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  • 多表查询



    多表之间查询可以使用 链表 和 子查询 或者搭配查询

    二. 准备表

    # 建表
    create table department(
    id int,
    name varchar(20) 
    create table employee(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(20),
    sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male',
    age int,
    dep_id int
    insert into department values
    insert into employee(name,sex,age,dep_id) values

    三. 笛卡尔积


    在sql中可以通过from 俩张表(之间用,隔开) 形成一个笛卡尔积效应,产生的虚拟表为一个强耦合俩张表的一张新表;

    -- 例如:
    select * from employee,department;
    -- 生成的表的结构为
    | id | name       | sex    | age  | dep_id | id   | name         |
    |  1 | egon       | male   |   18 |    200 |  200 | 技术         |
    |  1 | egon       | male   |   18 |    200 |  201 | 人力资源     |
    |  1 | egon       | male   |   18 |    200 |  202 | 销售         |
    |  1 | egon       | male   |   18 |    200 |  203 | 运营         |
    |  2 | alex       | female |   48 |    201 |  200 | 技术         |
    |  2 | alex       | female |   48 |    201 |  201 | 人力资源     |
    |  2 | alex       | female |   48 |    201 |  202 | 销售         |
    |  2 | alex       | female |   48 |    201 |  203 | 运营         |
    |  6 | jingliyang | female |   18 |    204 |  200 | 技术         |
    |  6 | jingliyang | female |   18 |    204 |  201 | 人力资源     |
    |  6 | jingliyang | female |   18 |    204 |  202 | 销售         |
    |  6 | jingliyang | female |   18 |    204 |  203 | 运营         |
    -- 加上过滤条件
    select * from employee,department where employee.dep_id=department.id;
    -- 生成一个有对应关系的虚拟表
    | id | name      | sex    | age  | dep_id | id   | name         |
    |  1 | egon      | male   |   18 |    200 |  200 | 技术         |
    |  2 | alex      | female |   48 |    201 |  201 | 人力资源     |
    |  3 | wupeiqi   | male   |   38 |    201 |  201 | 人力资源     |
    |  4 | yuanhao   | female |   28 |    202 |  202 | 销售         |
    |  5 | liwenzhou | male   |   18 |    200 |  200 | 技术         |




    select 字段1,字段2.. 
    from 表1 
    inner/left/right join 表2
    on 表1.字段=表2.字段;



    inner join 外连接之内连接(只拼接2张表中共有的数据部分)

    -- 内连接
    select * from employee inner join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;

    left join 外连接之左连接(左表中所有的数据都展示出来,右表中没有对应的项用null来补充)

    -- 左连接
    select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;

    right join 外连接之右连接(右表中所有的数据都展示出来,左表中没有对应的项用null来补充)

    -- 右连接
    select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;

    full join 外连接之全连接(但mysql不支持)

    在mysql中要想创建全连接,得使用 union关键字来实现


    -- 全连接
    select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id=department.id
    select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id=department.id;

    五. 符合条件连接查询

    -- 以内连接的方式查询employee和department表,并且employee表中的age字段值必须大于25,即找出年龄大于25岁的员工以及员工所在的部门
    select emp.name,dep.name from employee as emp
    inner join department as dep
    on emp.dep_id=dep.id
    where emp.age>25;
    -- 以内连接的方式查询employee和department表,并且以age字段的降序序方式显示(当年龄一样,比员工id,员工id大的在下面)
    select * from employee as emp
    inner join department as dep
    on emp.dep_id=dep.id
    order by age desc,emp.id desc;

    六. 子查询

    1. 介绍

    Copy# 1:子查询是将一个查询语句嵌套在另一个查询语句中。
    # 2:内层查询语句的查询结果,可以为外层查询语句提供查询条件。
    # 3:子查询中可以包含:IN、NOT IN、ANY、ALL、EXISTS 和 NOT EXISTS等关键字
    # 4:还可以包含比较运算符:= 、 !=、> 、<等

