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  • 一些基础密码算法的实现



     1 #include<iostream> 
     2 #include<cstdlib>
     3 #include<cstdio>
     4 #include<string>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 int gcd(int a,int b);          //求最大公约数;
     8 void jiam(string words,int* A);//加密;
     9 void jiem(string words,int* A);//解密。
    10 int main()
    11 {
    12     int A[9],i,tmp;
    13     string words;
    14     bool r;
    15     cout<<"请随意输入一个整数,来改变随机种子:";
    16     cin>>i;
    17     srand(i);
    18     getchar();
    19     cout<<"系统随机生成一个三阶矩阵:"<<endl;
    20     t:
    21     for(i=0;i<9;i++)
    22     {
    23         A[i]=rand()%26;
    24     }
    25     tmp=A[0]*(A[4]*A[8]-A[5]*A[7])-A[1]*(A[3]*A[8]-A[5]*A[6])+A[2]*(A[3]*A[7]-A[4]*A[6]);
    26     if(gcd(tmp,26)!=1)
    27     goto t;
    28     for(i=0;i<9;i++)
    29     {
    30         if(i==2||i==5||i==8)
    31         cout<<A[i]<<";"<<endl;
    32         else
    33         cout<<A[i]<<"   ";
    34     }
    35     cout<<endl;
    36     cout<<"请输入明文或密文(大写):";
    37     getline(cin,words);
    38     cout<<"加密(0)?解密(1)?请输入 0 or 1:";
    39     cin>>r;
    40     if(r==0)
    41     jiam(words,A);
    42     else
    43     jiem(words,A);
    44     return 0;
    45 }
    46 void jiam(string words,int* A)
    47 {
    48     int i;
    49     for(i=0;i<words.length();i+=3)
    50     {
    51         cout<<char((A[0]*(int(words[i])-65)+A[1]*(int(words[i+1])-65)+A[2]*(int(words[i+2])-65))%26+65);
    52         cout<<char((A[3]*(int(words[i])-65)+A[4]*(int(words[i+1])-65)+A[5]*(int(words[i+2])-65))%26+65);
    53         cout<<char((A[6]*(int(words[i])-65)+A[7]*(int(words[i+1])-65)+A[8]*(int(words[i+2])-65))%26+65);
    54     }
    55     cout<<endl;
    56 }
    57 void jiem(string words,int* A)
    58 {
    59     int i,x,y,z;
    60     for(i=0;i<words.length();i+=3)
    61     {
    62         for(x=0;x<26;x++)
    63         for(y=0;y<26;y++)
    64         for(z=0;z<26;z++)
    65         {
    66             if(char((A[0]*x+A[1]*y+A[2]*z)%26+65)==words[i]&&char((A[3]*x+A[4]*y+A[5]*z)%26+65)==words[i+1]&&char((A[6]*x+A[7]*y+A[8]*z)%26+65)==words[i+2])
    67             goto xx;
    68         }
    69         xx:
    70         cout<<char(x+65)<<char(y+65)<<char(z+65);
    71     }
    72     cout<<endl;
    73 }
    74 int gcd(int a,int b)
    75 {
    76     if(b==0)
    77        return a;
    78     else
    79        return gcd(b,a%b);
    80 }
    View Code


      1 #include<iostream>   
      2 #include<cstdlib>
      3 #include<cstdio>
      4 #include<string>
      5 using namespace std;
      7 int gcd(int a,int b);// 求最大公约数;
      8 void jiami(string words,int* A,int& b0,int& b1,int& b2);//加密;
      9 void jiemi(string words,int* A,int& b0,int& b1,int& b2);//解密;
     10 void nijz(int* A);//求逆元矩阵;
     11 int niyuan(long m,long n);//求逆元;
     12 int main()
     13 {
     14     int A[9],i,tmp,b0,b1,b2;
     15     string words;
     16     bool r;
     17     cout<<"请随意输入一个整数,来改变随机种子:";
     18     cin>>i;
     19     srand(i);
     20     getchar();
     21     cout<<"系统随机生成一个三阶矩阵:"<<endl;
     22     t:
     23     for(i=0;i<9;i++)
     24     {
     25         A[i]=rand()%26;
     26     }
     27     tmp=A[0]*(A[4]*A[8]-A[5]*A[7])-A[1]*(A[3]*A[8]-A[5]*A[6])+A[2]*(A[3]*A[7]-A[4]*A[6]);
     28     if(gcd(tmp,26)!=1)
     29     goto t;
     30     for(i=0;i<9;i++)
     31     {
     32         if(i==2||i==5||i==8)
     33         cout<<A[i]<<";"<<endl;
     34         else
     35         cout<<A[i]<<"   ";
     36     }
     37     cout<<"请输入明文或密文(大写,而且字数是3的倍数哦):";
     38     getline(cin,words);
     39     cout<<"加密(0)?解密(1)?请输入 0 or 1:";
     40     cin>>r;
     41     cout<<"请输入密钥B矩阵(三阶):";
     42     cin>>b0>>b1>>b2;
