<div class="parent"> <p class="p1"> 湿哒哒大的大大大的大的大大大的大的啊啊大大大啊大大打啊打大大大 </p> <p class="p2"> 湿哒哒大的大大大的大的大大大的大的啊啊大大大啊大大打啊打大大大 </p> <p class="p3"> In the usual web development process, by default, long words at the end of the line will open the container, not what we want, what we want should be that the container cannot be opened, and the complete word cannot be forcibly opened, if If the end of the line is a long word, the entire word is wrapped to the next line, just like the word, can automatically wrap, neither support the container, nor force the end of the word, and does not hide the extra letters of the end of the word </p> </div>
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