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  • repadmin example.

    see:repadmin example

    Repadmin Examples

    Updated: March 28, 2003

    Repadmin Examples

    Example 1: Display the replication partners of a server

    The following example uses the showrepl operation of Repadmin to display the replication partners of Server1. This command is also used to find the objectGUID and InvocationID for a server for use with other operations.

    No parameters are required for the showrepl operation. A remote connection is assumed; therefore, the server name (DC in the syntax) is included.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showrepl server1.microsoft.com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    repadmin /showrepl server1.microsoft.com
    DC Options : IS_GC
    Site OPtions: (none)
    DC object GUID : 405db077-le28-4825-b225-c5bb9af6f50b
    DC invocationID: 405db077-le28-4825-b225-c5bb9af6f50b
    ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ======================================
        Building7b\server2 via RPC
             objectGuid: e55c6c75-75bb-485a-a0d3-020a44c3afe7
             last attempt @ 2002-09-09 12:25.35 was successful.
        Building7b\server2 via RPC
              objectGuid: e55c6c75-75bb-485a-a0d3-020a44c3afe7
             last attempt @ 2002-09-09 12:25.10 was successful.
         Building7b\server2 via RPC
              objectGuid: e55c6c75-75bb-485a-a0d3-020a44c3afe7
              last attempt @ 2001-09-09 12:25.11 was successful.

    Example 2: Initiate a replication event between two replication partners

    The following example uses the replicate operation of Repadmin to make Server2 initiate replication of the domain directory partition for microsoft.com from Server1. In this example, Server1 is the source server and Server2 is the destination server.

    The required parameters for the replicate operation are the name of the server that will receive changes (DestDC in the syntax), the name of the directory partition (NamingContext in the syntax), and the name of the server that will send the changes (SrcDC in the syntax).

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /replicate server2.microsoft.com server1.microsoft.com dc=microsoft,dc=com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    Sync from server1.microsoft.com to server2.microsoft.com completed successfully.

    Example 3: Initiate a replication event for a specified directory partition with all of its replication partners

    The following example uses the syncall operation of Repadmin to make Server1 initiate replication of the domain directory partition for microsoft.com from all of its source replication partners in the same site and to make all of the source replication partners initiate replication for microsoft.com from all of their source replication partners in the same site, and so on.

    The required parameter for the syncall operation is the server name (DC in the syntax). The name of the directory partition (NamingContext in the syntax) that will be synchronized is also included in this example. If this name is not included, only the configuration partition is synchronized.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /syncall server1.microsoft.com dc=microsoft,dc=com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    repadmin /syncall server1 dc=microsoft,dc=com
    Syncing partition: dc=microsoft,dc=com
    CALLBACK MESSAGE: The following replication is in progress:
        From: fea22f1d-a456-4f70-aa06-bedbda29e7eb._msdcs.microsoft.com
        To  : 5c02bcaf-86d9-4bed-811e-d17a5cebf8bb._msdcs.microsoft.com
    CALLBACK MESSAGE: The following replication completed successfully:
        From: fea22f1d-a456-4f70-aa06-bedbda29e7eb._msdcs.microsoft.com
        To  : 5c02bcaf-86d9-4bed-811e-d17a5cebf8bb._msdcs.microsoft.com
    CALLBACK MESSAGE: SyncAll Finished.
    SyncAll terminated with no errors.

    Example 4: Display the highest Update Sequence Number on a server

    The following example uses the showutdvec operation of Repadmin to show the highest USNs for a specified directory partition on each replication partner. In this example, there are only two replication partners and the directory partition is the domain directory partition for the microsoft.com domain.

