组中的 NALU 保存到 cache 中。

    3.1 SrsTsCache::cache_video

    int SrsTsCache::cache_video(SrsAvcAacCodec* codec, int64_t dts, 
        SrsCodecSample* sample)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* create the ts video message. */
        if (!video) {
            video = new SrsTsMessage();
             * write_pcr:
             * whether thisi message with pcr info,
             * generally, the video IDR(I frame, the keyframe of h.264) carray the pcr info.
            /* 若当前帧类型为 I帧,表明携带有 pcr 信息 */
            video->write_pcr = sample->frame_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameKeyFrame;
             * start_pts:
             * the audio cache buffer start pts, to flush audio if full.
             * @remark, the pts is not the adjust one, it's the original pts.
            video->start_pts = dts;
        /* 对于 video,flv/rtmp 的时间戳即为 video 的 dts */
        video->dts = dts;
        /* pts = dts + cts */
        video->pts = video->dts + sample->cts * 90; // in ms
        /* stream id, 视频取值为 (0xe0~0xef),通常为 0xe0,这里即 SrsTsPESStreamIdVideoCommon */
        video->sid = SrsTsPESStreamIdVideoCommon;
        /* write video to cache. */
        if ((ret = do_cache_avc(codec, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            return ret;
        return ret;

    若当前 SrsTsCache 之前从未缓存过视频数据,即 video 为 NULL,则构建一个新的 SrsTsMessage 类的对象,video 指向该对象。

    3.1.1 SrsTsMessage 构造

     * the media audio/video message parsed from PES packet.
    SrsTsMessage::SrsTsMessage(SrsTsChannel* c, SrsTsPacket* p)
         * channel and packet: 
         * decoder only,
         * the ts message does not use them,
         * for user to get the channel and packet.
        channel = c;
        packet = p;
         * dts and pts: 
         * the timestamp in 90khz
        dts = pts = 0;
         * sid:
         * the id of pes stream to indicates the payload codec.
         * @remark use is_audio() and is_video() to check it, 
         *     and stream_number() to finger it out.
        sid = (SrsTsPESStreamId)0x00;
         * continuity_counter: the chunk id.
        continuity_counter = 0;
         * PES_packet_length: the size of payload, 0 indicates the length() of payload.
        PES_packet_length = 0;
         * payload: the payload bytes.
        payload = new SrsSimpleBuffer();
         * is_discontinuity: whether got discontinuity ts, for example, 
         * sequence header changed.
        is_discontinuity = false;
         * start_pts: the audio cache buffer start pts, to flush audio if full.
         * @remark the pts is not the adjust one, it's the orignal pts.
        start_pts = 0;
         * write_pcr: 
         * whether this message with pcr info,
         * generally, the video IDR(I frame, the keyframe of h.264) carray the pcr info.
        write_pcr = false;
    • SrsTsCache::cache_video 函数中,构建 SrsTsMessage 并初始化时间戳等信息后,接着调用 SrsTsCache::do_cache_avc 函数将 video 数据写入到 SrsTsCache.video->payload 中.