     43     if(r==1)
     44     {
     45         nijz(A);
     46         jiemi(words,A,b0,b1,b2);
     47     }
     48     else
     49     {
     50         jiami(words,A,b0,b1,b2);
     51     }
     52     cout<<endl;
     53     return 0;
     54 }
     55 void jiami(string words,int* A,int& b0,int& b1,int& b2)
     56 {
     57     int i,t;
     58     cout<<"密文是:";
     59     for(i=0;i<words.length();i+=3)
     60     {
     61         t=A[0]*(int(words[i])-65)+A[1]*(int(words[i+1])-65)+A[2]*(int(words[i+2])-65);
     62         while(t<0)
     63         {
     64             t+=26;
     65         }
     66         cout<<char((t%26+b0%26)%26+65);
     67         t=A[3]*(int(words[i])-65)+A[4]*(int(words[i+1])-65)+A[5]*(int(words[i+2])-65);
     68         while(t<0)
     69         {
     70             t+=26;
     71         }
     72         cout<<char((t%26+b1%26)%26+65);
     73         t=A[6]*(int(words[i])-65)+A[7]*(int(words[i+1])-65)+A[8]*(int(words[i+2])-65);
     74         while(t<0)
     75         {
     76             t+=26;
     77         }
     78         cout<<char((t%26+b2%26)%26+65);
     79     }
     80 }
     81 void jiemi(string words,int* A,int& b0,int& b1,int& b2)
     82 {
     83     int i,t;
     84     cout<<"明文是:";
     85     for(i=0;i<words.length();i+=3)
     86     {
     87         t=A[0]*(int(words[i])-65-b0)+A[1]*(int(words[i+1])-65-b1)+A[2]*(int(words[i+2])-65-b2);
     88         while(t<0)
     89         {
     90             t+=26;
     91         }
     92         cout<<char(t%26+65);
     93         t=A[3]*(int(words[i])-65-b0)+A[4]*(int(words[i+1])-65-b1)+A[5]*(int(words[i+2])-65-b2);
     94         while(t<0)
     95         {
     96             t+=26;
     97         }
     98         cout<<char(t%26+65);
     99         t=A[6]*(int(words[i])-65-b0)+A[7]*(int(words[i+1])-65-b1)+A[8]*(int(words[i+2])-65-b2);
    100         while(t<0)
    101         {
    102             t+=26;
    103         }
    104         cout<<char(t%26+65);
    105     }
    106 }
    107 int gcd(int a,int b)
    108 {
    109     if(b==0)
    110        return a;
    111     else
    112        return gcd(b,a%b);
    113 }
    114 void nijz(int* A)
    115 {
    116     int i,j,k,t;
    117     long s0[6],s[3][6];
    118     long r1,r2,r3;
    119     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    120     {
    121         s[0][i]=A[i];
    122     }
    123     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    124     {
    125         s[1][i]=A[i+3];
    126     }
    127     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    128     {
    129         s[2][i]=A[i+6];
    130     }
    131     s[0][3]=1;
    132     s[0][4]=0;
    133     s[0][5]=0;
    134     s[1][3]=0;
    135     s[1][4]=1;
    136     s[1][5]=0;
    137     s[2][3]=0;
    138     s[2][4]=0;
    139     s[2][5]=1;
    140     i=0;
    141     while(i<3)
    142     {
    143         j=0;
    144         while(j<3)
    145         {
    146             if(j==i)
    147             {
    148                 goto g;
    149             }
    150             for(t=0;t<6;t++)
    151             {
    152                 s0[t]=s[i][t];
    153             }
    154             for(k=0;k<6;k++)
    155             {
    156                 s0[k]*=s[j][i];
    157             }
    158             for(k=0;k<6;k++)
    159             {
    160                 s[j][k]*=s[i][i];
    161             }
    162             for(k=0;k<6;k++)
    163             {
    164                 s[j][k]-=s0[k];
    165             }
    166             g:
    167             j++;
    168         }
    169         i++;
    170     }
    171     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    172     {
