package LeetCode_246 /** * 246. Strobogrammatic Number * (locked by Leetcode) * * * A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down). Write a function to determine if a number is strobogrammatic. The number is represented as a string. Example 1: Input: "69" Output: true Example 2: Input: "88" Output: true Example 3: Input: "962" Output: false * */ class Solution { /* * 这道题定义了一种对称数,就是说一个数字旋转 180 度和原来一样,也就是倒过来看一样,比如 609,倒过来还是 609 等等, * 满足这种条件的数字其实没有几个,只有 0,1,8,6,9。 * 这道题其实可以看做求回文数的一种特殊情况,还是用双指针来检测, * 首尾两个数字如果相等的话,只有它们是 0 or 1 or 8 才行, * 如果它们不相等的话,必须一个是6一个是9,或者一个是9一个是6,其他所有情况均返回 false * */ fun isStrobogrammatic(num: String): Boolean { var i = 0 var j: Int = num.length - 1 val chars = num.toCharArray() while (i <= j) { if (chars[i] == chars[j]) { if (chars[i] != '0' && chars[i] != '1' && chars[i] != '8') { return false } } else { if ((chars[i] != '6' || chars[j] != '9') && (chars[i] != '9' || chars[j] != '6')) { return false } } i++ j-- } return true } }