    The only required parameter for the showutdvec operation is the distinguished name of the directory partition (NamingContext in the syntax). A remote connection is assumed so a server name (DC_LIST in the syntax) is also included.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showutdvec . dc=microsoft,dc=com server2.microsoft.com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    repadmin running command /showutdvec against server localhost
    Caching GUIDs.
    Building7b\Server1    @ USN    295458 @ Time 2002-09-09 19:33:42
    Building7b\Server2    @ USN    338194 @ Time 2002-09-09 19:38:16

    Example 5: View unreplicated changes between two servers

    The following example uses the showchanges operation of Repadmin to view changes that have not yet replicated between Server1 and Server2. In this example Server1 is the source server and is sending the changes while Server2 is the destination server and is receiving the changes.

    This is one implementation of the showchanges operation. For another implementation of this operation see Example 6: Create a file to determine what changes have occurred over a period of time.

    The required parameters for this version of the showchanges operation are the objectGuid of the directory partition on the source server (referred to as SourceDCObjectGUID in the syntax line) and the name of the directory partition (referred to in the syntax line as NamingContext). A remote connection is assumed so the destination server name (referred to in the syntax line as DestDC) is also included.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showchanges server2.microsoft.com 5c02bcaf-86d9-4bed-811e-d17a5cebf8bb dc=microsoft,dc=com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    Building starting position from destination server rktlabdc2.rktlabdom.com
    Source Neighbor:
    ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ======================================
        Building7b\Server1 via RPC
            DC object GUID: 5c02bcaf-86d9-4bed-811e-d17a5cebf8bb
            Address: 5c02bcaf-86d9-4bed-811e-d17a5cebf8bb._msdcs.microsoft.com
            DC invocationID: 064152bc-f8e8-404f-bd64-cdd9bb3958cb
            USNs: 296048/OU, 296048/PU
            Last attempt @ 2002-09-09 20:03:53 was successful.
    Destination's up-to-date vector:
    064152bc-f8e8-404f-bd64-cdd9bb3958cb @ USN 296163
    fea22f1d-a456-4f70-aa06-bedbda29e7eb @ USN 338287
    ==== SOURCE DC: 5c02bcaf-86d9-4bed-811e-d17a5cebf8bb._msdcs.microsoft.com ====
    No Changes

    Example 6: Create a file to determine what changes have occurred over a period of time

    The following example uses the showchanges operation of Repadmin to create a file that records replication changes. By running the showchanges operation later you can compare the file created earlier to the current replication state.

    This is one implementation of the showchanges operation. For another implementation of this operation see Example 5: View unreplicated changes between two servers.

    The only required parameter for this version of the showchanges operation is the name of the directory partition (NamingContext in the syntax) on which the check should be performed. In this example, the check is performed remotely so the server name (SourceDC in the syntax) is included as well as the /cookie: parameter, along with the name of the file to be created.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showchanges dc=microsoft,dc=com server2.microsoft.com /cookie:microsoft.txt

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    pDcList->szSp.. server2
    Using cookie from file test.txt (132 bytes)
    ==== SOURCE DC: server2 ====
    Objects returned: 2
    (0) modify CN=00000000000000000000000000000000,CN=VolumeTable,CN=FileLinks,CN=Sy
        1> objectGUID: c4955e2f-ab7c-4f96-bdb6-bf29b97ce3df
        1> instanceType: 0x4 = ( IT_WRITE )
        1> seqNotification: 130
    (1) modify DC=..SerialNo-server1.microsoft.com,DC=microsoft.com,CN=MicrosoftDN
        1> objectGUID: 0422b130-bf39-4549-aeea-64ed264d10c2
        1> instanceType: 0x4 = ( IT_WRITE )
        1> dnsRecord: <32 byte blob>
    New cookie written to file microsoft.txt (132 bytes)

    Example 7: Display the connection objects for a server

    The following example uses the showconn operation of Repadmin to show connection objects for a server.

