开发环境:VS2010 + .NET Framework + VB.NET
Public Class motion_8158_2D Public CardId As Integer 'move parameter here 'AxisNo is 0 or 1 Public AxisNo As Short 'Dist : mm Public Dist As Double 'StrVel : mm/s Public StrVel As Double 'MaxVel : mm/s Public MaxVel As Double 'Tacc : s Public Tacc As Double 'Tdec : s Public Tdec As Double Public Sub New(ByVal cardId1 As Integer) CardId = cardId1 End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal axisNo1 As Short, ByVal dist1 As Double, ByVal strVel1 As Double, ByVal maxVel1 As Double, ByVal tacc1 As Double, ByVal tdec1 As Double) AxisNo = axisNo1 Dist = dist1 StrVel = strVel1 MaxVel = maxVel1 Tacc = tacc1 Tdec = tdec1 End Sub Public Sub CardRegedit_8158_2d() Dim code As Integer code = B_8158_initial(CardId, 0) 'set axis num 0 B_8158_set_move_ratio(0, 1) B_8158_set_pls_outmode(0, 4) B_8158_set_servo(0, 1) 'set axis num 1 B_8158_set_alm(1, 1, 0) B_8158_set_inp(1, 0, 1) B_8158_set_move_ratio(1, 1) B_8158_set_pls_outmode(1, 0) B_8158_set_move_ratio(1, 0) 'code = B_8158_config_from_file() 'the axis num of x axis linear motion is 0 'the axis num of Ry axis ratary motion is 1 'Is has 8158 card 's drive If (code <> 0) Then MsgBox("No 8158 Card exit!") B_8158_close() End If 'configure the input mode of external feedback pulse B_8158_set_pls_iptmode(0, 2, 0) 'set counter input source B_8158_set_feedback_src(0, 0) End Sub Public Sub LinearMotion() Dim pulse_dist As Double = Dist * 1000 Dim pulse_strVel As Double = StrVel * 1000 Dim pulse_maxVel As Double = MaxVel * 1000 B_8158_start_tr_move(AxisNo, pulse_dist, pulse_strVel, pulse_maxVel, Tacc, Tdec) End Sub Public Sub RotateMotion() 'rotation stage dec radio 1/5 Dim pulse_dist As Double = Dist * 18000 / 360 Dim pulse_strVel As Double = StrVel * 18000 / 360 Dim pulse_maxVel As Double = MaxVel * 18000 / 360 B_8158_start_tr_move(AxisNo, pulse_dist, pulse_strVel, pulse_maxVel, Tacc, Tdec) End Sub Public Function GetLinearSpeed() As Double Dim s As Double B_8158_get_current_speed(0, s) GetLinearSpeed = s / 1000 End Function Public Function GetRotSpeed() As Double Dim s As Double B_8158_get_current_speed(1, s) GetRotSpeed = s * 360 / 18000 End Function End Class
''' <summary> ''' aging motion control test software at 20130819 ''' mail:bin___03@163.com ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> ''' Public Class Form1 'Control motion manually Delegate Sub UpdateLogCallback(ByVal [text] As String) Private manualMotion As Boolean = False Dim MotionThread As System.Threading.Thread Dim objMotion As motion_8158_2D = New motion_8158_2D(0) Dim timeBegin As Date Dim timeEnd As Date Dim boolDuration As Boolean = False Dim log As IO.StreamWriter Dim logFileName As String Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.MaximumSize = Me.Size Me.MinimumSize = Me.Size objMotion.CardRegedit_8158_2d() End Sub Private Sub btnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click timeBegin = DateTime.Now boolDuration = True 'MsgBox(timeBegin.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")) logFileName = timeBegin.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") & ".txt" log = New IO.StreamWriter(logFileName, True) manualMotion = True btnStop.Enabled = True btnStart.Enabled = False tsslMovingStatus.Text = "moving..." txtLog.Clear() MotionThread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf ContinuuousMotion) MotionThread.Start() End Sub Private Function isStopMotion() As Boolean isStopMotion = True For i = 0 To 1 Dim temp As Short = B_8158_motion_done(i) If B_8158_motion_done(i) <> 0 Then isStopMotion = False Exit For End If Next Return isStopMotion End Function Sub ContinuuousMotion() Dim objRandom As Random = New Random() Dim tilt_old As Double = 0 Dim tilt_new As Double 'MsgBox(manualMotion) While True If manualMotion Then Exit While End If End While While manualMotion Dim rdn As Double = objRandom.NextDouble If rdn <= 0.5 Then tilt_new = -70 * rdn Else tilt_new = 70 * rdn End If Dim strLog As String = ">> " & DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ") & "TILT:" & tilt_new.ToString & vbCrLf UpdateLog(strLog) log.Write(strLog) Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' rotate objMotion = New motion_8158_2D(1, tilt_new - tilt_old, 0, 60, 0.05, 0.05) objMotion.RotateMotion() 'waiting for the motion stopped While True If isStopMotion() Then Exit While End If End While Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) 'acc = 0.18g for 100mm for linear stage objMotion = New motion_8158_2D(0, 100, 0, 90, 0.05, 0.05) objMotion.LinearMotion() 'waiting for the motion stopped While True If isStopMotion() Then Exit While End If End While Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) 'acc = -0.18g for 100mm for linear stage objMotion = New motion_8158_2D(0, -100, 0, 90, 0.05, 0.05) objMotion.LinearMotion() 'waiting for the motion stopped While True If isStopMotion() Then Exit While End If End While tilt_old = tilt_new End While End Sub Private Sub btnStop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStop.Click boolDuration = False manualMotion = False btnStop.Enabled = False btnStart.Enabled = True tsslMovingStatus.Text = "stoped..." UpdateLog(Application.StartupPath & "" & logFileName) log.Dispose() log.Close() MotionThread.Abort() B_8158_stop_move_all(0) For i = 0 To 7 B_8158_emg_stop(i) B_8158_set_motion_int_factor(i, 0) Next B_8158_int_control(0, 0) End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick txtLinearSpeed.Text = objMotion.GetLinearSpeed.ToString txtRotSpeed.Text = objMotion.GetRotSpeed.ToString If boolDuration Then 'start button and stop button control boolDuration parameter timeEnd = DateTime.Now 'timespan format write to duration time text txtDurationTime.Text = (timeEnd - timeBegin).ToString("hh:mm:ss.ff") End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosed Try B_8158_stop_move_all(0) B_8158_close() MotionThread.Abort() log.Dispose() log.Close() Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub UpdateLog(ByVal [text] As String) If InvokeRequired Then Dim d As New UpdateLogCallback(AddressOf UpdateLog) Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {[text]}) Else If txtLog.Lines.Count > 5000 Then txtLog.Clear() End If txtLog.AppendText([text]) End If End Sub End Class