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  • vue 百度地图

    <template lang="pug">
    el-popover(placement="top" width="270" v-model="visible2")
    h3.list-title {{popUpInfo.title}}
    p.list-address {{popUpInfo.address}}
    el-slider(v-model="popUpInfo.range" :min="500" :max="25000")
    p.list-range 25km
    div(style="text-align: right; margin: 0").list-footer
    el-button(size="mini" type="text" @click="cancel()") 取消
    el-button(type="primary" size="mini" @click="submitPoint()") 确定
    input(type="text" id="filterInput")
    div#searchResultPanel(style="border:1px solid #C0C0C0;300px;height:auto; display:none;")

    <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
    import BMap from 'BMap';

    var map;
    var size;
    export default {
    data () {
    return {
    point: {
    lng: '',
    lat: ''
    pixel: {},
    popUpInfo: {
    range: 500
    value2: 12,
    visible2: false,
    selectPointAreaInMap: []
    watch :{
    "popUpInfo.range" : {
    handler: function (newVal, oldVal) {

    let self = this;
    let point = new BMap.Point(self.point.lng, self.point.lat);
    let marker = new BMap.Marker(point);

    function showInfo(e){
    self.point = {
    lng: e.point.lng,
    lat: e.point.lat

    map.addEventListener("click", showInfo);

    let circle = new BMap.Circle(point,newVal,{fillColor:"blue", strokeWeight: 1 ,fillOpacity: 0.3, strokeOpacity: 0.3});

    let projection =new BMap.MercatorProjection();
    let getBoundsPoint = circle.getBounds();
    let southWest = {
    lng: getBoundsPoint.Le,
    lat: getBoundsPoint.Ke
    let northEase = {
    lng: getBoundsPoint.Ge,
    lat: getBoundsPoint.Fe

    let pointSouthWest = new BMap.Point(southWest.lng, southWest.lat);// 西南坐标点
    let pointNorthEast = new BMap.Point(northEase.lng, northEase.lat);// 东北坐标点
    let pointPixelA = projection.lngLatToPoint(pointSouthWest);
    let pointPixelB = projection.lngLatToPoint(pointNorthEast);
    let pixelRange = Math.abs(pointPixelA.x - pointPixelB.x) / 2;
    this.pixel.pixelRange = pixelRange;
    deep: true
    point : {
    handler: function (newVal, oldVal) {
    let projection =new BMap.MercatorProjection();
    let pointPixel = projection.lngLatToPoint(new BMap.Point(newVal.lng, newVal.lat));
    this.pixel = {
    x: pointPixel.x,
    y: pointPixel.y

    let point = new BMap.Point(newVal.lng, newVal.lat);
    let marker = new BMap.Marker(point);
    let circle = new BMap.Circle(point,500,{fillColor:"blue", strokeWeight: 1 ,fillOpacity: 0.3, strokeOpacity: 0.3});
    deep: true
    created () {},
    mounted () {
    const LLBAND = [75, 60, 45, 30, 15, 0]
    const LL2MC = [[-0.0015702102444, 111320.7020616939, 1704480524535203, -10338987376042340, 26112667856603880, -35149669176653700, 26595700718403920, -10725012454188240, 1800819912950474, 82.5],
    [0.0008277824516172526, 111320.7020463578, 647795574.6671607, -4082003173.641316, 10774905663.51142, -15171875531.51559, 12053065338.62167, -5124939663.577472, 913311935.9512032, 67.5],
    [0.00337398766765, 111320.7020202162, 4481351.045890365, -23393751.19931662, 79682215.47186455, -115964993.2797253, 97236711.15602145, -43661946.33752821, 8477230.501135234, 52.5],
    [0.00220636496208, 111320.7020209128, 51751.86112841131, 3796837.749470245, 992013.7397791013, -1221952.21711287, 1340652.697009075, -620943.6990984312, 144416.9293806241, 37.5],
    [-0.0003441963504368392, 111320.7020576856, 278.2353980772752, 2485758.690035394, 6070.750963243378, 54821.18345352118, 9540.606633304236, -2710.55326746645, 1405.483844121726, 22.5],
    [-0.0003218135878613132, 111320.7020701615, 0.00369383431289, 823725.6402795718, 0.46104986909093, 2351.343141331292, 1.58060784298199, 8.77738589078284, 0.37238884252424, 7.45]]