    173         while(s[i][i]%2==0)
    174         {
    175             s[i][i]/=2;
    176             s[i][3]/=2;
    177             s[i][4]/=2;
    178             s[i][5]/=2;
    179         }
    180     }
    181     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    182     {
    183         while(s[i][i]%13==0)
    184         {
    185             s[i][i]/=13;
    186             s[i][3]/=13;
    187             s[i][4]/=13;
    188             s[i][5]/=13;
    189         }
    190     }
    191     r1=niyuan(26,s[0][0]);
    192     r2=niyuan(26,s[1][1]);
    193     r3=niyuan(26,s[2][2]);
    194     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    195     {
    196         A[i]=(s[0][i+3]*r1);
    197         while(A[i]<0)
    198            A[i]+=26;
    199         A[i]%=26;
    200     }
    201     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    202     {
    203         A[i+3]=(s[1][i+3]*r2);
    204         while(A[i+3]<0)
    205            A[i+3]+=26;
    206         A[i+3]%=26;
    207     }
    208     for(i=0;i<3;i++)
    209     {
    210         A[i+6]=(s[2][i+3]*r3);A[i+6]%=26;
    211         while(A[i+6]<0)
    212            A[i+6]+=26;
    213         A[i+6]%=26;
    214     }
    215 }
    216 int niyuan(long m,long n)
    217 {
    218     int a,b,c,d,t,yu,shang,mod;
    219     a=m;
    220     b=n;
    221     mod=a;
    222     c=0;
    223     d=1;
    224     while(b<0)
    225     {
    226         b+=a;
    227     }
    228     if(b==1)
    229         return 1;
    230     while(b!=1)
    231     {
    232         t=a%b;
    233         shang=a/b;
    234         a=b;
    235         b=t;
    236         yu=c-shang*d;
    237         c=d;
    238         d=yu;
    239     }
    240     if(yu<0)
    241        yu+=mod;
    242     return yu;
    243 }
    View Code


      1 #include<iostream>     //j=k0+ik1(mod n)
      2 #include<string>
      3 using namespace std;
      5 const int n=26;
      6 struct f
      7 {
      8     char x;
      9     float y;
     10     float z;
     11 };
     12 void jiami(string words,const int& k0,const int& k1);//加密;
     13 void jiemi(string words,const int& k0,const int& k1);//解密;
     14 int niyuan(long m,long n);//求逆元;
     15 int gcd(int a,int b);//求最大公约数;
     16 int main()
     17 {
     18     string words;
     19     char r;
     20     int i,j;
     21     struct f pinlv[26];
     22     for(i=0;i<26;i++)
     23     {
     24         pinlv[i].x='A'+i;
     25     }
     26     pinlv[0].y=0.0856;
     27     pinlv[1].y=0.0139;
     28     pinlv[2].y=0.0297;
     29     pinlv[3].y=0.0678;
     30     pinlv[4].y=0.1304;
     31     pinlv[5].y=0.0289;
     32     pinlv[6].y=0.0199;
     33     pinlv[7].y=0.0528;
     34     pinlv[8].y=0.0627;
     35     pinlv[9].y=0.0013;
     36     pinlv[10].y=0.0042;
     37     pinlv[11].y=0.0339;
     38     pinlv[12].y=0.0249;
     39     pinlv[13].y=0.0707;
     40     pinlv[14].y=0.0797;
     41     pinlv[15].y=0.0199;
     42     pinlv[16].y=0.0012;
     43     pinlv[17].y=0.0677;
     44     pinlv[18].y=0.0607;
     45     pinlv[19].y=0.1045;
     46     pinlv[20].y=0.0249;
     47     pinlv[21].y=0.0092;
     48     pinlv[22].y=0.0149;
     49     pinlv[23].y=0.0017;
     50     pinlv[24].y=0.0199;
     51     pinlv[25].y=0.0008;
     52     int k0,k1;
     53     cout<<"请输入明文或密文(大写):";
     54     getline(cin,words);
     55     cout<<"加密(0)?解密(1)?请输入 0 or 1:";
     56     cin>>r;
     57     t:
     58     cout<<"请输入两个密钥:k0 k1(k1与26互素):";
     59     cin>>k0>>k1;
     60     if(gcd(k1,26)!=1)
     61     {
     62         cout<<"请注意要求!"<<endl;
     63         goto t;
     64     }
     65     switch(r)
     66     {
     67         case '0':
     68         jiami(words,k0,k1);