    3.1.2 SrsTsCache::do_cache_avc

    int SrsTsCache::do_cache_avc(SrsAvcAacCodec* codec, SrsCodecSample* sample)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* whether aud inserted. */
        bool aud_inserted = false;
        /* Insert a default AUD NALU when no AUD in samples. */
        if (!sample->has_aud) {
             * the aud(access unit delimiter) before each frame.
             * Access unit delimiter RBSP syntax
             * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10-2012.pdf, page 66.
             * primary_pis_type u(3), the first 3bits, primary_pic_type indicates 
             *     that the slice_type values for all slices of the primary coded 
             *     picture are numbers of the set listed in Table 7-5 for the given 
             *     value of primary_pic_type.
             *     0, slice_type 2, 7
             *     1, slice_type 0, 2, 5, 7
             *     2, slice_type 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
             *     3, slice_type 4, 9
             *     4, slice_type 3, 4, 8, 9
             *     5, slice_type 2, 4, 7, 9
             *     6, slice_type 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
             *     7, slice_type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
             * Access unit delimiter RBSP semantics
             * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10-2012.pdf, page 102.
             * slice_type specifies the coding type of the slice according to Table 7-6.
             *     0, P (P slice)
             *     1, B (B slice)
             *     2, I (I slice)
             *     3, SP (SP slice)
             *     4, SI (SI slice)
             *     5, P (P slice)
             *     6, B (B slice)
             *     7, I (I slice)
             *     8, SP (SP slice)
             *     9, SI (SI slice)
             * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10-2012.pdf, page 105.
            static u_int8_t default_aud_nalu[] = { 0x09, 0xf0 };
            /* 这里封装 H264 使用的是 Annexb 格式,在 aud 前会插入
             * 4 字节的分隔符: 0x00000001 */
            srs_avc_insert_aud(video->payload, aud_inserted);
            video->payload->append((const char*)default_aud_nalu, 2);
        /* 除了 AUD 前插入的是 4 字节的分隔符 0x00000001 外,其他的 
         * NALU 前插入的都为 3 字节的分隔符: 0x000001 */
        bool is_sps_pps_appended = false;
        /* all sample use cont nalu header, except the sps-pps before IDR frame. */
        for (int i = 0; i < sample->nb_sample_units, i++) {
            SrsCodecSampleUnit* sample_unit = &sample->sample_units[i];
            int32_t size = sample_unit->size;
            if (!sample_unit->bytes || size <= 0) {
                ret = ERROR_HLS_AVC_SAMPLE_SIZE;
                srs_error("invalid avc sample length=%d, ret=%d", size, ret);
                return ret;
             * 5bits, 7.3.1 NAL unit syntax,
             * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10-2012.pdf, page 83.
            SrsAvcNaluType nal_unit_type = (SrsAvcNaluType)(sample_unit->bytes[0] & 0x1f);
            /* 在 IDR 帧前先插入 sps 和 pps */
             * Insert sps/pps before IDR when there is no sps/pps in samples.
             * The sps/pps is parsed from sequence header(generally the first flv packet).
            if (nal_unit_type == SrsAvcNaluTypeIDR && 
                !sample->has_sps_pps && !is_sps_pps_appended) {
                if (codec->sequenceParameterSetLength > 0) {
                    /* 插入 3 字节的分隔符: 0x000001 */
                    srs_avc_insert_aud(video->payload, aud_inserted);
                    /* 接着插入 sps */
                if (codec->pictureParameterSetLength > 0) {
                    srs_avc_insert_aud(video->payload, aud_inserted);
                is_sps_pps_appended = true;
            /* Insert the NALU to video in annexb. */
            srs_avc_insert_aud(video->payload, aud_inserted);
            video->payload->append(sample->unit->bytes, sample->unit->size);
        return ret;

    若当前为接收到 sps 和 pps 后的第二个 video 消息,则根据上面源码可知,在 video->payload 中各 nalu 之间的格式为:

    annexb 4B header, 2B aud(nal_unit_type:9)(0x09 0xf0)(AUD)
    annexb 3B header, 19B sps(nal_unit_type:7)(SPS)
    annexb 3B header, 4B pps(nal_unit_type:8)(PPS)
    annexb 3B header, 12B nalu(nal_unit_type:6)(SEI)
    annexb 3B header, 2762B nalu(nal_unit_type:5)(IDR)
    • SrsTsCache::do_cache_avc 函数中,首先检测 sample 中是否已经有 aud(即接入单元定界符),若没有,则首先在 video->payload 中插入一个 aud。