    2. 带in关键字的子查询

    # 查询部门是技术或者人力资源的员工信息
    1. 先获取部门的id号
    2. 再去员工表里面筛选出对应的员工
    # 第一步:
    select id from dep where name in ('技术', '人力资源');
    # 第二步:
    select * from emp where dep_id in (200, 201);
    # 得出结果:
    select * from emp where dep_id in (select id from dep where name in ('技术', '人力资源'));

    3. 带比较运算符的子查询

    Copy# 比较运算符:=、!=、>、>=、<、<=、<>
    # 查询大于所有人平均年龄的员工名与年龄
    select avg(age) from emp;
    select name,age from emp where age > (select avg(age) from emp);
    # 查询大于部门内平均年龄的员工名、年龄
    select dep_id,avg(age) from emp group by dep_id;
    select emp.name,emp.age 
        from emp inner join (select dep_id,avg(age) as avg_age from emp group by dep_id) as t1 
        on emp.dep_id=t1.dep_id 
        where emp.age > t1.avg_age;

    4. 带exists关键字的子查询

    # dep表中存在dept_id=203,Ture
    select * from emp
        where exists (select id from dep where id=203);
    # dep表中不存在dept_id=204,False   
    select * from emp
        where exists (select id from dep where id=204);

    5. 子查询的实际应用

    # 查询平均年龄在25岁以上的部门名
    select id,name from department where id in (select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having avg(age) > 25);
    select id,name from department where id = any(select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having avg(age) > 25);
    # 查看技术部员工姓名
    select name from employee where dep_id = (select id from department where name="技术");
    # 查看不足1人的部门名(子查询得到的是有人的部门id)
     select name from department where id not in (select distinct dep_id from employee);
     # not in 无法处理null的值,即子查询中如果存在null的值,not in将无法处理


    # 查询出那些薪资比所有部门的平均薪资都高的员工
    select name from employee where salay > all(select avg(salay) from employee group by dep_id);
    # 查询出那些薪资比所有部门的平均薪资都低的员工
    select name from employee where salay < all(select avg(salay) from employee group by dep_id);
    # 查询出那些薪资比任意一个部门的平均薪资低的员工
    select name from employee where salay < any(select avg(salay) from employee group by dep_id);
    # 查询出那些薪资比任意一个部门的平均薪资高的员工=》薪资在任一部门平均线以上的员工
    select name from employee where salay > any(select avg(salay) from employee group by dep_id);


    # 查询 大于所有人平均年龄的员工名与年龄
    select name,age from employee where age > all(select avg(age) from employee);
    # 查询大于部门内平均年龄的员工名、年龄
    select name,age from employee where age > all(select avg(age) from employee group by dep_id);
    select t1.name,t1.age from employee as t1
    inner join 
    (select dep_id,avg(age) as avg_age from employee group by dep_id) as t2
    on t1.dep_id = t2.dep_id
    where t1.age > t2.avg_age; 



    # department表中存在dep_id=203,Ture
    select * from employee where exists(select id from department where id = 203);
    # 返回
    | id | name       | sex    | age  | dep_id |
    |  1 | egon       | male   |   18 |    200 |
    |  2 | alex       | female |   48 |    201 |
    |  3 | wupeiqi    | male   |   38 |    201 |
    |  4 | yuanhao    | female |   28 |    202 |
    |  5 | liwenzhou  | male   |   18 |    200 |
    |  6 | jingliyang | female |   18 |    204 |
    # department表中存在dept_id=205,False
    select * from employee where exists(select id from department where id = 205);
    # 返回
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    # exists
    exists 关键字会将外查询的结果放到括号内的子查询的条件,一一进行匹配,有点像for循环嵌套.但是它不管有没有匹配上,都会将子查询的条件全部匹配一遍,匹配了一次或者一次以上就返回true,否则返回false;
    而in 是先拿到子查询的结果集,然后再将外查询的结果进行判断.
    # 查询出那些班级里有学生的班级
    select * from class where exists (select * from stu where stu.cid=class.id);
    # exists的执行原理为:
    1、依次执行外部查询:即select * from class 
    2、然后为外部查询返回的每一行分别执行一次子查询:即(select * from stu where stu.cid=class.cid)
    # in
    in后跟的都是子查询,in()后面的子查询 是返回结果集的
    # 查询和所有女生年龄相同的男生
    select * from stu where sex='男' and age in(select age from stu where sex='女')
    # in的执行原理为:

