package LeetCode_498 import java.util.* /** * 498. Diagonal Traverse * * Given a matrix of M x N elements (M rows, N columns), return all elements of the matrix in diagonal order as shown in the below image. Example: Input: [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ] Output: [1,2,4,7,5,3,6,8,9] * */ class Solution { /* * solution: scan matrix and insert into queue * 1. scan length: m+n-1 * 2. up right when even index * 3. down right when odd index * Time complexity:O(mn), Space complexity:O(mn) * */ fun findDiagonalOrder(matrix: Array<IntArray>): IntArray { if (matrix == null || matrix.isEmpty()) { return IntArray(0) } val row = matrix.size val col = matrix[0].size val diagnoals = Array<LinkedList<Int>>(row + col - 1) { LinkedList() } for (i in 0 until row) { for (j in 0 until col) { val key = i + j val num = matrix[i][j] if (key % 2 == 0) { //up right, insert into head of queue diagnoals[key].offerFirst(num) } else { //down right, insert into tail of queue diagnoals[key].offer(num) } } } //set the result val result = IntArray(row * col) var index = 0 for (item in diagnoals) { for (num in item) { result[index] = num index++ } } return result } }