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  • MYBATIS常用的sql事例



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" 
    <mapper namespace="mapper接口路径">
    <!-- 假设一下的state为表中的字段 -->
    <!-- 表的全部字段 -->
    <sql id="selectId">
        表的全部字段-->select * from table_name中的*
    <!-- 批量插入sql语句 -->
    <insert id="***">
        insert into table_name (columnName1,columnName2....)
        <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=",">
    <!-- if语句sql -->
    <select id="***" parameterType="java.util.HashMap" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
        select count(1) from table_name where 1=1
        <if test="state != 1">
            and state=#{state}
    <!-- where语句sql -->
    <select id="***" parameterType="参数类型" resultType="java.lang.Intege">
        select count(1) from table_name 
            <if test="state != 1">
                and state=#{state}
    <!-- choose语句sql 
    <select id="***" parameterType="参数类型" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
        select <include refid="selectId" /> from table_name where 1=1
            <when test="state != 1">and state=#{state}</when>
            <otherwise>and state=0</otherwise>
    <!-- set语句sql  更新
         这里,set 元素会动态前置 SET 关键字,而且也会消除任意无关的逗号,那也许在应用 条件之后来跟踪定义的值。
     <update id="***">
         update table_name
             <if test="state != 1">state=#{state},</if>
             <if test="state == 1">state=0</if>
         where id=#{id}
     <!-- resultMap
     <resultMap id="groupMap" type="java.lang.String">
        <result javaType="String" column="groupIds" property="groupIds"></result>
     <resultMap id="reportMap" type="java.util.Map">
        <result javaType="String" column="channelName" property="channelName"></result>
        <result javaType="String" column="channelPhone" property="channelPhone"></result>
        <result javaType="String" column="channelGroup" property="channelGroup"></result>
     <select id="queryChannelMarketingReport" resultMap="groupMap,reportMap" statementType="CALLABLE">
        CALL ChannelManagerMarketing(#{groupID},#{onTime},#{offTime})
     <!--  mapper接口中的方法  注意返回类型List<List<Map<String,Object>>>
        List<List<Map<String,Object>>> queryChannelMarketingReport(@Param("groupID") String groupID, @Param("onTime") String onTime, @Param("offTime") String offTime);
     <!-- parameterMap用法


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/julinhuitianxia/p/7598324.html
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