     69         break;
     70         case '1':
     71         jiemi(words,k0,k1);
     72     }
     73     for(i=0;i<26;i++)
     74     {
     75         j=(int('A'+i)*k1+k0)%n;
     76         pinlv[j].z=pinlv[i].y;
     77     }
     78     for(i=0;i<26;i++)
     79     {
     80         cout<<pinlv[i].x<<"的频率为"<<pinlv[i].z<<"    ";
     81     }
     82     return 0;
     83 }
     84 void jiami(string words,const int& k0,const int& k1)
     85 {
     86     cout<<"密文为:";
     87     int i;
     88     char t;
     89     for(i=0;i<words.length();i++)
     90     {
     91         t=char(((words[i]*k1)%n+k0)%26+65);
     92         cout<<t;
     93     }
     94     cout<<endl;
     95 }
     96 void jiemi(string words,const int& k0,const int& k1)
     97 {
     98     cout<<"明文为:";
     99     int i;
    100     int k=niyuan(n,k1);
    101     for(i=0;i<words.length();i++)
    102     {
    103         cout<<char(((words[i]-k0)*k)%n+65);
    104     }
    105     cout<<endl;
    106 }
    107 int niyuan(long m,long n)
    108 {
    109     int a,b,c,d,t,yu,shang,mod;
    110     a=m;
    111     b=n;
    112     mod=a;
    113     c=0;
    114     d=1;
    115     while(b<0)
    116     {
    117         b+=a;
    118     }
    119     if(b==1)
    120         return 1;
    121     while(b!=1)
    122     {
    123         t=a%b;
    124         shang=a/b;
    125         a=b;
    126         b=t;
    127         yu=c-shang*d;
    128         c=d;
    129         d=yu;
    130     }
    131     if(yu<0)
    132        yu+=mod;
    133     return yu;
    134 }
    135 int gcd(int a,int b)
    136 {
    137     if(b==0)
    138        return a;
    139     else
    140        return gcd(b,a%b);
    141 }
    View Code


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdlib>
     3 #include <string>
     4 using namespace std;
     6 void hl(int* x);//混合字母顺序-以数字代替字母
     7 void result(string s,int* x1,int* x2,int* x3);//加解密
     8 int main()
     9 {
    10     int x1[26],x2[26],x3[26];
    11     hl(x1);
    12     hl(x2);
    13     hl(x3);
    14     string s;
    15     cin>>s;
    16     result(s,x1,x2,x3);
    17     return 0;
    18 }
    19 void hl(int* x)
    20 {
    21     int i,m,y[26];
    22     for(i=0;i<26;i++)
    23     {
    24         y[i]=i;
    25     }
    26     for(i=0;i<26;)
    27     {
    28         m=rand()%26;
    29         if(y[m]==-1)
    30         {
    31             continue;
    32         }
    33         else
    34         {
    35             x[i]=m;
    36             y[m]=-1;
    37             i++;
    38         }
    39     }
    40 }
    41 void result(string s,int* x1,int* x2,int* x3)
    42 {
    43     int m0=rand()%26,m1=rand()%26,m2=rand()%26,m3=rand()%26,i,j,tmp;
    44     for(i=0;i<s.length();i++)
    45     {
    46         tmp=25-x3[(x2[(x1[(int(s[i]-65)+m0+m1)%26]+m2)%26]+m3)%26];
    47         for(j=0;j<26;j++)
    48         {
    49             if(x3[(j+m3)%26]==tmp)
    50             {
    51                 tmp=j;
    52                 break;
    53             }
    54         }
    55         for(j=0;j<26;j++)
    56         {
    57             if(x2[(j+m2)%26]==tmp)
    58             {
    59                 tmp=j;
    60                 break;
    61             }
    62         }
    63         for(j=0;j<26;j++)
    64         {
    65             if(x1[(j+m0+m1)%26]==tmp)
    66             {
    67                 tmp=j;
    68                 break;
    69             }
    70         }
    71         cout<<char(tmp+65);
    72         while(tmp<0)
    73         {
    74             tmp+=26;
    75         }
    76         m1++;
    77         if(m1==26)
    78         {
    79             m1=0;
    80             m2++;
    81         }