    3.1.3 srs_avc_insert_aud

    void srs_avc_insert_aud(SrsSimpleBuffer* payload, bool& aud_inserted)
         * mux the samples in annexb format,
         * H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10-2012.pdf, page 324. */
         * 00 00 00 01 // header
         *     xxxxxxx // data bytes
         * 00 00 01 // continue header
         *     xxxxxx // data bytes
         * nal_unit_type specifies the type of RBSP data structure contained in the NAL 
         * unit as specified in Table 7-1.
         * Table 7-1 - NAL unit type codec, syntax element categories, and NAL unit 
         * type classes H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10-2012.pdf, page 83.
         *     1, Coded slice of a non-IDR picture slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp( )
         *     2, Coded slice data partition A slice_data_partition_a_layer_rbsp( )
         *     3, Coded slice data partition B slice_data_partition_b_layer_rbsp( )
         *     4, Coded slice data partition C slice_data_partition_c_layer_rbsp( )
         *     5, Coded slice of an IDR picture slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp( )
         *     6, Supplemental enhancement information (SEI) sei_rbsp( )
         *     7, Sequence parameter set seq_parameter_set_rbsp( )
         *     8, Picture parameter set pic_parameter_set_rbsp( )
         *     9, Access unit delimiter access_unit_delimiter_rbsp( )
         *     10, End of sequence end_of_seq_rbsp( )
         *     11, End of stream end_of_stream_rbsp( )
         *     12, Filler data filler_data_rbsp( )
         *     13, Sequence parameter set extension seq_parameter_set_extension_rbsp( )
         *     14, Prefix NAL unit prefix_nal_unit_rbsp( )
         *     15, Subset sequence parameter set subset_seq_parameter_set_rbsp( )
         *     19, Coded slice of an auxiliary coded picture without partitioning 
         *         slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp( )
         *     20, Coded slice extension slice_layer_extension_rbsp( )
         * the first ts message of apple sample:
         *     annexb 4B header, 2B aud(nal_unit_type:9)(0x09 0xf0)(AUD)
         *     annexb 3B header, 19B sps(nal_unit_type:7)(SPS)
         *     annexb 3B header, 4B pps(nal_unit_type:8)(PPS)
         *     annexb 3B header, 12B nalu(nal_unit_type:6)(SEI)
         *     annexb 3B header, 21B nalu(nal_unit_type:6)(SEI)
         *     annexb 3B header, 2762B nalu(nal_unit_type:5)(IDR)
         *     annexb 3B header, 3535B nalu(nal_unit_type:5)(IDR)
         * the second ts message of apple ts sample:
         *     annexb 4B header, 2B aud(nal_unit_type:9)(0x09 0xf0)(AUD)
         *     annexb 3B header, 21B nalu(nal_unit_type:6)(SEI)
         *     annexb 3B header, 379B nalu(nal_unit_type:1)(non-IDR,P/B)
         *     annexb 3B header, 406B nalu(nal_unit_type:1)(non-IDR,P/B)
         * @remark we use the sequence of apple 
         *         samples http://ossrs.net/apple-sample/bipbopall.m3u8
        static u_int8_t fresh_nalu_header[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 };
        static u_int8_t cont_nalu_header[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 };
        if (!aud_inserted) {
            aud_inserted = true;
            payload->append((const char*)fresh_nalu_header, 4);
        } else {
            payload->append((const char*)cont_nalu_header, 3);
    • 回到 SrsHlsCache::write_video 函数中,调用 SrsTsCache::cache_video 将 sample 中的所有缓存的 nalu 都插入到 SrsTsCache* cache->video->payload 中后,接着调用 SrsHlsMuxer::is_segment_overflow 函数检测当前片的时长是否已经大于 hls_fragment 指定的时长(本配置为 10s),若已经满足,则表示已经可以切割该片了。否则调用 SrsHlsMuxer::flush_video 函数。

    3.2 SrsHlsMuxer::is_segment_overflow

     * whether segment overflow.
     * that is whether the current segment duration>=(the segment in config)
    bool SrsHlsMuxer::is_segment_overflow()
        /* 若当前片的时长小于最小片时长的2倍限制,即小于 2*100=200ms,则
         * 表示当前片还不可以切割 */
        /* to prevent very small segment. */
        if (current->duration * 1000 < 2 * SRS_AUTO_HLS_SEGMENT_MIN_DURATION_MS) {
            return false;
        /* use N% deviation, to smoother. */
        /* 默认没有使能 hls_ts_floor,即 deviation 为 0.0 */
        double deviation = hls_ts_floor ? 
            SRS_HLS_FLOOR_REAP_PERCENT * deviation_ts * hls_fragment : 0.0;
        return current->duration >= hls_fragment + deviation;
    • 该函数是检测当前片的时长是否已经大于配置文件中 hls_fragment 指定的片的最小时长,若是,则返回 true,表明可以切割该片了;否则,返回 false。

    • 假设当前片的时长还没满足大于等于 hls_fragment,则 SrsHlsCache::write_video 函数中接着调用 SrsHlsMuxer::flush_video 函数。

    3.3 SrsHlsMuxer::flush_video

    int SrsHlsMuxer::flush_video(SrsTsCache* cache)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* if current is NULL, segment is not open, ignore the flush event. */
        if (!current) {
            srs_warn("flush video ignored, for segment is not open.");
            return ret;
        /* 确保 cache 中有 video 数据,否则直接返回 */
        if (!cache->video || cache->video->payload->length() <= 0) {
            return ret;
        /* update the duration of segment. */
        if ((ret = current->muxer->write_video(cache->video)) 
            != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            return ret;
        /* write success, clear and free the msg */
        return ret;
    • 该函数首先调用 SrsHlsSegment::update_duration 函数更新当前片的时长。

    3.3.1 SrsHlsSegment::update_duration

     * update the segment duration.
     * @param current_frame_dts, the dts of frame, in tbn of ts.
    void SrsHlsSegment::update_duration(int64_t current_segment_dts) 
         * we use video/audio to update segment duration,
         * so when reap segment, some previous audio frame will
         * update the segment duration, which is nagetive,
         * just ignore it.
        if (current_frame_dts < segment_start_dts) {
            /* for atc and timestamp jump, reset the start dts. */
            if (current_frame_dts < segment_start_dts - 
                srs_warn("hls timestamp jump %"PRId64"=>%"PRId64, 
                         segment_start_dts, current_frame_dts);
                segment_start_dts = current_frame_dts;
        duration = (current_frame_dts - segment_start_dts) / 90000.0;
        srs_assert(duration >= 0);
    • 更新完当前片的时长后,回到 SrsHlsMuxer::flush_video 函数中,接着调用 SrsTSMuxer::write_video 函数将 video frame 写入到 ts 中。