    not in与 not exists

    # not exists 查询的效率远远高于 not in 查询的效率
    # not in() 子查询的执行顺序是:
    # 为了证明not in 成立,即找不到,需要一条一条的查询表,符合要求才返回子查询的结果集,不符合的就继续查询下一条记录.直到把表中的记录查询完,只能查询全部记录才能证明,并没有用到索引。
    not exists;
    select * from class
    where not exists
    (select * from student where student.cid = class.cid)
    not exists的执行顺序是:



    create databse db13;
    use db13;
    create table student(
    	id int primary key auto_increment,
        name varchar(16)
    create table course(
    	id int primary key auto_increment,
        name varchar(16),
        comment varchar(20)
    create table student2course(
    	id int primary key auto_increment,
        sid int,
        cid int,
        foreign key(sid) references student(id),
        foreign key(cid) references course(id)
    insert into student(name) values("jkey"),("tom"),("liu"),("song");
    insert into course(name,comment) values
    insert into student2course(sid,cid) values


    # 1、查询选修了所有课程的学生id、name:(即该学生根本就不存在一门他没有选的课程。)
    # 方式1
    select id,name from student where id = (select sid from student2course group by sid having count(cid) = (select count(id) from course));
    # 方式2
    select id,name from student s where not exists
    (select * from course c where not exists
    (select * from student2course s2c where s2c.sid=s.id and s2c.cid=c.id));
    # 方式3
    select s.id,s.name from student as s
    inner join student2course as s2c
    on s.id =s2c.sid
    group by s.name
    having count(s2c.id) = (select count(id) from course);
    # 2、查询没有选择所有课程的学生,即没有全选的学生。(存在这样的一个学生,他至少有一门课没有选)
    # 没有全选的学生,即指的是该学生没有选课,或者选择的课程没有全选
    # 先拿到所有的学生,再拿到所以的课程
    # 方法1
    select id,name from student where id != (select sid from student2course group by sid having count(cid) = (select count(id) from course));
    # 方法2
    select id,name from student as s where exists
    (select * from course as c where not exists
    (select * from student2course as s2c where s2c.sid=s.id and s2c.cid=c.id));
    # 方法3
    select s.id,s.name from student as s
    inner join student2course as s2c
    on s.id != s2c.sid
    group by s.id
    having count(s2c.id) != (select count(id) from course);
    # 3、查询一门课也没有选的学生。(不存这样的一个学生,他至少选修一门课程)
    select id,name from student as s where not exists
    (select * from course as c where exists
    (select * from student2course as s2c where s2c.sid=s.id and s2c.cid=c.id));
    # 4、查询至少选修了一门课程的学生。
    select id,name from student as s where exists
    (select * from course as c where exists
    (select * from student2course as s2c where s2c.sid=s.id and s2c.cid=c.id));


    -- 准备表
    create table emp(
    id int not null unique auto_increment,
    name varchar(20) not null,
    sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', #大部分是男的
    age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,
    hire_date date not null,
    post varchar(50),
    post_comment varchar(100),
    salary double(15,2),
    office int, #一个部门一个屋子
    depart_id int
    insert into emp(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
    ('egon','male',18,'20170301','老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使',7300.33,401,1), #以下是教学部
    ('张野','male',28,'20160311','operation',10000.13,403,3), #以下是运营部门


    # 方法1
    select name from emp where hire_date in (select max(hire_date) from emp group by post);
    # 方法2
    select name from emp inner join (select max(hire_date) as m from emp group by post) as t1 on emp.hire_date=t1.m;


    表的查询结果可以作为其他表的查询条件, 也可以通过起别名的方式把它作为一个张虚拟表根其他表关联.
        子查询 一步一步来

    七. 查询语句的优先级

    笛卡尔积  # 把两张表简单粗暴的连接到一起
    left join 或者 right join
    inner join
    group by
    order by
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jkeykey/p/14457413.html
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