    82         if(m2==26)
    83         {
    84             m2=0;
    85             m3=(++m3)%26;
    86         }
    87     }
    88 }
    View Code


      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <string>
      4 using namespace std;
      6 const int IP[]={
      7        58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10,  2,
      8        60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12,  4,
      9        62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14,  6,
     10        64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16,  8,
     11        57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,  9,  1,
     12        59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11,  3,
     13        61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13,  5,
     14        63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15,  7};
     15 const int FP[]={
     16        40,  8, 48, 16, 56, 24, 64, 32,
     17        39,  7, 47, 15, 55, 23, 63, 31,
     18        38,  6, 46, 14, 54, 22, 62, 30,
     19        37,  5, 45, 13, 53, 21, 61, 29,
     20        36,  4, 44, 12, 52, 20, 60, 28,
     21        35,  3, 43, 11, 51, 19, 59, 27,
     22        34,  2, 42, 10, 50, 18, 58, 26,
     23        33,  1, 41,  9, 49, 17, 57, 25};
     24 const int E[]={
     25        32,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,
     26         4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,
     27         8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
     28        12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
     29        16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
     30        20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
     31        24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
     32        28, 29, 30, 31, 32,  1};
     33 const int P[]={
     34        16,  7, 20, 21,
     35        29, 12, 28, 17,
     36         1, 15, 23, 26,
     37         5, 18, 31, 10,
     38         2,  8, 24, 14,
     39        32, 27,  3,  9,
     40        19, 13, 30,  6,
     41        22, 11,  4, 25};//0001 0101 1001 0101 0011 1101 0111 1000 1101 0000 1000 1011 1001 0001 1000 1110
     42 const int S[8][64]={
     43        /* S1 */
     44        14,  4, 13,  1,  2, 15, 11,  8,  3, 10,  6, 12,  5,  9,  0,  7,
     45         0, 15,  7,  4, 14,  2, 13,  1, 10,  6, 12, 11,  9,  5,  3,  8,
     46         4,  1, 14,  8, 13,  6,  2, 11, 15, 12,  9,  7,  3, 10,  5,  0,
     47        15, 12,  8,  2,  4,  9,  1,  7,  5, 11,  3, 14, 10,  0,  6, 13,
     49        /* S2 */
     50        15,  1,  8, 14,  6, 11,  3,  4,  9,  7,  2, 13, 12,  0,  5, 10,
     51         3, 13,  4,  7, 15,  2,  8, 14, 12,  0,  1, 10,  6,  9, 11,  5,
     52         0, 14,  7, 11, 10,  4, 13,  1,  5,  8, 12,  6,  9,  3,  2, 15,
     53        13,  8, 10,  1,  3, 15,  4,  2, 11,  6,  7, 12,  0,  5, 14,  9,
     55        /* S3 */
     56        10,  0,  9, 14,  6,  3, 15,  5,  1, 13, 12,  7, 11,  4,  2,  8,
     57        13,  7,  0,  9,  3,  4,  6, 10,  2,  8,  5, 14, 12, 11, 15,  1,
     58        13,  6,  4,  9,  8, 15,  3,  0, 11,  1,  2, 12,  5, 10, 14,  7,
     59         1, 10, 13,  0,  6,  9,  8,  7,  4, 15, 14,  3, 11,  5,  2, 12,
     61        /* S4 */
     62         7, 13, 14,  3,  0,  6,  9, 10,  1,  2,  8,  5, 11, 12,  4, 15,
     63        13,  8, 11,  5,  6, 15,  0,  3,  4,  7,  2, 12,  1, 10, 14,  9,
     64        10,  6,  9,  0, 12, 11,  7, 13, 15,  1,  3, 14,  5,  2,  8,  4,
     65         3, 15,  0,  6, 10,  1, 13,  8,  9,  4,  5, 11, 12,  7,  2, 14,
     67        /* S5 */
     68         2, 12,  4,  1,  7, 10, 11,  6,  8,  5,  3, 15, 13,  0, 14,  9,
     69        14, 11,  2, 12,  4,  7, 13,  1,  5,  0, 15, 10,  3,  9,  8,  6,
