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  • 算法之【牛顿迭代法】


    As we all know, basic numerical calculation in the computer is: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    Or even only the addition and subtraction. But the power and root algorithm is a complex combination of the four fundamental operations, so they are much slower. Irrational numbers such as √2 whose floating point is obtained by the Newton-Raphson method. Newton-Raphson method is a precise algorithm used to calculate the curvilinear equation (especiallypower function), it’s more efficient than Dichotomy because it is based on the differential.


    A example using C language calculating √x with precision ’e’:

    double abs_value(double x)



     return x;


    double sqrt_root(double x,double e)


     double x0=1;



     return x0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jinhengyu/p/7517101.html
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