map = ['a':1, 'b':2] // simple declaration, anonymous closure map.each{ key, value -> map[key] = value * 2} assert map == [a:2, b:4] // assignment to variables doubler = {key, value -> map[key] = value *2} map.each(doubler) assert map == [a:4, b:8] // use Clousure keyword to define a closure object def Closure doubling(){ return {key, value -> map[key] = value *2} } map.each(doubling()) assert map == [a:8, b:16] //instance method def doublemethod(entry) { map[entry.key] = entry.value*2 } doubler2 = this.&doublemethod map.each(doubler2) assert map == [a:16, b:32]
2.1 call()方法
2.2 getParameterTypes()方法: 获得闭包的参数信息
2.3 curry()方法,用来为闭包的参数指定值后返回新的闭包
2.4 isCase()方法,配合grep方法和switch块中的case分支
a) 哪些本地变量可以访问
b) this表示Closure本身
c) 哪些fields和method可以从闭包内访问
同时闭包的birthday context会被保留下来。同时在闭包内部调用任何方法会被代理(delegated to)到声明者上,即owner变量引用的对象。
class Mother { int field = 1 int foo(){ return 2 } Closure birth (param){ def local = 3 def closure = { caller -> [this, field, foo(), local, param, caller, owner] } return closure } } Mother julia = new Mother() closure = julia.birth(4) context = closure.call(this) // the 'this' reference println context[0].class.name println context[1..4] // the caller println context[5].class.name // the owner here points to the declarer of the this closure. println context[6] == context[0] //output Mother [1, 2, 3, 4] ConsoleScript4 true