     70         4,  2,  1, 11, 10, 13,  7,  8, 15,  9, 12,  5,  6,  3,  0, 14,
     71        11,  8, 12,  7,  1, 14,  2, 13,  6, 15,  0,  9, 10,  4,  5,  3,
     73        /* S6 */
     74        12,  1, 10, 15,  9,  2,  6,  8,  0, 13,  3,  4, 14,  7,  5, 11,
     75        10, 15,  4,  2,  7, 12,  9,  5,  6,  1, 13, 14,  0, 11,  3,  8,
     76         9, 14, 15,  5,  2,  8, 12,  3,  7,  0,  4, 10,  1, 13, 11,  6,
     77         4,  3,  2, 12,  9,  5, 15, 10, 11, 14,  1,  7,  6,  0,  8, 13,
     79        /* S7 */
     80         4, 11,  2, 14, 15,  0,  8, 13,  3, 12,  9,  7,  5, 10,  6,  1,
     81        13,  0, 11,  7,  4,  9,  1, 10, 14,  3,  5, 12,  2, 15,  8,  6,
     82         1,  4, 11, 13, 12,  3,  7, 14, 10, 15,  6,  8,  0,  5,  9,  2,
     83         6, 11, 13,  8,  1,  4, 10,  7,  9,  5,  0, 15, 14,  2,  3, 12,
     85        /* S8 */
     86        13,  2,  8,  4,  6, 15, 11,  1, 10,  9,  3, 14,  5,  0, 12,  7,
     87         1, 15, 13,  8, 10,  3,  7,  4, 12,  5,  6, 11,  0, 14,  9,  2,
     88         7, 11,  4,  1,  9, 12, 14,  2,  0,  6, 10, 13, 15,  3,  5,  8,
     89         2,  1, 14,  7,  4, 10,  8, 13, 15, 12,  9,  0,  3,  5,  6, 11};
     90 const int PC_1[]={
     91        57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,  9,
     92         1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18,
     93        10,  2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27,
     94        19, 11,  3, 60, 52, 44, 36,
     96        63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15,
     97         7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22,
     98        14,  6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29,
     99        21, 13,  5, 28, 20, 12,  4};
    100 const int PC_2[]={
    101        14, 17, 11, 24,  1,  5,
    102         3, 28, 15,  6, 21, 10,
    103        23, 19, 12,  4, 26,  8,
    104        16,  7, 27, 20, 13,  2,
    105        41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55,
    106        30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48,
    107        44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53,
    108        46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32};
    109 struct w
    110 {
    111     unsigned int a:1;
    112     unsigned int b:1;
    113     unsigned int c:1;
    114     unsigned int d:1;
    115     unsigned int e:1;
    116     unsigned int f:1;
    117     unsigned int g:1;
    118     unsigned int h:1;
    119 };
    120 union data
    121 {
    122     char rr;
    123     w rw;
    124 };
    125 string DES(string s,string key);
    126 string Key1(string s);
    127 string Key2(string s);
    128 int main()
    129 {
    130     string words0,words,key0,key,tmp;
    131     bool mi;
    132     int i,bit,counts;
    133     cout<<"加密(0)  or  解密(1):";
    134     cin>>mi;
    135     cout<<"请输入密钥(8个字符):";
    136     cin>>key0;
    137     if(mi==false)
    138     {
    139         cout<<"请输入明文(二进制数串:个数为64的倍数):";
    140         cin>>words0;
    141         key=Key1(key0);
    142         words=DES(words0,key);
    143     }
    144     else
    145     {
    146         cout<<"请输入密文(二进制数串:个数为64的倍数):";
    147         cin>>words0;
    148         key=Key2(key0);
    149         words=DES(words0,key);
    150     }
    151     cout<<"你想要的结果是:"<<words<<endl;
    152     cout<<"退出0 or 继续测试1 :";
    153     cin>>mi;
    154     if(!mi)
    155        return 0;
    156     cout<<"雪崩效应测试:"<<endl;
    157     cout<<"你想关注密文的第几个bit位:";
    158     cin>>bit;
    159     bit--;
    160     counts=0;
    161     for(i=0;i<words.length();i++)
    162     {
    163         tmp=words;
    164         if(words[i]=='0')
    165            tmp[i]='1';
    166         else
    167            tmp[i]='0';
