到www.sourceforge.net 网站搜索heritrix, 然后分别下载下来hheritrix-1.14.4-src.zip,heritrix-1.14.4.zip
1. 解压 heritrix-1.14.4.zip ,假设解压到了c 盘根目录下并把解压后的文件夹命名为heritrix(http://www.my400800.cn )
2. 进入c:/heritrix/conf 复制文件jmxremote.password.template 到c:/heritrix 下并把文件重新命名为jmxremote.password ,
monitorRole @123456789@ ->monitorRole admin (@ 于@ 之间设置的是密码, 后面是-> 用户角色用户名)
controlRole @123456789@ ->controlRole shi
并设置文件jmxremote.password 的属性为只读
3. 进入c:/heritrix/conf 打开文件heritrix.properties ,修改其中的几项key-value 值
heritrix.cmdline.admin = admin:770629 ( 用户名:密码)
heritrix.cmdline.port = 8080 (heritrix 服务器默认端口号8080, 保证该端口不被占用就不用改了)
4. 打开cmd ,切换目录到c:/heritrix/bin
然后敲入命令:heritrix.cmd --admin=admin:123456789
- WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background
- on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window
- and will be shut down as soon as you log off.
- 2011 / 02 / 25 周五 23 : 49 : 27.00 Starting heritrix
- Heritrix failed to start properly. Possible causes:
- - Login and password have not been specified (see --admin switch )
- - another program uses the port for the web UI ( 8080 by default )
- (e.g. another Heritrix instance)
- - JMX password file is missing or permissions not set correctly
- JMX permissions file missing. A template can be found in
- E:\framework\heritrix-1.14 . 4 \conf\jmxremote.password.template.
- Copy it to
- E:\framework\heritrix-1.14 . 4 \jmxremote.password
- and edit the passwords at the end of the file. Then, make sure
- the file is read-restricted to only the user that the Heritrix
- Java VM will run as. For example:
5. 再设置文件的为只读,并且要设置文件的拥有者只能为当前登录系统的用户,删除文件的其他用户或角色权限。修改方法: