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  • 用python实习逻辑回归


    # 三大件
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import os
    path = 'data' + os.sep + 'LogiReg_data.txt'
    pdData = pd.read_csv(path, header=None, names=['Exam1', 'Exam2', 'Admitted'])
    # 看一下数据的维度
    # 画图看一下每一个为 0 的数量和为 1 的数量
    positive = pdData[pdData['Admitted'] == 1]
    negative = pdData[pdData['Admitted'] == 0]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
    ax.scatter(positive['Exam1'], positive['Exam2'], s=30, c='b', marker='o', label='Admitted')
    ax.scatter(negative['Exam1'], negative['Exam2'], s=30, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Admitted')
    ax.set_xlabel('Exam1 Score')
    ax.set_ylabel('Exam2 Score')
    # 逻辑回归
    # 目标: 建立分类器(求解出三个参数)
    # 设定阀值, 根据阀值判断录取结果 - 0.5
    # 要完成的模块
    # sigmoid: 映射到概率的函数
    # model:返回预测结果
    # cost: 根据参数计算损失
    # gradient:计算每个参数的梯度方向
    # descent: 进行参数更新
    # accuracy: 计算精度
    # sigmoid函数 g(x)
    def sigmoid(z):
        return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
    # sigmoid 函数画图
    # nums = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
    # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4))
    # ax.plot(nums, sigmoid(nums))
    # plt.show()
    # 建立模型, 这个是预测函数, h(x) = g(z)
    def model(X, theta):
        return sigmoid(np.dot(X, theta.T))
    # 因为参数是三个, 所以添加一列
    pdData.insert(0, 'Ones', 1)
    # 设置X(training data) 和 y(target)
    orig_date = pdData.values
    cols = orig_date.shape[1]
    X = orig_date[:, 0:cols-1]
    y = orig_date[:,cols-1:cols]
    theta = np.zeros([1, 3])
    # 损失函数
    def cost(X, y, theta):
        left = np.multiply(-y, np.log(model(X, theta)))
        right = np.multiply(1-y, np.log(1 - model(X,theta)))
        return np.sum(left - right) / len(X)
    print(cost(X, y, theta))
    # 计算梯度
    def gradient(X, y, theta):
        grad = np.zeros(theta.shape)
        error = (model(X, theta) - y).ravel()
        for j in range(len(theta.ravel())): # for each parmeter
            term = np.multiply(error, X[:, j])
            grad[0, j] = np.sum(term) / len(X)
        return grad
    # Gradient Descent
    # 比较3种不同梯度下降的方法
    STOP_ITER = 0  # 迭代次数, 比如2000
    STOP_COST = 1  # 根据两次迭代损失值变化, 差异比较小
    STOP_GRAD = 2  # 根据梯度, 两次梯度差不多, 没啥变化
    # 模型优化, 停止策略
    def stopCriterion(type, value, threshold):
        # 设定三种不同的停止策略
        if type == STOP_ITER: return value > threshold
        elif type == STOP_COST: return abs(value[-1]- value[-2]) < threshold
        elif type == STOP_GRAD: return np.linalg.norm(value) < threshold
    # 对数据进行洗牌
    import numpy.random
    def shuffleData(data):
        cols = data.shape[1]
        X = data[:, 0:cols-1]
        y = data[:, cols-1:]
        return X, y
    import time
    # 看时间对结果的影响
    def descent(data, theta, batchSize, stopType, thresh, alpha):
        # 梯度下降求解
        init_time = time.time()
        i = 0 # 迭代次数
        k = 0 # batch
        X, y = shuffleData(data)
        grad = np.zeros(theta.shape) # 计算梯度
        costs = [cost(X, y, theta)] # 损失值
        i += 1
        n = len(data)
        while True:
            grad  = gradient(X[k:k+batchSize], y[k:k+batchSize], theta)
            k += batchSize # 取batch数量个数据
            if k >= n:
                k = 0
                X, y = shuffleData(data) # 重新洗牌
            theta = theta - alpha*grad # 参数更新
            costs.append(cost(X, y, theta))
            i += 1
            if stopType == STOP_ITER: value = i
            elif stopType == STOP_COST: value = costs
            elif stopType == STOP_GRAD: value = grad
            if stopCriterion(stopType, value, thresh): break
        return theta, i-1, costs, grad, time.time()-init_time
    def runExpe(data, theta, batchSize, stopType, thresh, alpha):
        # import pdb
        theta, iter, costs, grad, dur = descent(data, theta, batchSize, stopType, thresh, alpha)
        name = 'Original' if (data[:, 1] > 2).sum() > 1 else 'Scaled'
        name += " data - learning rate :{} - ".format(alpha)
        n = len(data)
        if batchSize == n: strDescType = "Gradient"
        elif batchSize == 1: strDescType = 'SGD'
        else: strDescType = 'Mini-batch({})'.format(batchSize)
        name += strDescType + " descent - Stop: "
        if stopType == STOP_ITER: strStop = "{} iterations".format(thresh)
        elif stopType == STOP_COST: strStop = 'costs change < {}'.format(thresh)
        else: strStop = "gradient norm < {}".format(thresh)
        name += strStop
    Theta: {} - Iter: {} - Last cost: {:03.2f} - Duration:{:03.2f}s".format(name, theta, iter, costs[-1], dur))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4))
        ax.plot(np.arange(len(costs)), costs, 'r')
        ax.set_title(name.upper() + ' - Error vs Iteration')
        return theta
    # 选择的梯度下降方法是基于所有样本的
    n = 100
    # runExpe(orig_date, theta, n, STOP_ITER, thresh=5000, alpha=0.000001)
    # 根据阀值进行1E-6 差不多需要110 000次迭代
    # runExpe(orig_date, theta, n, STOP_COST, thresh=0.000001, alpha=0.001)
    # 对比不同的梯度下降方法
    # Stochastic descent
    # runExpe(orig_date, theta, 1, STOP_ITER, thresh=5000, alpha=0.001)
    # 有点爆炸,很不稳定, 再来试试把学习率调小一点
    # runExpe(orig_date, theta, 1, STOP_ITER, thresh=5000, alpha=0.000002)
    # 速度快,但是稳定性查, 需要哦很小的学习率
    # Mini-batch descent
    # runExpe(orig_date, theta, 16, STOP_ITER, thresh=15000, alpha=0.00001)
    # 浮动比较大, 我们来尝试对数据进行标准化, 将数据按属性值减去其均值,然后除以方差, 最后得到的结果是,对每个属性/每列均值都在0附近,方差为1
    from sklearn import preprocessing as pp
    scaled_data = orig_date.copy()
    scaled_data[:, 1:3] = pp.scale(orig_date[:, 1:3])
    # runExpe(scaled_data, theta, n, STOP_ITER, thresh=5000, alpha=0.001)
    # 先改数据,再改模型
    # runExpe(scaled_data, theta, n, STOP_GRAD, thresh=0.02, alpha=0.001)
    # 它好多了, 原始数据, 只能达到0.61, 而我们得到了0.38在这里, 所以做数据预处理是非常重要的
    runExpe(scaled_data, theta, 16, STOP_GRAD, thresh=0.002*2, alpha=0.001)
    # 精度
    # 设定阀值
    def predict(X, theta):
        return [1 if x > 0.5 else 0 for x in model(X, theta)]
    scaled_X = scaled_data[:, :3]
    y = scaled_data[:, 3]
    predictions = predict(scaled_X, theta)
    correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y)]
    accuracy = (sum(map(int, correct)) % len(correct))
    print("accuracy = {0}%".format(accuracy))



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jly1/p/13064102.html
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