    168         tmp=DES(tmp,key0);
    169         if(tmp[bit]=='0')
    170            counts++;
    171     }
    172     cout<<"经测试,你关注的那个bit位,有"<<counts<<"次为0,有"<<words.length()-counts<<"次为1。"<<endl;
    173     return 0;
    174 }
    175 string DES(string s,string key)
    176 {
    177     string ss=s;
    178     string ts1,ts2;
    179     int i,j,k,l,tmp1,tmp2;
    180     bool t[8][8],tt[8][8],tmp;
    181     s="";
    182     for(i=0;i<ss.length();i+=64)
    183     {
    184         for(j=0;j<64;j++)
    185         {
    186             if(ss[j]=='0')
    187             {
    188                 *(*t+j)=false;
    189             }
    190             else
    191             {
    192                 *(*t+j)=true;
    193             }
    194         }
    195         for(j=0;j<64;j++)
    196         {
    197             *(*tt+j)=*(*t+IP[j]-1);
    198         }
    199         for(k=0;k<16;k++)
    200         {
    201             ts1="";
    202             for(j=32;j<64;j++)
    203             {
    204                 if(*(*tt+j)==true)
    205                    ts1+="1";
    206                 else
    207                    ts1+="0";
    208             }
    209             for(j=0;j<48;j++)
    210             {
    211                 *(*t+j)=*(*tt+E[j]+31);
    212             }
    213             ts2="";
    214             for(j=0;j<48;j++)
    215             {
    216                 if((*(*t+j)==true&&key[k*48+j]==1)||(*(*t+j)==false&&key[k*48+j]==0))
    217                    ts2+="0";
    218                 else
    219                    ts2+="1";
    220             }
    221             for(j=0;j<8;j++)
    222             {
    223                 tmp1=(ts2[j*6]-'0')*2+(ts2[j*6+5]-'0');
    224                 tmp2=(ts2[j*6+1]-'0')*8+(ts2[j*6+2]-'0')*4+(ts2[j*6+3]-'0')*2+(ts2[j*6+4]-'0');
    225                 tmp1=S[j][tmp1*16+tmp2];
    226                 *(*t+j*4+3)=tmp1&1;
    227                 tmp1>>=1;
    228                 *(*t+j*4+2)=tmp1&1;
    229                 tmp1>>=1;
    230                 *(*t+j*4+1)=tmp1&1;
    231                 tmp1>>=1;
    232                 *(*t+j*4)=tmp1;
    233             }
    234             for(j=32;j<64;j++)
    235             {
    236                 *(*tt+j)=(*(*t+P[j-32]-1))^(*(*tt+j-32));
    237             }
    238             for(j=0;j<32;j++)
    239             {
    240                 if(ts1[j]=='0')
    241                    *(*tt+j)=false;
    242                 else
    243                    *(*tt+j)=true;
    244             }
    245         }
    246         for(j=0;j<32;j++)
    247         {
    248             tmp=*(*tt+j);
    249             *(*tt+j)=*(*tt+j+32);
    250             *(*tt+j+32)=tmp;
    251         }
    252         for(j=0;j<64;j++)
    253         {
    254             *(*t+j)=*(*tt+FP[j]-1);
    255         }
    256         for(j=0;j<8;j++)
    257         {
    258             for(l=0;l<8;l++)
    259             {
    260                 if(t[j][l]==true)
    261                    s+="1";
    262                 else
    263                    s+="0";
    264             }
    265         }
    266     }
    267     return s;
    268 }
    269 string Key1(string s)
    270 {
    271     string ss=s;
    272     int i,j,k;
    273     data d[8];
    274     bool tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;
    275     bool t[8][8],tt[8][8];
    276     for(j=0;j<8;j++)
    277     {
    278         d[j].rr=ss[j];
    279         t[j][6]=d[j].rw.b;
    280         t[j][5]=d[j].rw.c;
    281         t[j][4]=d[j].rw.d;
    282         t[j][3]=d[j].rw.e;
    283         t[j][2]=d[j].rw.f;
    284         t[j][1]=d[j].rw.g;
    285         t[j][0]=d[j].rw.h;
    286     }
