first :add $.support.cors=true; in front of the Ajax code.
seconde: add the crossDomain:true, attribute to the $.ajax.
add the following code to the node <system.webServer>
<add name="access-control-allow-headers" value="accept, origin, token,content-type" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" value="true" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="OPTIONS, GET, POST" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Ovea <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * * * By default, support transferring session cookie with XDomainRequest for IE. The cookie value is by default 'jsessionid' * * You can change the session cookie value like this, before including this script: * * window.XDR_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'ID'; * * Or if you want to disable cookie session support: * * window.XDR_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = null; * * If you need to convert other cookies as headers: * * window.XDR_COOKIE_HEADERS = ['PHP_SESSION']; * * To DEBUG: * * window.XDR_DEBUG = true; * * To pass some headers: * * window.XDR_HEADERS = ['Content-Type', 'Accept'] * */ (function ($) { if (!('__jquery_xdomain__' in $) && /msie/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) // must be IE && 'XDomainRequest' in window // and support XDomainRequest (IE8+) && !(window.XMLHttpRequest && 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest()) // and must not support CORS (IE10+) && document.location.href.indexOf("file:///") == -1) { // and must not be local $['__jquery_xdomain__'] = $.support.cors = true; var urlMatcher = /^(((([^:/#?]+:)?(?://((?:(([^:@/#?]+)(?::([^:@/#?]+))?)@)?(([^:/#?]+)(?::([0-9]+))?))?)?)?((/?(?:[^/?#]+/+)*)([^?#]*)))?(?[^#]+)?)(#.*)?/, oldxhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr, sessionCookie = 'XDR_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME' in window ? window['XDR_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME'] : "jsessionid", cookies = 'XDR_COOKIE_HEADERS' in window ? window['XDR_COOKIE_HEADERS'] : [], headers = 'XDR_HEADERS' in window ? window['XDR_HEADERS'] : ['Content-Type', 'Token'], ReadyState = { UNSENT: 0, OPENED: 1, LOADING: 3, DONE: 4 }, debug = window['XDR_DEBUG'] && 'console' in window, XDomainRequestAdapter, domain, reqId = 0; function forEachCookie(names, fn) { if (typeof names == 'string') { names = [names]; } var i, cookie; for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { cookie = new RegExp('(?:^|; )' + names[i] + '=([^;]*)', 'i').exec(document.cookie); cookie = cookie && cookie[1]; if (cookie) {, names[i], cookie); } } } function parseResponse(str) { // str === [data][header]~status~hlen~ // min: ~0~0~ if (str.length >= 5) { // return[0] = status // return[1] = data // return[2] = header var sub = str.substring(str.length <= 20 ? 0 : str.length - 20), i = sub.length - 1, end, hl, st; if (sub.charAt(i) === '~') { for (end = i--; i >= 0 && sub.charAt(i) !== '~'; i--); hl = parseInt(sub.substring(i + 1, end)); if (!isNaN(hl) && hl >= 0 && i >= 2 && sub.charAt(i) === '~') { for (end = i--; i >= 0 && sub.charAt(i) !== '~'; i--); st = parseInt(sub.substring(i + 1, end)); if (!isNaN(st) && i >= 0 && sub.charAt(i) === '~') { end = str.length - hl - sub.length + i; return [st, str.substring(0, end), str.substr(end, hl)]; } } } } return [200, str, '']; } function parseUrl(url) { if (typeof (url) === "object") { return url; } var matches = urlMatcher.exec(url); return matches ? { href: matches[0] || "", hrefNoHash: matches[1] || "", hrefNoSearch: matches[2] || "", domain: matches[3] || "", protocol: matches[4] || "", authority: matches[5] || "", username: matches[7] || "", password: matches[8] || "", host: matches[9] || "", hostname: matches[10] || "", port: matches[11] || "", pathname: matches[12] || "", directory: matches[13] || "", filename: matches[14] || "", search: matches[15] || "", hash: matches[16] || "" } : {}; } function parseCookies(header) { if (header.length == 0) { return []; } var cooks = [], i = 0, start = 0, end, dom; do { end = header.indexOf(',', start); cooks[i] = (cooks[i] || '') + header.substring(start, end == -1 ? header.length : end); start = end + 1; if (cooks[i].indexOf('Expires=') == -1 || cooks[i].indexOf(',') != -1) { i++; } else { cooks[i] += ','; } } while (end > 0); for (i = 0; i < cooks.length; i++) { dom = cooks[i].indexOf('Domain='); if (dom != -1) { cooks[i] = cooks[i].substring(0, dom) + cooks[i].substring(cooks[i].indexOf(';', dom) + 1); } } return cooks; } domain = parseUrl(document.location.href).domain; XDomainRequestAdapter = function () { var self = this, _xdr = new XDomainRequest(), _mime, _reqHeaders = [], _method, _url, _id = reqId++, _setState = function (state) { self.readyState = state; if (typeof self.onreadystatechange === 'function') {; } }, _done = function (state, code) { if (!self.responseText) { self.responseText = ''; } if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + _id + '] request end with state ' + state + ' and code ' + code + ' and data length ' + self.responseText.length); } self.status = code; if (!self.responseType) { _mime = _mime || _xdr.contentType; if (_mime.match(//json/)) { self.responseType = 'json'; self.response = self.responseText; } else if (_mime.match(//xml/)) { self.responseType = 'document'; var $error, dom = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); dom.async = false; dom.loadXML(self.responseText); self.responseXML = self.response = dom; if ($(dom).children('error').length != 0) { $error = $(dom).find('error'); self.status = parseInt($error.attr('response_code')); } } else { self.responseType = 'text'; self.response = self.responseText; } } _setState(state); // clean memory _xdr = null; _reqHeaders = null; _url = null; }; _xdr.onprogress = function () { _setState(ReadyState.LOADING); }; _xdr.ontimeout = function () { _done(ReadyState.DONE, 408); }; _xdr.onerror = function () { _done(ReadyState.DONE, 500); }; _xdr.onload = function () { // check if we are using a filter which modify the response var cooks, i, resp = parseResponse(_xdr.responseText || ''); if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + reqId + '] parsing cookies for header ' + resp[2]); } cooks = parseCookies(resp[2]); self.responseText = resp[1] || ''; if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + _id + '] raw data: ' + _xdr.responseText + ' parsed response: status=' + resp[0] + ', header=' + resp[2] + ', data= ' + resp[1]); } for (i = 0; i < cooks.length; i++) { if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + _id + '] installing cookie ' + cooks[i]); } document.cookie = cooks[i] + ";Domain=" + document.domain; } _done(ReadyState.DONE, resp[0]); resp = null; }; this.readyState = ReadyState.UNSENT; this.status = 0; this.statusText = ''; this.responseType = ''; this.timeout = 0; this.withCredentials = false; this.overrideMimeType = function (mime) { _mime = mime; }; this.abort = function () { _xdr.abort(); }; this.setRequestHeader = function (k, v) { if ($.inArray(k, headers) >= 0) { _reqHeaders.push({ k: k, v: v }); } }; = function (m, u) { _url = u; _method = m; _setState(ReadyState.OPENED); }; this.send = function (data) { _xdr.timeout = this.timeout; if (sessionCookie || cookies || _reqHeaders.length) { var h, addParam = function (name, value) { var q = _url.indexOf('?'); _url += (q == -1 ? '?' : '&') + name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + _id + '] added parameter ' + name + "=" + value + " => " + _url); } }; for (h = 0; h < _reqHeaders.length; h++) { addParam(_reqHeaders[h].k, _reqHeaders[h].v); } forEachCookie(sessionCookie, function (name, value) { var q = _url.indexOf('?'); if (q == -1) { _url += ';' + name + '=' + value; } else { _url = _url.substring(0, q) + ';' + name + '=' + value + _url.substring(q); } if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + _id + '] added cookie ' + _url); } }); forEachCookie(cookies, addParam); addParam('_xdr', '' + _id); addParam('Referer', window.location.href); } if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + _id + '] opening ' + _url); }, _url); if (debug) { console.log('[XDR-' + _id + '] send, timeout=' + _xdr.timeout); } _xdr.send(data); }; this.getAllResponseHeaders = function () { return ''; }; this.getResponseHeader = function () { return null; } }; $.ajaxSettings.xhr = function () { var target = parseUrl(this.url).domain; if (target === "" || target === domain) { return$.ajaxSettings); } else { try { return new XDomainRequestAdapter(); } catch (e) { } } }; } }) (jQuery);