    No parameters are required for showconn operation. In this example, a remote connection is assumed so the server name (DC_LIST in the syntax) is specified. All connection objects for Server2 are shown.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showconn server2.microsoft.com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    repadmin running command /showconn against server server2.microsoft.com
    Show Connection Objects
    Base DN:   CN=Building7b,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=microsoftDc=com
    ==== KCC CONNECTION OBJECTS ============================================
    Connection --
        Connection name : b415ba00-8d8d-429b-8a3d-21fd06a99a6c
        Server DNS name : server2.microsoft.com
        Server DN  name : CN=NTDS Settings,CN=SERVER2,CN=Servers,CN=Building7b,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com
     Source: Building7b\Server2
             No Failures.
     TransportType: intrasite RPC
     options:  isGenerated
      Reason:  RingTopology
              Replica link has been added.
      ReplicatesNC: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=microsoft,DC=com
      Reason:  RingTopology
              Replica link has been added.
      ReplicatesNC: CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com
      Reason:  RingTopology
              Replica link has been added.
      ReplicatesNC: DC=microsoft,DC=com
      Reason:  RingTopology
              Replica link has been added.
      ReplicatesNC: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com
      Reason:  RingTopology
              Replica link has been added.
    Connection --
        Connection name : 2357ff7a-4e54-46e2-a387-2e35b0560ab7
        Server DNS name : server2.microsoft.com
        Server DN  name : CN=NTDS Settings,CN=RKTLABDC2,CN=Servers,CN=Building7b,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com
            Source: Building7b\Server2
                    No Failures.
            TransportType: intrasite RPC
            options:  isGenerated
            ReplicatesNC: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=microsoft,DC=com
            Reason:  RingTopology
                    Replica link has been added.
            ReplicatesNC: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=microsoft,DC=com
            Reason:  RingTopology
                    Replica link has been added.
            ReplicatesNC: CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com
            Reason:  RingTopology
                    Replica link has been added.
            ReplicatesNC: DC=microsoft,DC=com
            Reason:  RingTopology
                    Replica link has been added.
            ReplicatesNC: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com
            Reason:  RingTopology
                    Replica link has been added.
    2 connections found.         

    Example 8: Display the replication signature for a server

    The following example uses the showsig operation of Repadmin to show the replication signature for a server.

    No parameters are required for the showsig operation. In this example, a remote connection is assumed so the server name (DC_LIST in the syntax) is specified.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showsig server1.microsoft.com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    Current DC invocationID: 415db077-1e28-4588-b255-c5bb9af6f50b (current)
    No retired signatures.

    Example 9: Display the context handles for the replication process

    The following example uses the showctx operation of Repadmin to show the open connections to the server that are established by remote servers.

    No parameters are required for the showctx operation. This example specifies the server name (DC_LIST in the syntax) on which the check should be performed.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showctx server2.microsoft.com

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    Caching GUIDs.
    3 open context handles.
    NTDSAPI client @ (PID 1528) (Handle 0x20b8a38)
        bound, refs=1, last used 2002-09-09 14:21:41
    Building7a\Server1 @ (PID 460) (Handle 0x20b8c40)
        bound, refs=1, last used 2002-09-09 14:23:22
    NTDSAPI client @ (PID 2976) (Handle 0x20bb960)
        bound, refs=2, last used 2002-09-09 14:23:28

    Example 10: Showing the replication status of a forest using replsummary and wildcard characters.

    The following example uses the replsummary operation and a wildcard character to show a summary of the replication status for all the domain controllers in the forest with a name beginning with 'FOURTH'.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /replsummary FOURTH*