    287     for(j=0;j<56;j++)
    288     {
    289         *(*tt+j)=*(*t+PC_1[j]-1);
    290     }
    291     tmp0=*(*tt);
    292     tmp1=*(*tt+28);
    293     tmp2=*(*tt+1);
    294     tmp3=*(*tt+29);
    295     ss="";
    296     for(i=0;i<16;i++)
    297     {
    298         if(i==1||i==2||i==9||i==16)
    299         {
    300             for(j=0;j<55;j++)
    301             {
    302                 if(j!=27)
    303                 {
    304                     *(*tt+j)=*(*tt+j+1);
    305                 }
    306                 else
    307                 {
    308                     *(*tt+j)=tmp0;
    309                 }
    310             }
    311             *(*tt+55)=tmp1;
    312         }
    313         else
    314         {
    315             for(j=0;j<54;j++)
    316             {
    317                 if(j!=27)
    318                 {
    319                     *(*tt+j)=*(*tt+j+2);
    321                 }
    322                 else
    323                 {
    324                     *(*tt+j-1)=tmp0;
    325                     *(*tt+j)=tmp2;
    326                 }
    327             }
    328             *(*tt+55)=tmp3;
    329             *(*tt+54)=tmp1;
    330         }
    331         for(j=0;j<48;j++)
    332         {
    333             if(*(*tt+PC_2[j]-1)==true)
    334                ss+="1";
    335             else
    336                ss+="0";
    337         }
    338     }
    339     return ss;
    340 }
    341 string Key2(string s)
    342 {
    343     string ss=s;
    344     int i,j,k;
    345     data d[8];
    346     bool tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;
    347     bool t[8][8],tt[8][8];
    348     for(j=0;j<8;j++)
    349     {
    350         d[j].rr=ss[j];
    351         t[j][6]=d[j].rw.b;
    352         t[j][5]=d[j].rw.c;
    353         t[j][4]=d[j].rw.d;
    354         t[j][3]=d[j].rw.e;
    355         t[j][2]=d[j].rw.f;
    356         t[j][1]=d[j].rw.g;
    357         t[j][0]=d[j].rw.h;
    358     }
    359     for(j=0;j<56;j++)
    360     {
    361         *(*tt+j)=*(*t+PC_1[j]-1);
    362     }
    363     tmp0=*(*tt+27);
    364     tmp1=*(*tt+55);
    365     tmp2=*(*tt+26);
    366     tmp3=*(*tt+54);
    367     ss="";
    368     for(i=0;i<16;i++)
    369     {
    370         if(i==1||i==2||i==9||i==16)
    371         {
    372             for(j=55;j>0;j--)
    373             {
    374                 if(j!=28)
    375                 {
    376                     *(*tt+j)=*(*tt+j-1);
    377                 }
    378                 else
    379                 {
    380                     *(*tt+j)=tmp1;
    381                 }
    382             }
    383             *(*tt)=tmp0;
    384         }
    385         else
    386         {
    387             for(j=55;j>1;j--)
    388             {
    389                 if(j!=28)
    390                 {
    391                     *(*tt+j)=*(*tt+j-2);
    393                 }
    394                 else
    395                 {
    396                     *(*tt+j+1)=tmp1;
    397                     *(*tt+j)=tmp3;
    398                 }
    399             }
    400             *(*tt)=tmp2;
    401             *(*tt+1)=tmp0;
    402         }
    403         for(j=0;j<48;j++)
    404         {
    405             if(*(*tt+PC_2[j]-1)==true)
    406                ss+="1";
    407             else
    408                ss+="0";
    409         }
    410     }
    411     s=ss;
    412         for(j=0;j<16;j++)
    413         {
    414             for(k=0;k<48;k++)
    415             {
    416                 ss[j*48+k]=s[(15-j)*48+k];
    417             }
    418         }
    419     return ss;
    420 }
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