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  • python day4


    # name='egon' #name=str('egon')
    # print(type(name))

    #    移除空白strip
    # msg=' hello '
    # print(msg)
    # print(msg.strip())

    # msg='***hello*********'
    # msg=msg.strip('*')
    # print(msg)

    # print(msg.lstrip('*'))
    # print(msg.rstrip('*'))

    # while True:
    # name=input('user: ').strip()
    # password=input('password: ').strip()
    # if name == 'egon' and password == '123':
    # print('login successfull')

    #     切分split
    # info='root:x:0:0::/root:/bin/bash'
    # print(info[0]+info[1]+info[2]+info[3])

    # user_l=info.split(':')
    # print(user_l[0])

    # msg='hello world egon say hahah'
    # print(msg.split()) #默认以空格作为分隔符

    # cmd_l=cmd.split('|')
    # print(cmd_l[1])
    # print(cmd_l[0])

    # print(cmd.split('|',1))

    # while True:
    # cmd=input('>>: ').strip()
    # if len(cmd) == 0:continue
    # cmd_l=cmd.split()
    # print('命令是:%s 命令的参数是:%s' %(cmd_l[0],cmd_l[1]))

    #     长度len

    # print(len('hell 123'))

    #     索引

    #     切片:切出子字符串
    # msg='hello world'
    # print(msg[1:3]) #1 2
    # print(msg[1:4]) #1 2 3

    # 掌握部分
    # oldboy_age=84
    # while True:
    # age=input('>>: ').strip()
    # if len(age) == 0:continue
    # if age.isdigit():
    # age=int(age)
    # else:
    # print('must be int')

    # name='alex_SB'
    # print(name.endswith('SB'))
    # print(name.startswith('alex'))

    # name='alex say :i have one tesla,my name is alex'
    # print(name.replace('alex','SB',1))

    # print('my name is %s my age is %s my sex is %s' %('egon',18,'male'))
    # print('my name is {} my age is {} my sex is {}'.format('egon',18,'male'))
    # print('my name is {0} my age is {1} my sex is {0}:{2}'.format('egon',18,'male'))
    # print('my name is {name} my age is {age} my sex is {sex}'.format(
    # sex='male',
    # age=18,
    # name='egon'))

    # name='goee say hello'
    # # print(name.find('S',1,3)) #顾头不顾尾,找不到则返回-1不会报错,找到了则显示索引
    # # print(name.index('S')) #同上,但是找不到会报错
    # print(name.count('S',1,5)) #顾头不顾尾,如果不指定范围则查找所有

    # info='root:x:0:0::/root:/bin/bash'
    # print(info.split(':'))

    # l=['root', 'x', '0', '0', '', '/root', '/bin/bash']
    # print(':'.join(l))

    # name='eGon'
    # print(name.lower())
    # print(name.upper())

    # name='egon hello'
    # print(name)
    # print(name.expandtabs(1))

    # name='egon'
    # # print(name.center(30,'-'))
    # print(name.ljust(30,'*'))
    # print(name.rjust(30,'*'))
    # print(name.zfill(50)) #用0填充

    # name='eGon'
    # print(name.capitalize()) #首字母大写,其余部分小写
    # print(name.swapcase()) #大小写翻转
    # msg='egon say hi'
    # print(msg.title()) #每个单词的首字母大写

    num1=b'4' #bytes
    num2=u'4' #unicode,python3中无需加u就是unicode
    num3='四' #中文数字
    num4='Ⅳ' #罗马数字

    # print(num0.isdigit())
    # print(num1.isdigit())
    # print(num2.isdigit())
    # print(num3.isdigit())
    # print(num4.isdigit())

    # num0='4'
    # num1=b'4' #bytes
    # num2=u'4' #unicode,python3中无需加u就是unicode
    # num3='四' #中文数字
    # num4='Ⅳ' #罗马数字
    # print(num0.isdecimal())
    # # print(num1.)
    # print(num2.isdecimal())
    # print(num3.isdecimal())
    # print(num4.isdecimal())

    # num0='4'
    # num1=b'4' #bytes
    # num2=u'4' #unicode,python3中无需加u就是unicode
    # num3='四' #中文数字
    # num4='Ⅳ' #罗马数字
    # print(num0.isnumeric())
    # # print(num1)
    # print(num2.isnumeric())
    # print(num3.isnumeric())
    # print(num4.isnumeric())

    # name='egon123'
    # print(name.isalnum()) #字符串由字母和数字组成
    # name='asdfasdfa sdf'
    # print(name.isalpha()) #字符串只由字母组成

    # name='asdfor123'
    # print(name.isidentifier())
    # print(name.isupper())
    # print(name.isspace())
    name='Egon say'

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    Learning C Struct
    Linux shell get random number
    Linux Bash shell one practice : array if else
    Linux shell misc
    Bash Shell read file line by line and substring
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jmblog/p/7205849.html
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