Backup Code
I dont have chinese inputmethod now ( what the fuck about Linux KDE envirnment !) , so just leave some message for this backup code about golang email . I remember that I had written this function a long time ago , but I can not find it out just now . Some code was searched on Internet .
This is a example for QQ email . But you can use other email ,eg 163,yahoo... But you must config the server smtp address .
Here it is :
// EmailMain
package main
import (
HOST = ""
USER = ""
PASSWORD = "xxxx"
type Email struct {
to string "to"
subject string "subject"
msg string "msg"
func NewEmail(to,subject,msg string) *Email{
return &Email{to:to,subject:subject,msg:msg}
func SendEmail(email *Email) error{
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("",USER,PASSWORD,HOST)
sendTo := strings.Split(,";")
done := make(chan error,1024)
go func(){
defer close(done)
for _,v := range sendTo {
//warning ; the last
need twice , not only one .
str := strings.Replace("From:"+USER+"~To :"+v+"~Subject:"+email.subject+"~Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8~","~","
err := smtp.SendMail(SERVER_ADDR,auth,USER,[]string{v},[]byte(str))
if err != nil{
fmt.Println("Send Error:",err)
done <- err
for i:=0;i<len(sendTo);i++{
<- done
return nil
func main() {
email := NewEmail("","How Are you","Hello World , I am wang")
err := SendEmail(email)