    3.3.2 SrsTSMuxer::write_video

     * write a video frame to ts
    int SrsTSMuxer::write_video(SrsTsMessage* video)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        /* 将 video frame 写入到 PES packet 中 */
        if ((ret = context->encode(writer, video, vcodec, acodec)) 
            != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            srs_error("hls encode video failed. ret=%d", ret);
            return ret;
        return ret;

    3.3.3 SrsTsContext::encode

     * write the PES packet, the video/audio stream.
     * @param msg, the video/audio msg to write to ts.
     * @param vc, the video codec, write the PAT/PMT table when changed.
     * @param ac, the audio codec, write the PAT/PMT table when changed.
    int SrsTsContext::encode(SrsFileWriter* writer, SrsTsMessage* msg, 
        SrsCodecVideo vc, SrsCodecAudio ac)
        int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        SrsTsStream vs, as;
        int16_t video_pid = 0, audio_pid = 0;
        switch (vc) {
            case SrsCodecVideoAVC: 
                vs = SrsTsStreamVideoH264; 
                video_pid = TS_VIDEO_AVC_PID;
            case SrsCodecVideoDisabled:
                vs = SrsTsStreamReserved;
            case SrsCodecVideoReserved:
            case SrsCodecVideoReserved1:
            case SrsCodecVideoReserved2:
            case SrsCodecVideoSorensonH263:
            case SrsCodecVideoScreenVideo:
            case SrsCodecVideoOn2VP6:
            case SrsCodecVideoOn2VP6WithAlphaChannel:
            case SrsCodecVideoScreenVideoVersion2:
                vs = SrsTsStreamReserved;
        switch (ac) {
            case SrsCodecAudioAAC:
                as = SrsTsStreamAudioAAC; 
                audio_pid = TS_AUDIO_AAC_PID;
            case SrsCodecAudioMP3:
                as = SrsTsStreamAudioMp3; 
                audio_pid = TS_AUDIO_MP3_PID;
            case SrsCodecAudioDisabled:
                as = SrsTsStreamReserved;
            case SrsCodecAudioReserved1:
            case SrsCodecAudioLinearPCMPlatformEndian:
            case SrsCodecAudioADPCM:
            case SrsCodecAudioLinearPCMLittleEndian:
            case SrsCodecAudioNellymoser16kHzMono:
            case SrsCodecAudioNellymoser8kHzMono:
            case SrsCodecAudioNellymoser:
            case SrsCodecAudioReservedG711AlawLogarithmicPCM:
            case SrsCodecAudioReservedG711MuLawLogarithmicPCM:
            case SrsCodecAudioReserved:
            case SrsCodecAudioSpeex:
            case SrsCodecAudioReservedMP3_8kHz:
            case SrsCodecAudioReservedDeviceSpecificSound:
                as = SrsTsStreamReserved;
        if (as == SrsTsStreamReserved && vs == SrsTsStreamReserved) {
            ret = ERROR_HLS_NO_STREAM;
            srs_error("hls: no video or audio stream, vcodec=%d, acodec=%d. ret=%d", 
                      vc, ac, ret);
            return ret;
        /* 当首次调用该函数将 audio/video frame 写入到 PES packet 中时,
         * 需要将 vcodec 和 acodec 写入到 PAT/PMT table 中 */
        /* when any codec changed, write PAT/PMT table. */
        if (vcodec != vc || acodec != ac) {
            vcodec = vc;
            acodec = ac;
            if ((ret = encode_pat_pmt(writer, video_pid, vs, audio_pid, as)) 
                != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                return ret;
        if (msg->is_audio()) {
            return encode_pes(writer, msg, audio_pid, as, vs == SrsTsStreamReserved);
        } else {
            return encode_pes(writer, msg, video_pid, vs, vs == SrsTsStreamReserved);
    • 在该函数中,若为第一次调用该函数将 video/audio 数据写入到 PES packet 中,则需要调用 SrsTsContext::encode_pat_pmt 函数将 video 和 audio 的所用的编码格式 vcodec 和 acodec 以及流类型写入到 PAT/PMT 表中。

    3.3.4 SrsTsContext::encode_pat_pmt

    • 该函数的具体分析可见于: SRS之TS封装PAT和PMT

    • 回到 SrsTsContext::encode 函数中,首次将 PAT/PMT 写入到 ts 文件中后,接着检测到当前消息为视频,因此调用 SrsTsContext::encode_pes 函数把当前的视频消息封装成 ts 格式,然后写入到 ts 文件中。

    3.3.5 SrsTsContext::encode_pes

    该函数的具体分析: SRS之SrsTsContext::encode_pes详解

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