    map = new BMap.Map('container',{enableMapClick:false}) // 创建Map实例// 暂时删除01
    let point = new BMap.Point(116.404, 39.915);
    map.centerAndZoom(point, 15);


    size = new BMap.Size(0, 0);
    map.addControl(new BMap.CityListControl({
    offset: size,
    // 切换城市之间事件
    // onChangeBefore: function(){
    // alert('before');
    // },
    // 切换城市之后事件
    // onChangeAfter:function(){
    // alert('after');
    // }
    map.addControl(new BMap.MapTypeControl({
    map.setCurrentCity("北京"); // 设置地图显示的城市 此项是必须设置的
    map.enableScrollWheelZoom(true); //开启鼠标滚轮缩放

    let top_left_control = new BMap.ScaleControl({anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT});// 左上角,添加比例尺
    let top_left_navigation = new BMap.NavigationControl({anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT}); //左上角,添加默认缩放平移控件

    function add_control(){

    let self = this;
    function setPoint (point) {
    self.point = {
    lng: point.point.lng,
    lat: point.point.lat
    self.popUpInfo.title = point.title;
    self.popUpInfo.address = point.address;
    onMarkClickDivA({}, point.point);
    // 关键词搜索位置 start
    function G(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);

    let ac = new BMap.Autocomplete( //建立一个自动完成的对象
    {"input" : "filterInput"
    ,"location" : map

    ac.addEventListener("onhighlight", function(e) { //鼠标放在下拉列表上的事件
    let str = "";
    let _value = e.fromitem.value;
    let value = "";
    if (e.fromitem.index > -1) {
    value = _value.province + _value.city + _value.district + _value.street + _value.business;
    str = "FromItem<br />index = " + e.fromitem.index + "<br />value = " + value;

    value = "";
    if (e.toitem.index > -1) {
    _value = e.toitem.value;
    value = _value.province + _value.city + _value.district + _value.street + _value.business;
    str += "<br />ToItem<br />index = " + e.toitem.index + "<br />value = " + value;
    G("searchResultPanel").innerHTML = str;

    let myValue;
    ac.addEventListener("onconfirm", function(e) { //鼠标点击下拉列表后的事件
    let _value = e.item.value;
    myValue = _value.province + _value.city + _value.district + _value.street + _value.business;
    G("searchResultPanel").innerHTML ="onconfirm<br />index = " + e.item.index + "<br />myValue = " + myValue;

    function setPlace(){
    function myFun(){
    let pp = local.getResults().getPoi(0).point;//获取第一个智能搜索的结果
    map.centerAndZoom(pp, 15);

    var local = new BMap.LocalSearch(map, { //智能搜索
    onSearchComplete: myFun
    // 关键词搜索位置 end

    // 地图绑定点击事件
    map.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
    self.point = {
    lng: e.point.lng,
    lat: e.point.lat
    let geoc = new BMap.Geocoder();
    geoc.getLocation(e.point, function(rs){
    self.popUpInfo.address = rs.address;
    self.popUpInfo.title = rs.surroundingPois[0].title || rs.address;
    onMarkClickDivA(e, e.point);

    map.addEventListener("zoomend", function (e) {
    self.visible2 = false;
    if (!self.point.lng) return;
    let point = new BMap.Point(self.point.lng, self.point.lat);
    let zoom = map.getZoom();
    let center = map.getCenter();
    let bound = map.getSize();
    let pixel = PointToPixel(point, zoom, center, bound);

    function getDivPopUp (pixel) {
    let div = document.getElementById("show-message-info");
    div.style.left = (pixel.x - 10) + "px";
    div.style.top = (pixel.y - 25) + "px";

    // 鼠标拖拽事件
    map.addEventListener("dragend", function(e){
    self.visible2 = false;
    let point = new BMap.Point(self.point.lng, self.point.lat);
    let zoom = map.getZoom();
    let center = map.getCenter();
    let bound = map.getSize();
    let pixel = PointToPixel(point, zoom, center, bound);

    function onMarkClickDivA(e, pointInfo) {
    let info;
    if (pointInfo) {
    info = pointInfo;
    } else {
    let p = e.target;
    info = p.getPosition();
    let pixel = map.pointToOverlayPixel(info);

    //point:当前像素 var point = new BMap.Point(x, y);
    //zoom:当前地图缩放级别 var zoom = map.getZoom();
    //center:当前地图可视范围中心点坐标 var center = map.getCenter();
    //bounds:地图可视区域 var bound = map.getSize();
    let PointToPixel = function (point, zoom, center, bounds) {
    // 坐标到像素
    if (!point) {
    point = FormatPoint(point);
    center = FormatPoint(center);
    var units = GetZoomUnits(zoom);
    var x = Math.round((point.lng - center.lng) / units + bounds.width / 2);
    var y = Math.round((center.lat - point.lat) / units + bounds.height / 2);
    return { x: x, y: y };
    let GetZoomUnits = function (zoom) {
    return Math.pow(2, (18 - zoom));
    let FormatPoint = function (point) {
    var lng_lat, mc;
    point.lng = getLoop(point.lng, -180, 180);
    point.lat = getRange(point.lat, -74, 74);
    lng_lat = {
    lng: point.lng,
    lat: point.lat
    for (var i = 0; i < LLBAND.length; i++) {
    if (lng_lat.lat >= LLBAND[i]) {
    mc = LL2MC[i];
    if (!mc) {
    for (var i = LLBAND.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (lng_lat.lat <= -LLBAND[i]) {
    mc = LL2MC[i];
    var cE = convertor(point, mc);
    var lng_lat = {
    lng: cE.lng.toFixed(2),
    lat: cE.lat.toFixed(2)
    return lng_lat
    let getLoop = function (lng, a, b) {
    while (lng > b) {
    lng -= b - a
    while (lng < a) {
    lng += b - a
    return lng
    let getRange = function (lat, a, b) {
    if (a != null) {
    lat = Math.max(lat, a)
    if (b != null) {
    lat = Math.min(lat, b)
    return lat
    let convertor = function (point, mc) {
    if (!point || !mc) {
    var lng = mc[0] + mc[1] * Math.abs(point.lng);
    var c = Math.abs(point.lat) / mc[9];
    var lat = mc[2] + mc[3] * c + mc[4] * c * c + mc[5] * c * c * c + mc[6] * c * c * c * c + mc[7] * c * c * c * c * c + mc[8] * c * c * c * c * c * c;
    lng *= (point.lng < 0 ? -1 : 1);
    lat *= (point.lat < 0 ? -1 : 1);
    return { lng: lng, lat: lat }
    methods: {
    submitPoint: function () {
    let infoMation = {
    lng: this.point.lng,
    lat: this.point.lat,
    name: this.popUpInfo.title,
    address: this.popUpInfo.address,
    range: this.popUpInfo.range,
    dataName: "businessPoint",
    x: this.pixel.x,
    y: this.pixel.y,
    pixelRange: this.pixel.pixelRange
    this.visible2 = false;
    this.$emit('post-map-data', infoMation);
    cancel: function () {
    this.visible2 = false;
    this.popUpInfo = {
    range: 500

    <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
    @import "../../stylesheets/advertise/selectAreaInMap.styl";

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jintaostudy/p/9046576.html
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