You know sorting is very important. And this easy problem is:
Given you an array with N non-negative integers which are smaller than 10,000,000, you have to sort this array. Sorting means that integer with smaller value presents first.
The first line of the input is a positive integer T. T is the number of the test cases followed.
The first line of each test case is a positive integer N (1<= N<= 1000) which represents the number of integers in the array. After that, N lines followed. The i-th line is the i-th integer in the array.
The output of each test case should consist of N lines. The i-th line is the i-th integer of the array after sorting. No redundant spaces are needed.
考试前写几个排序练练手……用这道题练了一下merge sort和tree sort
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #define MAX 1001 3 int a[MAX], aux[MAX]; 4 5 void merge_sort(int lo, int hi) { 6 if (lo < hi) { 7 int mid = lo + (hi - lo)/2; 8 merge_sort(lo, mid); 9 merge_sort(mid+1, hi); 10 11 for (int i = lo; i <= hi; ++i) 12 aux[i] = a[i]; 13 14 int l = lo, r = mid+1; 15 for (int i = lo; i <= hi; i++) { 16 if (l > mid) a[i] = aux[r++]; 17 else if (r > hi) a[i] = aux[l++]; 18 else if (aux[r] < aux[l]) a[i] = aux[r++]; 19 else a[i] = aux[l++]; 20 } 21 } 22 } 23 24 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 25 int t, n; 26 27 scanf("%d", &t); 28 29 while(t--) { 30 scanf("%d", &n); 31 32 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) 33 scanf("%d", &a[i]); 34 35 merge_sort(0, n-1); 36 37 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) 38 printf("%d ", a[i]); 39 } 40 41 return 0; 42 }
tree sort直接拿以前笔试试卷上的二叉树题目做,所以带了模版。没有平衡,效率不太好(0.02s过)去掉插入操作里的检查重复元素之后就可以允许重复元素了。
#include <iostream> #include <stack> using namespace std; template<class Entry> struct Binary_node { Entry data; Binary_node<Entry> *left; Binary_node<Entry> *right; bool flag; Binary_node() { left = NULL; right = NULL; flag = false;} Binary_node(const Entry &x) { data = x; left = NULL; right = NULL; flag = false;} }; template<class Entry> void print(const Entry &x) { cout << x << ' '; } template<class Entry> class Binary_tree { public: Binary_tree() { root = NULL; } bool insert(const Entry &x) { return insert(root, x); } bool insert(Binary_node<Entry>* &r, const Entry &x) { if (r == NULL) { r = new Binary_node<Entry>(x); return true; } //if (x == r->data) return false; if (x < r->data) return insert(r->left, x); return insert(r->right, x); } void inorder(void (*visit)(const Entry &)) { std::stack<Binary_node<Entry> *> s; Binary_node<Entry> *p = root; while(!(p == NULL && s.empty())) { while(p != NULL) { s.push(p); p = p->left; } if (s.empty()) return; p =; s.pop(); visit(p->data); p = p->right; } } void del() { delete(root); } void del(Binary_node<Entry>* &r) { if (r != NULL) { if(r->left) del(r->left); if(r->right) del(r->right); delete r; } } Binary_node<Entry> *root; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int t, n; cin >> t; int num; while(t--) { cin >> n; Binary_tree<int> bt; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cin >> num; bt.insert(num); } bt.inorder(print<int>); bt.del(); } return 0; }