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  • 1443. Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree

    package LeetCode_1443
    import java.util.*
    import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
     * 1443. Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree
     * https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-time-to-collect-all-apples-in-a-tree/description/
     * Given an undirected tree consisting of n vertices numbered from 0 to n-1, which has some apples in their vertices.
     * You spend 1 second to walk over one edge of the tree.
     * Return the minimum time in seconds you have to spend in order to collect all apples in the tree
     * starting at vertex 0 and coming back to this vertex.
    The edges of the undirected tree are given in the array edges,
    where edges[i] = [fromi, toi] means that exists an edge connecting the vertices fromi and toi.
    Additionally, there is a boolean array hasApple, where hasApple[i] = true means that vertex i has an apple,
    otherwise, it does not have any apple.
     * */
    class Solution {
        fun minTime(n: Int, edges: Array<IntArray>, hasApple: List<Boolean>): Int {
            var result = 0
            //init and fill graph
            val graph = ArrayList<ArrayList<Int>>()
            val parent = Array(n, { -1 })
            val dist = Array(n, { -1 })
            for (i in 0 until n) {
            for (edge in edges) {
                val start = edge[0]
                val end = edge[1]
                //set the node's first visited parent
                parent[end] = start
            //measure the distance from each node from root
            val queue = LinkedList<Int>()
            dist[0] = 0
            while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
                val cur = queue.pop()
                for (x in graph[cur]) {
                    if (dist[x] == -1) {
                        dist[x] = dist[cur] + 1
            /*for (i in 0 until parent.size) {
                println("node $i's first visited parent is ${parent[i]}")
            //accumulate the distance form each node to its first visited parent
            val visited = BooleanArray(n)
            for (i in n - 1 downTo 0) {
                if (!visited[i] && hasApple[i]) {
                    //find the first visited parent of i
                    var q = i
                    while (parent[q] != -1 && !visited[q]) {
                        visited[q] = true
                        q = parent[q]
                        //now, q point to the first visited parent of i
                    visited[i] = true
                    result += (dist[i] - dist[q]) * 2
            return result
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/johnnyzhao/p/12872113.html
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