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    repadmin /replsummary FOURTH*
    Replication Summary Start Time: 2002-09-18 14:54:49
    Beginning data collection for replication summary, this may take awhile:
    Source DC           largest delta  fails/total  %%  error
     FOURTH-CLT-DC-01             54m:57s    0 /   9    0
     FOURTH-DC-05                 41m:23s    0 / 175    0
     FOURTH-DC-06                 55m:08s    0 /  66    0
     FOURTH-DC-07                 09m:29s    0 /  97    0
     FOURTH-DC-08             18h:05m:02s   56 /  56  100  (1722) The RPC server is unavailable.
     FOURTH-DC-09                 56m:47s    0 /  12    0
     FOURTH-DC-10                 55m:10s    0 /  13    0
     FOURTH-DC-11                 56m:48s    0 /  46    0
     FOURTH-DC-12                 57m:09s    0 /  34    0
     FOURTH-DC-13                 55m:52s    0 /  64    0
     FOURTH-DC-14                 55m:52s    0 /  85    0
     FOURTH-DC-15                 09m:21s    0 /  50    0
     FOURTH-DC-16                 58m:02s    0 /  37    0
     FOURTH-DC-17                 57m:00s    0 /  48    0
     FOURTH-DC-18                 57m:00s    0 /  22    0
     FOURTH-DC-19                 58m:02s    0 /  22    0
     FOURTH-DC-20                 08m:05s    0 /  22    0
     FOURTH-DC-21                 05m:43s    0 /  22    0
     FOURTH-DC-22             09h:06m:29s    0 / 199    0
     FOURTH-DC-23                 09m:29s    0 /  34    0
     FOURTH-DC-24                 56m:48s    0 / 184    0
     FOURTH-DC-25                 41m:22s    0 /  71    0
     FOURTH-DC-26                 08m:16s    0 / 108    0
     FOURTH-DC-30                 55m:13s    0 /  47    0
     FOURTH-DC-31                 41m:23s    0 /  56    0
     FOURTH-SVC-DC-40             57m:02s    0 /   9    0
     FOURTH-TK-DC-27              07m:02s    0 /  54    0
     FOURTH-TK-DC-28              08m:01s    1 / 161    0  (8461) The replication operation was preempted.
     FOURTH-TK-DC-29              55m:10s    0 / 115    0
    Experienced the following operational errors trying to retrieve replication information:
              58 - fourth-dc-08.fourthcoffee.com

    Example 11: Showing the attributes of a specific object.

    The following example uses the showattr operation to show the attributes of a specific object in the Active Directory.

    Type the following at the command prompt:

    repadmin /showattr fsmo_dnm: ncobj:config: /subtree /filter:(objectClass=crossRef) /atts:nCName,dnsRoot,net,dnsRoot,net,biosname,systemFlags /homeserver:FOURTH-DC-26

    Press Enter and the following output is displayed:

    repadmin running command /showattr against server aseanl-test2.fourthcoffee.com
    DN: CN=Enterprise Configuration,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> nCName: CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> dnsRoot: fourthcoffee.com
        1> systemFlags: 0x1 = ( FLAG_CR_NTDS_NC )
    DN: CN=fourthcoffee,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> nCName: DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> dnsRoot: fourthcoffee.com
        1> systemFlags: 0x3 = ( FLAG_CR_NTDS_NC | FLAG_CR_NTDS_DOMAIN )
    DN: CN=Enterprise Schema,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> nCName: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> dnsRoot: fourthcoffee.com
        1> systemFlags: 0x1 = ( FLAG_CR_NTDS_NC )
    DN: CN=866c366e-7877-49e5-8121-67eefd488551,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> nCName: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> dnsRoot: DomainDnsZones.fourthcoffee.com
        1> systemFlags: 0x5 = ( FLAG_CR_NTDS_NC | FLAG_CR_NTDS_NOT_GC_REPLICATED )
    DN: CN=a07b7cea-1754-478c-84a5-c7b127ba5024,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> nCName: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com
        1> dnsRoot: ForestDnsZones.fourthcoffee.com
        1> systemFlags: 0x5 = ( FLAG_CR_NTDS_NC | FLAG_CR_NTDS_NOT_GC_REPLICATED )

    See Also

  • 相关阅读:
    18. 4Sum(双指针)
    17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number(bfs)
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    15. 3Sum(字典) (双指针)
    14. Longest Common Prefix(暴力循环)
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    54. Spiral Matrix(剑指offer--19)
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    134. Gas Station(数学定理依赖题)
    187. Repeated DNA Sequences(建立词典,遍历一遍 o(n))
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jjkv3/p/1431844.html
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